one's door

Chapter 736

The reason why Zhang Yan had to seriously consider it was because of the reliability of the "round ball", which had never disappointed Zhang Yan.

Although this time it's about talisman soldiers, it still essentially belongs to what "Ball" is best at, which is the transformation and absorption of "energy".

Although dead energy is not seen by the "ball", it still belongs to the category of energy.

"If you are confident, you can try it on that long-haired talisman soldier first, and let me see if you are really capable."

Zhang Yan thought about it, and finally agreed to give "Ball" a try.He also knew that if the absorption speed of rune soldiers could be really accelerated, the potential of rune soldiers would undoubtedly be greatly improved.No matter what, this is an opportunity worth fighting for.

And why he chose a talisman with relatively high potential was because Zhang Yan was still not used to putting his soul into a woman's body, which made him feel very strange.He is refining this female talisman soldier more as a thug on the side of suppressing Huang Tianyu, and the remaining one is currently his relying on to go out.

Therefore, it can only be the female body that "round ball" is tossed about. If it is messed up, it will not affect Zhang Yan's trip to the Jianzhong ruins later.

The "round ball" doesn't care how deep Zhang Yan's thinking is, its thinking is very straightforward: break through the critical value of the strength of the two corpses as soon as possible, and then it can go back to sleep.As far as things go, it's not at all interested.

After getting Zhang Yan's consent, the "round ball" moved immediately.

Each tentacle began to be subdivided, and in the blink of an eye, the ten thick tentacles became countless scattered thin threads, each of which was not even comparable to a strand of hair, but they were like living things The eyes, ears, mouth and nose of Fu Bing also wriggled and penetrated into his body.

Naturally, Zhang Yan would not just stand by and wait for the result.Regardless of the outcome, he needs to know what the "ball" is doing.In addition, the talisman soldiers have been sacrificed by him for more than a hundred years, so he can naturally understand what is going on inside the talisman soldiers with a thought.It was also because Zhang Yan could see clearly that his eyes widened in surprise.

Those tentacles, which are thinner than hair, drilled into the body of the rune soldier, and actually filled the inside and outside of the rune soldier along the spider web meridians on the rune soldier's body.

That's right, it's a thorough filling!

Then the dead energy that needs to be absorbed bit by bit by the talisman soldiers with the help of the practitioner is directly forcefully poured into the body after being filled, and it is the kind of strong absorption specific to each part of the body. Guan, didn't give the body of the rune soldiers any chance to react, let alone refuse.

It didn't work out well at first. The "ball" did not grasp the strength well, and there were conflicts between absorption and infusion in many places, causing damage to the body of the talisman soldier.But without waiting for Zhang Yan to stop, the "ball" has been quickly adjusted, where it can absorb more, where it can't be poured too much, etc., and quickly felt it clearly, and even some places have even been refined by Zhang Yan. Even practitioners who have been practicing for more than a hundred years are inferior.

After that, it will become smoother and smoother, and the coffin box will not be needed at all. The "ball" can directly infuse dead energy from the inside, and at the same time distribute the amount evenly in a targeted manner to achieve the best absorption state of rune soldiers.To a certain extent, it has replaced the absorption instinct of rune soldiers at this moment.

After two days of observation, Zhang Yan was completely relieved.Although letting the "round ball" do it like this directly overturned the most troublesome and labor-intensive refining link of the talisman soldiers, the effect is equally outstanding.It is conservatively estimated that the progress of the "round ball" in front of it is dozens of times faster than the original absorption speed of normal refining.Originally, it would take three to fifty years to reach the combat power of the Fu Bing Heavenly Wonderland, but now it is estimated that it can be done throughout the year.

Seeing that he was recognized, "Ball" continued to work hard, and directly separated the same number of tentacles, and continued to act on another talisman soldier at the same time.

It is estimated that "Yuanqiu" must be very proud at this time, proud of his own intelligence, which allowed him to shorten the drudgery that would have been going on for decades to less than a year.

But "Ball" still underestimated the "insidious" degree of its shit-shoveling officer.

At this time, Zhang Yan seemed to have discovered a new continent, and his eyes were no longer just on the Fu Bing itself.Instead, it came to the "round ball".

At this time, the "round ball" can actually be said to be integrated with the rune soldiers.In particular, there is a "ball" in every part of the body of the earth fairy.And its energy body doesn't need to worry about whether it can match the conditions in the rune soldiers.As long as it wants, it can stay in it for as long as it wants.

What Zhang Yan saw was simply the possibility of creating the strongest "soft magic weapon" integrating offense and defense for the talisman soldiers, or "an alternative combined attack technique".

The "ball" itself is only afraid of extreme yang energy, and can ignore other energy attacks and physical attacks.Even regular means can get away with most of them.At least with Zhang Yan's method at present, he still feels that using extreme yang energy is the best way to frighten the "round ball", and other methods are almost meaningless.

Therefore, the defense of the "ball" is extremely high.At the same time, it can swallow the intruding energy with a big mouth without being picky, and can use and transform it.

In other words, the attack ability of the "ball" is also extremely strong.Even out of the blue.

Defense high and attack high.But the disadvantage is also extremely obvious, that is, there is no way to leave Xuanshi's lair to survive, which is equivalent to being unable to move.

Since the beginning, the "ball" has existed in the Xuanshi Mountain, and now it is kept by Zhang Yan in the "snail dwelling", a magic weapon made of Xuanshi.

"Do you want to go out for a walk? And it is possible to get the original power of the world for you to devour. How about it?" Zhang Yan's calculations were quickly cleared up.He has a way to use the offensive and defensive ends of the "ball" to enhance the ability of the rune soldiers.But at the same time, it also needs the consent of "round ball".

Zhang Yan naturally has some experience of "round ball"'s laziness.Including this time, he also realized what was the fundamental reason why the other party was so active.

So I didn't talk nonsense with the other party, and directly showed the other party something that can overcome laziness: the original power of the world.

Sure enough, upon hearing Zhang Yan's words, "Yuanqiu" immediately felt relieved.Waving his tentacles, he expressed his interest in what Zhang Yan said.As long as there is the original power of the world to swallow, where is it not to sleep or to live?
Seeing this, Zhang Yan patted Snail House, and said with a smile: "If you want to get benefits, you need to change your residence. Don't worry, Snail House is still reserved for you, and it will be a "guest room" for you temporarily. When the time comes You can also go out with me when I go out to do errands, and all the original power of the world that I don't need can be cheap for you."

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