one's door

Chapter 73 Baby

Chapter 73 Baby
Just now Zhou Cang took care of his adjutant, but now the adjutant guards him.

After Zhou Cang took the remaining bone-strengthening pill, he soon entered the state of cultivation, feeling that the strength of the muscles and bones in his body was increasing rapidly as the adjutant said.It is very similar to the feeling when taking Jingusan.But slowly you will realize the difference between the two.

Jingusan is like "pouring water" into a water tank, and it is more or less fixed at a time.

And this bone-strengthening pill seems to have drilled a spring under the water tank, and it leaks out. How much it can leak depends on the strength of the realm of cultivation.That is what the adjutant said to stimulate "potential".

Time flies, and Zhou Cang is more and more shocked by the magic of the bone strengthening pill.He is very clear about his adjutant's cultivation base, and he also understands how much his muscles and bones increase by [-]% in the middle stage of Yuan Kaijing.But now the effect of the pill falling in his body is much higher than the benefits obtained by the adjutant.

After about two sticks of incense, Zhou Cang opened his eyes. In the short period of time just now, he felt that his muscles and bones had been significantly strengthened, and it was the same as the adjutant's feeling. He also felt that he had finally absorbed the pill. After the medicinal power in the medicine can at least increase the strength of the muscles and bones by half, but it is less than [-]%.

Zhou Cang couldn't help being speechless.Now that he is in the middle stage of Tongqiao Realm, one pill can increase the strength of muscles and bones by [-]%, so what if it is given to a warrior with a higher cultivation level?Wouldn't the Hundred Refining Realm above the Tongqiao Realm also gain at least [-]%?How about the higher Duanshanjing?

The more he thought about Zhou Cang, the hotter he felt.There is even a feeling: it's a pity.

It seems that if this bone-strengthening pill can increase the strength of bones by [-]% in any realm, although his cultivation level in the Tongqiao realm is not low, it can also be said to be a waste.

"My lord, this subordinate thinks it's better to protect Zhang Yan." The adjutant was originally not suitable to participate in specific decisions, and he has always abided by this measure, but this time he really couldn't hold back, worrying that his lord would miss out on such an opportunity. A once-in-a-lifetime talent.

Zhou Cang managed to calm down the excitement in his heart, nodded, did not speak, but agreed with the adjutant's statement.

Zhang Yan is not only a "big talent" in Zhou Cang's heart at this time, he is simply a "baby". Zhou Cang will never allow himself to miss this good relationship.Even if he directly confronts Wu Yuan, who is the highest-status in the local yamen of Langyuan City, he doesn't think it's a loss!

"The yamen told Zhang Yan that he will be registered in three days, which means that Zhang Yan will be threatened within three days. It's not necessarily just him, the entire Zhang family is probably the target." Zhou Cang's style of doing things is vigorous and resolute, and the army also No procrastination.Now that he has decided to help Zhang Yan keep out the wind and rain, he immediately started to think about it.

Regardless of who is Zhang Yan's opponent in the local yamen, helping Zhang Yan through the most difficult three days is the primary goal, and it can also be given to Zhang Yan as a meeting gift, so as to pave the way for the subsequent encounters.

The adjutant next to him was also thinking about it, and continued Zhou Cang's words: "My lord, Zhang Yan came back yesterday, and I'm afraid he has experienced some dangers during the day today. It's still good now, and there may be more disturbances after nightfall. Do you think the brothers who watch the night should take care of the Zhuzui Lane side?"

Zhou Cang nodded and agreed: "Yes, we can add a team of people to patrol the night tonight, just watch the front and back of Zhuzui Lane, don't worry if there are night guards coming out, even if they overlap with them on patrol, you must keep an eye on Zhuzui Alley, if there is any suspicious person, immediately sound the whistle to warn.

At the same time, I would like to say hello to the city wall in advance, and stay on duty tonight, both externally and internally. "

There are some things that Zhou Cang can't say directly in the order, but the adjutant understands and understands how to give hints to the people below when he explains later.

"Go ahead, save tonight first, and go find Zhang Yan tomorrow to have a good chat."

"Yes, this subordinate will go and implement all aspects of tonight."

The adjutant left in a hurry, Zhou Cang closed his eyes again to experience the effects of the medicine still working in his body.It is inevitable that I will be quite excited here.

Zhou Cang, who was in the middle stage of Tongqiao Realm, carefully calculated that this pill of his own would at least increase the strength of his muscles and bones by at least [-]%. There are only three sets of Jingu powder that can be distributed throughout the year, and one set of Jingu powder in exchange for salary, and only four sets of Jingu powder a year, and he needs to save the seven sets of Jingu powder for two years.This is on the premise that he is free to use it, and in fact even Zhou Cang will save some bones and bones, and use it on the key points of the realm breakthrough.It will not be used like this.

"If one is effective, what about two? What about three?" Zhou Cang didn't know the "drug resistance" of the elixir, and he had already started to imagine dozens or hundreds of bone-strengthening elixirs that would make his cultivation soar all the way. The scene of leaps and bounds is over.After finally recovering, I realized that this thing shouldn't be so heaven-defying.

"If there is really no limit, it is impossible for no one to know about it all the time. Either there is some upper limit restriction, or this item is extremely difficult to refine and is rare."

After calming down, Zhou Cang continued to ponder between "Strong Bone Pill" and "Zhang Yan".Thinking of some relatively far-reaching things.

For example, did Zhang Yan make this kind of "Strong Bone Pill" by himself?This is a question mark.Even though Zhang Yan said it was "difficult to do" and the elixir was still warm when he got it, Zhou Cang still wanted an affirmative answer.

Did Zhang Yan do it or did he inherit it from his master?
If it is the inherited elixir, does Zhang Yan still have it?Do you know how to refine it?
If Zhang Yan made it himself, what about the difficulty and distance, and the difficulty of obtaining medicinal materials?
It must be very difficult to refine this kind of heaven-defying thing, and the medicinal materials needed must be very difficult!Zhou Cang thought so, and even began to think about how to speak when he met Zhang Yan tomorrow.

It shows how much Zhang Yan valued in Zhou Cang's heart at this moment.

Almost at the same time, Zhang Yan had just finished eating the food left for him by his family, refused his younger sister to clean up, went to the kitchen to wash the dishes, and then went to the elder brother's room to help the elder brother deal with the filth, and then he was thinking about how to make him clean. Big brother can not be so inconvenient now, at least he can move his position and do some simple things.For the elder brother, this is definitely an important thing to open up the psychological knot.

The method of "rebirth of severed limbs" was mentioned in the classics of Longhu Mountain, but it was still too far away from Zhang Yan's cultivation level at this time.At present, we can only find a way on external objects.

Do two prosthetics?This doesn't work, Zhang Yan doesn't know the composition of the prosthesis, so he can't do it.

Then make a wheelchair?this one seems easier
(End of this chapter)

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