one's door

Chapter 717

Chapter 717
When Zhang Yan arrived at Zhoushan Mountain again, it was still the place where he settled last time, and it was also the place where he placed a star.

The main body still stays in the barren sky domain as last time and uses means to maintain the barrier.Then use the rune soldiers as the tool man as last time.

The difference is that this time it is no longer just a wisp of remnant thoughts that entered the talisman soldier, but a part of Zhang Yan's primordial spirit.In other words, it was just an extension of Zhang Yan's consciousness before, but this time Zhang Yandu entered a part of Yuanshen into the talisman soldiers. Officially, it can be said that the talisman soldiers at this time are his existence similar to "clone".

This time, the talisman soldier itself can be used to move directly, and the talisman soldier is the body of the earth fairyland. With the blessing of Zhang Yan's scarlet power in the void, there is no need for a magic weapon to protect the body, and it is very smooth to set foot on Zhoushan Mountain again. Hard ground.

The talisman soldiers have been refined for more than a hundred years. Although it is not yet possible to say that they have exerted 100% of the strength of this body, but now [-]% to [-]% of the strength can be stably exerted.

It is also based on this, and Zhang Yan's new understanding on the balance point, that he changed his opinion that he was helpless and disappointed when he came to Zhoushan last time. He felt that it was really possible for him to pick some stones back now.

In fact, there are also guesses based on a legend known to Zhang Yan.

In the legend of the Great Desolate World, it is mentioned that Tongtian Road is not Zhoushan.And Zhang Yan deduces that "Buzhou Mountain" is a stone on Zhou Mountain.So he thinks some information in the legend can be transferred and used on Zhoushan.

Zhang Yan didn't know how "Buzhou Mountain" got into the Great Desolate World.There is a legend that a part of Pangu's body was transformed.But this is not important, what is important is that "Buzhou Mountain" was also damaged in the Great Desolate World.To be precise, it was broken.

Since someone can damage "Buzhou Mountain", then correspondingly, there should be a way to mine the stones from Zhoushan Mountain.It depends on whether the method is right or not.

According to legend, Buzhou Mountain was broken by a god.

Notice.Not cut off, nor crushed, but smashed.Generally speaking, if it is purely "hard", it will lack "toughness". It cannot be cut, but it is easy to be damaged by brute force.And "brittle" things are generally directly "broken" rather than broken.There is only one case of fracture: brittle and stressed in the texture, causing the texture to break and then a large area to break.

The matter of looking for textures can now be done by Zhang Yan with his divine sense.

After finding the texture, applying a large enough external force is the main problem.It was also something Zhang Yan couldn't solve before.

But it's different now.Zhang Yan realized a new usage of space rules from the wonder formed by the overlapping space at the balance point.As long as it is used properly, it can also achieve the effect of generating huge force instantly.

Stacked layer by layer, and finally stacked up to the limit that Zhang Yan can do today, that is, after 37 layers of space overlap, and then stack these pieces of space that are continuously imprisoned by Zhang Yan's mana into the found Zhoushan Near the texture, and then resist the front side where the space overlaps, and loosen the confinement on the back side.

Its principle is somewhat like a spring.This is also a new method of space rules that Zhang Yan realized from the overlapping world corpses after learning that space actually has a limit.Although it's just a performance application, Zhang Yan has already dug out the truth of it, and I believe he will find new methods in the future.

This new way of using space rules Zhang Yan didn't just think about it in his head, he tried this method many times in the past 100 years by taking the opportunity of refining two talisman soldiers.And gave it a name: Zhekong Duanyueshu.

The roaring sound, accompanied by the sound of shattering ice crystals, extends obliquely from the surface to the depths, and then rushes up from an extremely far place, finally forming the expected fracture.

"It's done!" Zhang Yan seemed a little excited.Watching the huge piece of Zhoushan mountain crack and slide from the whole, not only gave him a top-notch refining genius, but also proved his guess.

Zhou Shan is huge, although it is not common, but we will meet again in the future.With this method in the future, you can take it at will when you see it.

"Isn't this too much?" Zhang Yan looked at the huge "fragments" he picked, which were as big as three or five Langyuan City, much larger than the world fragments he encountered on the road.

There is no way for something of this size to be included in the storage magic weapon, and Zhang Yan does not have such a large space to store the magic weapon.Then there are only two ways left.

One of them was directly moved back to Huangtianyu, and it was placed somewhere as a huge trophy, and it was slowly consumed after Zhang Yan found a way to refine and use it.

The second is to treat it as a "baggage" and drag it outside the Huangtian Territory, and Zhang Yan will move it with his magic power.

In fact, the two Chinese methods have advantages and disadvantages, and neither is a satisfactory solution.But it is impossible to give up.The fractures of Zhoushan rocks follow the texture.It is simply impossible to cut as much as you want.It was impossible from Zhoushan Mountain, and now this mountain rock is also impossible.And giving up is even more impossible.

In the end, Zhang Yan thought about it, and decided to move the entire Zhoushan rock into the Huangtianyu for storage.

However, before leaving the Yaoguang Storm, Zhang Yan did not plan to take this huge stone into the Huangtian Territory, so he still wanted to keep it outside for the time being.For nothing else but to use it as a shield.With a slight sway, the world fragments collided with Luffy immediately shattered into fine pieces.

Zhang Yan couldn't help being taken aback by his whim.He just randomly dragged this "rock" and simply bumped into it, and the effect produced was actually comparable to his current blow with [-]% strength.

"This weight, coupled with this sturdy characteristic... No wonder so many powerful figures in the Great Desolate World pick it up to refine it into a spirit treasure fairy weapon.

Not to mention anything else, as long as the problem of manipulation is solved, even if this piece of Zhoushan rock is simply smashed, it has surpassed most of the immortal weapons and spirit treasures. "

"Let's go when we have the items. Let's go out from the other side of the storm." Huang Tianyu didn't give Zhang Yan too much time to be excited.Signs of the storm's collapse are becoming more and more apparent.They cannot linger any longer.

"Okay, let's go."

This time, Zhang Yan and Huang Tianyu didn't stop any longer, the route changed, and they chose to leave the dazzling storm from a slightly deviated direction from the second half of the route when they came in.Counting the moving direction of the storm itself, in fact, the position where you left the storm at this time is already extremely far from when you entered it that year.It belongs to another void area.

"Void and turbulent flow again? You like to go to this kind of place." Zhang Yan looked around with the vision of "false harmony" with Huang Tianyu.He saw the blazing storm that was slowly moving away behind him, and at the same time saw the turbulent flow of the void right in front of him.

I think Huang Tianyu also chose to settle beside a turbulent void when he was in the Dahongtian Alliance.

(End of this chapter)

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