one's door

Chapter 735

Chapter 735
In the forbidden area behind the cliff mountain, the ball in the dwelling is still the same.He ate and slept, slept and ate, without any thought of escaping or leaving the small dwelling, so calm that he didn't look like a prisoner who had been locked here for thousands of years.

Perhaps for the ball, it has no concept of a prisoner at all. It has food and a place to sleep, and it does not hinder its slow evolution at all.

Even Zhang Yan may be just a shit shovel in its eyes.

When using aura to transform the ball into dead energy, the ball showed a rare resistance at first, and finally agreed reluctantly.It seems to be disgusted with death.It's like hating a dirty spittoon.

With the help of the ball, Zhang Yan simply moved the two talisman soldiers to the forbidden area in the back mountain.Put the Fu Bing directly next to the dwelling, and make two coffin-like boxes, so that the dead air spit out by the ball can be directly poured into these two coffin boxes, so that the Fu Bing can soak in the dead air .

After the talisman soldiers absorbed all the dead energy in the coffin box, the ball would continue to fill it up again, and the cycle repeated.

I don't know if those cultivators of this way who have worked so hard to refine death energy to gain talismans will go crazy with jealousy when they see Zhang Yan's simple and crude refining method?

Of course, it is impossible for Zhang Yan to refine the talisman soldiers just by being a hands-off shopkeeper.He is also guarding the forbidden area in the back mountain.It is necessary to infuse some seal formulas into the rune soldiers in the two coffin boxes from time to time, and undo the obstacles that will arise when the dead energy merges into the body.These are all recorded in detail on the Dharma Gate in the library hall. He has studied them carefully, and now he knows it well.

In fact, although the way of Fu Bing is unpopular and gloomy, there are many mysteries in it.Just being able to find "death energy" as the energy source for the talisman soldiers to continue to increase their strength is definitely not something anyone can imagine.

With the crazily blending of dead energy, the speed of refining is astonishingly fast.Even Zhang Yan had begun to vaguely feel a trace of "coercion" that he had never felt before from the two talisman soldiers.This means that the power of Fu Bing has officially overflowed the Earth Immortal Realm, and there are signs of surpassing the power of the Earth Immortal.

Whether it is an ordinary monk or an immortal, a breakthrough in a big realm requires a lot of battles.Especially for the immortals, every time the great realm is improved, it can be said to be reborn, but the danger is also equal. Life and death under the catastrophe depends on three points of luck.

But rune soldiers don't need to go through calamities, and even their power is lacking in autonomy. Compared with some spiritual treasures with extremely high spirituality, rune soldiers don't need to worry about going through calamities.

Theoretically speaking, as long as the "talent" and potential of the rune soldiers are sufficient, as long as they are continuously infused with dead energy, there is almost no limit to their strength improvement.

Of course, this has to take into account the difficulty of ordinary talisman refiners in refining the dead energy.Not everyone has a "ball" like Zhang Yan.

"I don't know if this gap will be enough to push the strength of the talisman soldiers to the Heavenly Wonderland?"

If it is possible to push the talisman soldiers to the fairyland during this period, it will undoubtedly be a great benefit for Zhang Yan's trip to the Jianzhong ruins later.At least in many cases, he has more choices.

Zhang Yan's idea is good, and he is also very satisfied with the efficiency in front of him.I made a calculation in my heart.According to what Feng Yuhe said before, the Jianzhong ruins will be three to fifty years away at the earliest.It's not too long, but it's not too short either.With the current refining speed, he felt that it was entirely possible to complete the improvement of the rune soldiers within this time.

At that time, the talisman soldiers in the Heavenly Immortal Realm will not only have their own strength skyrocketed, but they will also be able to carry more primordial spirits, allowing Zhang Yan to use more means.

But there is only one thing Zhang Yan lacks.That is, he forgot that in this whole link, there is a link that does not have such good patience and has been busy working hard behind his butt for decades.

Let alone decades, there have been "complaints" in the past half a month.

"Yuanqiu, what are you doing here?"

Obviously, the only thing missing in Zhang Yan's plan is the consideration of the "round ball"'s diligence.

You let the "round ball" flutter for three to five days, and it may do so without saying a word.After thumping for thirty to fifty days, if you drive away with a whip, you can barely do it.It has been thrashing continuously for 50 years. It is estimated that it will not be able to do it even if it dies.

And although the "round ball" is lazy, it doesn't mean that it is not intelligent.On the contrary, its spiritual intelligence is extremely high, and it obviously has growth potential.

So there will be obvious likes and dislikes.And he can infer some things from Zhang Yan's behavior that he didn't tell him clearly, and then react.

That's it right now.

"Yuanqiu" obviously discovered from the previous period of "exhaustion" that Zhang Yan, the shit-shoveler, didn't intend to let him rest.It should be to let the two "corpses" complete the power leap before giving up.

Is it really going to be like this for 50 years? !

Perhaps thinking of such a "tragic" ending, "Ball" suddenly stopped the transformation in his hand.It also aroused Zhang Yan's doubts.

In the past, Zhang Yan didn't bother to care what the "round ball" was thinking, if he didn't want to work, he would just use the extreme yang energy as a whip to whip him. "Yuanqiu" is afraid of pain, so he is usually honest when he frightens.

But now this rude and arrogant way of getting along has long since changed.After all, Zhang Yan has obtained too many benefits from "Yuanqiu", and it is a spiritual thing, so how can he easily force each other after getting along for a long time?
I saw the tentacles of the "round ball" making gestures, and then making gestures on the two talisman soldiers in the coffin box. Fortunately, Zhang Yan was familiar with them, otherwise it would be really difficult to understand the other party's meaning.

"You think the speed of doing this is too slow, right? But there's no way. It can't be said that they absorb as much dead air as you exhale. It takes time for them to absorb slowly, and they also need to be refined. And if you feel tired, just take a nap while they are absorbed.

Um? "

After Zhang Yan finished explaining, he saw that the tentacles of the "ball" continued to make gestures, and finally tapped emphatically on the left chest of one of the replicas in the coffin box.

"You mean you have a way to speed up their absorption?! But you want to go into their heart? Is that what you mean?" Zhang Yan patted the snail house next to him in surprise, what the "round ball" wanted to express Full of surprise.

Secretly said: This guy won't even learn to lie for the sake of being lazy, right?

"Are you sure? These two talisman soldiers are very important to me. If you mess around and break them, you will be in big trouble." Zhang Yan frowned and confirmed with "Yuanqiu" again and again.

But in the end, the tentacles of the "ball" reassured Zhang Yan with a look of "trust me".This made Zhang Yan have to think seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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