one's door

Chapter 731 Means

Chapter 731 Means
"Elder, the white and red immortals are planted."

"Huh? So fast? Dead?"

"Not dead, but both of them are trapped, and they seem to be unable to get out for a while on their own. The disciples we followed in the past can't help them."

It was still the car that looked extremely exaggerated and had enough style to drive.Feng Yuhe was sitting on the main seat, holding a cup of tea and slowly sipping it.An attendant disciple at the side reported the latest information to her.

"Can kill but don't kill? Use sleepiness? Tsk tsk, this crazy character is really elusive. But being able to trap the red and white immortals in a short while and still be unable to escape is not an easy way. Is there any clue?"

The attendant disciple quickly replied: "There are some clues, but the people below are not sure. So it's just the news that comes with the attached page."

"Tell me."

"The people below suspect that the means of trapping the white and red immortals is the time lock." The voice of the attendant disciple hesitated.After finishing speaking, he quickly lowered his head, as if he was worried that Feng Yuhe would vent his anger.

Sure enough, Feng Yuhe's previously stretched brows frowned.

"Time lock?"

"Yes, elder. That's indeed what was said in the attached message. Even now, the white and red immortals are still moving along a fixed route in the void for a while. They say the same words over and over again." , even the facial expressions are traceable again and again. So I guess it is the effect of the time lock."

indeed.The experience of the white and red immortals described by the disciples is indeed very similar to the method of "time lock".And there are almost no means of similar effects.If it is roughly judged, it is really inclined to time lock.

But Feng Yuhe still had an unbelievable feeling in his heart.

It's not that "time lock" is such a heaven-defying method.Although it is effective to deal with the white and red twin immortals in the early days of the fairyland, it is only because the white and red twins don't know anything about the rules of time.If another immortal who has dabbled in time rules goes, the situation will be quite different.

But the rules of time are different.Even among the top forces in the void like Mingyue Valley, it is also a core secret technique, and it will only be passed on to the core disciples with the most potential.Ordinary disciples don't even have the chance to contact them at all.

Of course, you can also self-realize.But Feng Yuhe's insight made her think that no one can truly realize the key points of the time rule.If you can't grasp the key points, no matter how high your talent and understanding are, you still won't be able to truly understand the mystery of time.

If the following disciples were right, then this time they secretly recruited two half-crazy guys, Baihong Shuangxian, to trouble "Longshi".

"It was said before that "Longshi" even knew Dragon and Tiger Pill, so it must have a long history. It's just that I didn't expect that even the rules of time are so clear." Feng Yuhe felt that he still underestimated the solo named feldspar.

After a pause, he said after a while, "Did you tell Li Dianchuan about the arrival of the man?"

"I've already said it. Now I'm waiting at the star mark."

"Well, you go and stare at it too. Try to be familiar with that feldspar, understand what I mean?"

"Disciple understands!"

Attendant disciples generally walk closest to the elders they accompany.Although he may not be qualified to be close to the water and get the moon first, but he understands the heart most.With a lively mind, it's okay to be a confidant.Just like the four attendant disciples beside Feng Yuhe.They don't have a high status, but with the power of Feng Yuhe, their status is not low.

At least Li Dianchuan didn't know about the Baihong Shuangxian, but these attendant disciples ran around because of it.

Half a shift away from the car is the star mark that Li Dianchuan has set in advance this time.He himself is waiting here.Still with a smile on his face.Even worse than last time.

Li Dianchuan could feel the sect attaching great importance to that senior Changshi.Not to mention doubling the promise he had made to the other party before, his master Honglian Zhenxian came to receive him twice in a row.At this point, Li Dianchuan also came back to think about it, and realized that the reason why the teacher respected him was not just because of the life-saving grace he and the other party had, there must be other reasons.

In any case, Li Dianchuan understands that what the teacher respects is what he needs to be careful and actively deal with.So he has been trying to make a good impression on that senior Changshi, and at the same time deepen his relationship with him. It would be great if he could establish a personal relationship.

"Huh? Why did you come out?"

"Master asked me to wait."

"Hmm." Li Dianchuan didn't like the four attendant disciples around his master. They were all ordinary in talent but high-spirited, and they looked the same in front of the master, but they were different behind their backs.He doesn't like these people who change faces as quickly as they breathe.And he always felt that there was always something different in the way these people looked at him, which made him feel uncomfortable from the bottom of his heart.

Li Dianchuan hummed, and turned his head away from looking at the master who was standing behind him, serving his disciples.And in a place where he couldn't see, the other party gave him a look that he didn't like, and then followed the movement of Xingbiao together, waiting for someone to come.

It didn't take long.There was finally a sign of movement at the star mark, and then the talisman soldiers carrying [-]% of Zhang Yan's soul appeared in the void.

"This junior has met Senior Changshi, but I haven't seen him in about a year. Senior is even more handsome!" Li Dianchuan imitated the tone and sentence patterns of those who flattered him.

"Hello, senior Changshi."

Zhang Yan nodded and didn't say much.He was not surprised that Li Dianchuan came here to welcome him.But he has the impression of the attendant disciple next to him, that is Feng Yuhe's close friend, right?How come here?Could it be.
"Senior Changshi, my master brought new tea from the valley this time, and specially said that when the senior arrives, he will invite the senior to taste it. In addition, the harvest of the world this time is also a little different from before, and we need to communicate with the senior in advance. So the senior first This way please." Li Dianchuan told Zhang Yan the arrangements Feng Yuhe had made before.

So far, Li Dianchuan still doesn't understand why the big formation should be changed suddenly after a good world harvest?And I chose the one that cost the most.You must know that that kind of large formation is rarely used in the Chaos faction.In addition to the fast speed of destroying the world and the more delicate origin of the filtered world, the overall effect is actually not very good. In addition, the resource consumption far exceeds other formations, and it has long been meant to be eliminated.

"Lead the way." Zhang Yan had no expression on his face, but secretly said in his heart.

Before coming here, Zhang Yan felt that things were not easy, and there should be more variables than before.As a result, on the way, he encountered two evil spirits.In the end, he had no choice but to use what he thought was the most suitable time rule to deal with, so he took the opportunity to escape.

Now when he arrived at the place, not only Feng Yuhe was there, but he also had something to discuss with him.I'm afraid I'm going to play some tricks again?

(End of this chapter)

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