one's door

Chapter 737 Disagreement

Zhang Yan still has a lot of Xuanshi in his hand.After capturing the "round ball" back then, he took over the huge Xuanshi Mountain.In addition to the materials that were later used as dwellings, there are still many left.

Although Zhang Yan's refining level is slow, he is already somewhat inferior to his great apprentice Wang Nian.But it is far more powerful than when he was refining the dwelling house.Therefore, for the new guest room of the "round ball", Zhang Yan now makes a move, and the finished product is quite different from before.

Due to the incorporation of a large number of spatial rules, the new "guest room", which should have been about the same size as the dwelling, was compressed to the size of only half of Zhang Yan's fist.The overall shape is an ellipse, which is more like a black heart while being round.

Let the ball live in it and try it.Except that it looks small due to the change of space rules, the actual internal size and "comfort" are the same as the dwellings it has been used to for a long time.

And the last step is to insert this black stone heart into the left chest cavity of Fu Bing, replacing the dead heart that had been a display for a long time.

"Ball" didn't get used to it, and directly devoured the useless heart into dead energy, and then placed his small guest room in the heart's place.

After all this was done, "Ball" did not immediately move in.What it agreed with Zhang Yan was a temporary "guest room", and it would follow Zhang Yan when he went out.It doesn't need it at this moment, it just stays in the dwelling, and at the same time, it is the most important thing to break through the critical point of the power of the two talisman soldiers as soon as possible.

"Huh? Is this someone going to cross the catastrophe again?"

Zhang Yan's mind calmed down after he stepped into the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain.Because of the matter of Fu Bing, and the matter of refining the new "guest room" later, he needed to be careful.Therefore, things outside the forbidden area are not covered with spiritual thoughts all the time as usual.

Now the precursors of catastrophe suddenly gathered within the range of Duanya Mountain awakened Zhang Yan.Subconsciously looked up.However, it was discovered that Jieyun was not right this time.In other words, the person who crossed the catastrophe was not on the main peak, nor on the rooftop.

Overcoming the Heavenly Tribulation on Yingtiantai has long been a habit of the disciples in the cliff mountain.There are mavericks?
Zhang Yan felt a little more curious, and then a playful smile appeared on his face the next moment.There were too many things in his hands, and he almost forgot the things that should have been settled in the mountains.But now, though things are coming to an end.But the follow-up can also be done once and for all.

It's just that Zhang Yan forgot to say hello before, so it's not good to intervene rashly now.Because in his divine sense, the three pillars of the cliff mountain have now rushed over.

The catastrophe is imminent, but the power cannot be ranked among the many catastrophes that have appeared within the range of the cliff mountain.It's not three or nine days of calamity, not even two or nine days of calamity, it's just one or nine days of calamity.

The Nine Heavens Tribulation means the state of integration, which means that the monks who have survived this catastrophe have the possibility to really move towards the road of immortality.It is also the most basic definition of "strong" by the disciples in the cliff mountain.If you haven't even experienced the Nine Heavens Tribulation, is it worthy of being called strong?
Therefore, although the Nine Heavens Tribulation can attract attention in the Cliff Mountain, the attention is limited.After all, there are already too many disciples in the Cliff Mountain now, at the Composite Realm and above.

But this time the Nine Heavens Tribulation is quite different.Not only did the main deacons from the Foreign Affairs Hall and Law Enforcement Hall of Duanya Mountain arrive, but even the three elders who are rarely seen by ordinary disciples also came down from the main peak and came to the scene in person.

Some good disciples roughly counted them in their hearts.There were three immortals alone present, and no fewer than ten half-immortals.Such a big battle is simply unimaginable.

The disciples who knew about the situation had a serious face.They understand that this is not too much battle, but too much attention.Because this one-nine-day calamity is the first time in a certain sense in the cliff mountain.

Other disciples were angry on their faces.It seems that people who cross the catastrophe do not wait to see them.There are not a few disciples with emotions.

There are also many people who are opposed to these emotional disciples, or who have different opinions.Those people all smiled, as if they had been waiting for this catastrophe to come.

From the two groups of disciples, it is also obvious that there are different forces on the top of the mountain.Although the two sides did not feel the atmosphere of "swords on the verge of crossing swords and bows", they also looked at each other frequently. It seems that this is not the first time that the two sides have competed for this catastrophe.

On the periphery of Jieyun, three immortals from Duanya Mountain were standing side by side.They rarely appear together in this kind of public place now.After all, he used to be the hall master, but now he is the elder.The daily affairs have already been handed over, so it is not suitable to always show up on such occasions, as it will affect the prestige of the lower halls.

But today's situation is special, they have to come this trip.

"I remember it was only the size of a puppy back then! It's grown so big now?"

"Hehe, senior brother, the "year" you mentioned was nearly a thousand years ago, right? His current name is Liu Yuqing."

"Yo? With junior sister, your surname is Liu? Or is this name originally given to you?"

Wang Nian stood in the middle, smiling and chatting sentence by sentence with Liu Rui beside him.Yang Rui, who was standing on his left, kept a cold face and did not participate in the topic.

Liu Rui smiled and said, "Eldest brother guessed right. I gave it the name Liu Yuqing. It is also thanks to my advice that it can cultivate to the state of fusion for nine kalpas."

"Huh!" Yang Rui couldn't help but snorted coldly when he heard this, his dissatisfaction was palpable.

Wang Nian glanced at the mid-air that was preparing to meet the Heavenly Tribulation and revealed his real body. It was a huge fox like a small hill, with nine tails swaying in the strong wind, and his scarlet eyes stared at the sky. It was quite imposing.

While watching the excitement, Wang Nian said to Yang Rui: "If you have something to say, talk it out. Humming and humming, you can't always let people guess? You don't want to see that bastard, and junior sister treats it very much. This matter is noisy How many years has it been? If you really can't get used to it, you should have slapped it to death long ago."

"Don't dare. Many enlightenment methods on it were taught by the master." Yang Rui became more and more cold.This is true for everyone, compared to Wang Nian, it is not bad.

Wang Nian patted Yang Rui's shoulder, continued to smile and said, "You also know that Master is watching it? Then why are you still making eyebrows?"

"This head can't be opened."


"When a demon cultivates into a fairy, he will compete with the disciples in the mountain for resources. And the momentum of spreading will be difficult to contain. At that time, the entire Huangtian Territory will be affected unprecedentedly." This is Yang Rui's thoughts, and it also represents the thoughts of a large number of disciples in Duanya Mountain. idea.

Wang Nian waved his hand to stop Liu Rui who wanted to argue, he held the right to speak.He continued to say to Yang Rui: "I've been to see the void, why is my vision getting smaller? It's just a demon cultivator, and it's too early to start. You can treat them as pets? If you're really disobedient, I'll make the decision , you, Yang Rui, will personally lead the troops to destroy them."

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