one's door

Chapter 732 Invitation

Chapter 732 Invitation
Seeing Zhang Yan again, Feng Yuhe didn't notice any changes in the breath or other buffs from the other party at all, let alone that the cultivation level shown was still in the pitiful late stage of the fairyland.

If it's really a fairyland cultivation base, after absorbing the gains from a year ago, there should be some improvement, right?Is it still the same as before?

It's all fake like a joke.The ridiculous thing is that this feldspar is actually serious.You must still feel that your concealment method is very clever.Just like a year ago when he stopped people along the road and asked them why they avoided him.To put it bluntly, it is called straightforward, but to put it bluntly, it is stupid.

Thinking about the most impossible situation mentioned by Gu Zhu before, Feng Yuhe completely let it go now.How could such a stupid person in her eyes have such deep calculations, guessing that the performance will lead to mistakes?

"So that Fellow Daoists know, we have made some adjustments to the World Destroyer Formation this time, mainly in consideration of saving time."

Feng Yuhe observed the expression of feldspar while talking.Apart from being as lifeless as before, there was no change after switching to the faster and more shattered formation.

"Fellow Daoist, if you think there is something wrong, you can talk about it. We still have time to make adjustments." Feng Yuhe really hoped that the other party could say something.But in the end, apart from nodding his head twice, he didn't say anything else.At the same time, Feng Yuhe took the opportunity to see more of the other party's depth.

At the same time, Feng Yuhe could only continue to be curious: what exactly did this feldspar take away from the harvest of the world's destruction?The speed of the world's destruction and the thickness and efficiency of filtering the world's origin seem to have no effect on him at all?
Seeing Zhang Yan looking at him without saying a word, Feng Yuhe was clearly impatient.And obviously urging and restraining.

"Fellow Daoist, don't be in a hurry. No one can take away the harvest of the world's destruction. After this matter is over, we will go there together. Before that, there is one more thing I want to talk to Fellow Daoist about.

Fellow Daoists, have you heard of the ruins of the Sword Tomb? "

Zhang Yan was taken aback.I don't know why the other party suddenly asked this.Where did he know what the Sword Tomb Ruins were?It sounds like a dangerous place similar to the Flare Storm.The difference seems to be that one is artificially left, and the other is a place of void calamity.

Unavoidable, this kind of problem cannot be ignored like other problems in silence.And you have to pretend to understand.If you talk nonsense at the beginning, you may need to keep covering up the problem later, and it will be even more suspicious if you are in a hurry.

So Zhang Yan simply stopped pretending and shook his head generously, expressing that he had never heard of the so-called Sword Tomb Ruins.

After seeing Zhang Yan shaking his head and expressing that he didn't know what the Sword Tomb Ruins were, Feng Yuhe's face flashed a look of surprise, but he quickly adjusted himself.With a smile, he seemed to take the trouble to talk about the general situation of the Jianzhong ruins.

"How? Fellow Daoist, are you interested? If you are interested, we at Mingyue Valley just have an extra identity invitation card in hand, and hand it over to Fellow Daoist. When we go together, we can take care of you a bit more.

Maybe we can really find the legendary four swords?Hehehe. "

Feng Yuhe spoke in a neither hasty nor slow manner, but under the appearance of the dead-faced talisman soldier, a monstrous wave swept across Zhang Yan's heart.

According to Feng Yuhe, the so-called Sword Tomb Ruins was originally a dangerous place in the void, similar to the calamity of the Glorious Storm.It's just that this kind of disaster is also accompanied by rare treasures, mainly various void treasures that are extremely rare in the void world.There are those who refine tools and alchemy.And it's extremely productive there.

And why did this void disaster take the names of "Sword Tomb" and "Ruins"?This is because of a big war.

After the great battle, the land of disaster was directly turned into ruins, and because a sword formation that few people can understand today was used in the formation, the sword energy left behind was mixed with the special erosive power in the disaster environment After that, it didn't go away for a long time, but it turned into a new normal and stayed.That's why it got the title of "Sword Tomb".

For Zhang Yan, these "stories" have not yet disturbed his mind.It wasn't until a term that Feng Yuhe mentioned twice appeared that he was so shocked that he couldn't calm down for a long time.

The words that made Zhang Yan unable to calm down for a long time were "Four Great Killing Swords".

It is also a set of magic weapons used by the strong man who fought against the National People's Congress in the story briefly told by Feng Yuhe and was defeated in the end.

Zhu Xian, Trapped Immortal, Killing Immortal, Absolute Immortal.Such four swords are known as the four treasures with the strongest killing intent in the void world.

Perhaps the "Four Great Killing Swords" mentioned by Feng Yuhe only exist in legends, and telling them can only arouse Zhang Yan's interest, and at the same time add a bit of mysterious allure to the Jianzhong ruins.

But it's another matter entirely in Zhang Yan's ears.

Zhang Yan had never heard of this bullshit sword mound ruins, but he knew that the Four Great Killing Swords that Feng Yuhe was talking about should not be called by this name.They have another name.Call: Zhu Xian Sword Formation!
In the legend of the Great Desolate World, the Zhuxian Sword Formation is the most powerful weapon used by a supreme saint.

And it was indeed used in a big battle, and it was lost.

Whether it's a coincidence or not, there seems to be a seemingly indistinct correspondence between before and after.

To be honest, Zhang Yan's feeling at this moment is only two words: fear.

If you insist on digging a little deeper, there may be a little more: curiosity.

Surprised and scared, it's perfectly normal.That is the number one killing weapon!A powerful weapon that requires four saints to break open.Now even if it is not in formation, it is definitely not something that a few ordinary immortals can covet.

Just curious, that's a better explanation.Legend has it that the Zhuxian Sword Formation was taken away by the winning saints, so it would not be possible to leave such a treasure on the battlefield and ignore it.And how did the location of that great battle become a place of disaster in the void?Shouldn't that be somewhere in the Great Desolate World, right?
Seeing that Zhang Yan was silent, he neither nodded nor shook his head.Feng Yuhe waited for a while, then asked again helplessly: "How do you like it, fellow Taoist?"

It was only the second time that Zhang Yan came back to his senses, and without thinking too much, he just nodded and said, "Okay!"

"Fellow Daoist, are you interested?"


"Hahaha, that's good! Fellow Daoists accept this invitation first. There is still a period of time before the ruins appear, ranging from three to fifty years to more than a hundred years. We will send a message to Fellow Daoists half a year in advance." Said , Feng Yuhe handed an object like a waist card to Zhang Yan.

That is the so-called "invitation".

Zhang Yan took a look, the invitation was rather heavy.One side is engraved with a big animal head, and the other side is a character "Tong" in seal script.

After Zhang Yan saw it, another cleverness followed in his heart.This "Tong" character is the first "seal script" character he saw that was not made by him after traveling.

(End of this chapter)

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