one's door

Chapter 718 Announcement

Chapter 718 Announcement
Wang Nian, Yang Rui, Liu Rui.It is rare for the three brothers and sisters to leave Cliff Mountain together. In the past, they always left one person to guard the mountain gate just in case.

Today, the master sent a message, and the three people came out of the cliff mountain and went to the place instructed by the master.

Looking around, most of the field of vision is occupied by the sea and the sky.What remains is a black mountain hundreds of feet high protruding from the sea.

The mountain peaks are very strange, although they are also sharp-edged and jagged.But there was no soil to be seen, nor was there any vegetation covering it.It even has an odd sheen in the sun.

"What kind of mountain is this? How could it appear in this sea area so suddenly?" Yang Rui was sure that the master invited them here.But the mountain in front of me was really weird.

"I don't know, I passed by this sea area when I was traveling, and there was no such mountain at that time. I think it should be related to Master." Wang Nian didn't think much about it, since it was weird, and Master didn't summon him at the mountain gate, but Choosing this place must have something to do with this mountain.

"I agree with what the elder brother said. Besides, this mountain peak is not only weird, but it must also be extraordinary. Look at the surrounding sea water, there is not even a single ripple, and the wind can't blow into the surrounding of the mountain peak, and you don't feel that the surrounding area of ​​the mountain is Does your space feel like it's sunken?"

When Liu Rui said this, Wang Nian and Yang Rui immediately noticed that there was indeed an irregular depression in the space around the mountain peak.It was as if the overwhelmed pole had bent.This is the first time they have seen this situation.

"Come up the mountain."

As soon as the three of them stamped their feet, they heard Zhang Yan's voice in their ears, so they didn't dare to delay any longer, their figures flickered, and after moving to the vicinity of the mountain peak, they began to jump up the mountain quickly.

As soon as they set foot on the mountain, the three of Wang Nian seemed to have glanced at each other, tacitly realizing that the surface of this mountain was hard and unusual, not to mention the strange appearance of the surrounding area.

The three of them did not move, this was to express their respect for Master.But the speed of jumping into the sky is not a little bit slower than their normal speed, at least [-]% of the speed is missing.

Especially Liu Rui.Before she became a fairy, she was known for her dexterity among the three, whether it was Yukong, footwork, or body escapism, she was the most powerful.But now it is obvious that she is exerting strength, but the speed has only increased a little, and it is not fast at all.

While Wang Nian and Yang Rui saw it in their eyes, they were secretly speechless in their hearts.The junior sisters have nothing to do with the restrictions on the body shape here, so they don't bother to try it out, it must be useless.

At the same time, the three of them couldn't help wondering where Master got this mountain from?It's so miraculous that just sticking here can exert such a strong binding force on the three of them who are serious and honest.Can this thing also be refined into a magic weapon?What kind of power would that be?
Although the speed is limited, the three of them have now become immortals. Even if they lost [-]% of their full speed, they still reached the top of the mountain very quickly.

I saw Zhang Yan standing there with his hands behind his back smiling and looking at them in a white robe.

"Apprentice see Master!"

The three of them were somewhat excited.It has been more than a hundred years since they last saw their master.This time is not yet adapted to the human immortals like them who have just become immortals, and they are still relatively sensitive to the time span.

It was said before that Zhang Yan was retreating, but Wang Nian and the other three knew that although the master's true deity was in the mountains, he was wandering too far away and was handling things outside the region.

As for the connection between Master and Huang Tianyu, Wang Nian and the others also knew something about it, knowing that it was Master's method.So although I don't know exactly what Master is busy with, but I know that the past hundred years is the longest time that Master has stayed behind closed doors, and the matter must be serious.

Guess it should be some kind of danger from outside the territory related to the previous closure of business with various worlds in the Huangtian Territory and the posture of martial law.

It's a pity that I couldn't help at the time, and I didn't dare to ask.

Later, the three of them became immortals one after another, wondering if they were strong enough to help the master?But it was soon discovered that there was an additional layer of barriers in addition to the spatial barriers of the Huangtianyu, that is, this layer of barriers prevented them from going to the void outside the Huangtianyu even if they became immortals, let alone helping their teachers. What are you busy with?

Now that the master showed up, Wang Nian and the three wondered whether they had survived the dangers outside the territory?Or is there a new change?

"Hehehe, you have practiced diligently these years, and you have not made any mistakes in handling the affairs of the mountain gate. You should be the first to contribute to the current situation in Duanya Mountain."

Zhang Yan never hesitated to praise his apprentice.What's more, he didn't mean to praise it, the actions of the three apprentices in front of him really deserved the words "hard work and great achievements".Otherwise, no matter how capable Zhang Yan is, he can't be distracted, let alone take care of everything.It can be said that even though Zhang Yan was tossing and turning in the dangers outside the territory, he managed to turn dangers into blessings, but he still relied on his three apprentices to help him maintain the rear in the Huangtian Territory.

"This is our duty, and we should not be praised by the master. Besides, the three of us entered the fairy gate too late, and we didn't help the master at all, and we felt even more ashamed."

"Hahaha! Well, you Wang Nian, now that you have become a fairy, you still can't change this glib habit. Are you being self-effacing? You want a permission to join in the fun, right?" Why didn't Zhang Yan Understand the thoughts of your apprentices.I have been holding back for a long time, now that I have finally cultivated for thousands of years to become an immortal, how can I be willing to stay in this desolate world?They had longed for it when they were in the Dahongtian League in the early years, and they must be more curious now.

Although Wang Nian has such a temperament, but now this appearance is only in front of Zhang Yan.He smiled and said: "Master, you can't always protect us under your wings. We are all mentally prepared for the danger of the void. We were not strong enough before, but now we have finally become immortals. I hope I can help you, so that I don't always Knowing nothing is like a baby in swaddling clothes that will never grow up."

Wang Nian's words also represent the aspirations of Liu Rui and Yang Rui.

Zhang Yan said with a smile: "I have called you here this time to give you an account of what I have done outside these years. At the same time, there will be a big formation here, and the three of you need to participate in the presiding of the formation, otherwise this thing will be destroyed. Well, it's hard for you to control."

Afterwards, Zhang Yan explained how Huang Tianyu left the scope of the Great Hongtian Alliance, escaped in the void and came to the territory of the Chaos faction, and encountered a dazzling storm by chance, and finally gained something from the storm. When he got out, he was Now the new foothold of Huangtianyu.

"Master, so we are going to break new ground in the Chaos Sect from now on?"

"Hide it first, the situation in the Chaos Sect is no more weird than that of the Pastoral Sect. I will make a fuss after I find out. Before that, we have to refine this Zhoushan Mountain Stone first. The most important thing. Otherwise, wouldn’t it be a pity that Duanya Mountain doesn’t even have a thing to protect the mountain?”

(End of this chapter)

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