one's door

Chapter 742

Chapter 742
Facts have proved that the people in Shishizong not only look tough, but also behave in a consistent manner. If they say they want to capture all the people in Mingyue Valley present, then they really dare to do so.

As for breaking Li Dianchuan's leg, if Li Dianchuan dared to resist, he might be treated like this.

Even Zhou Min's stern voice at the end couldn't change Shizong's decision.The disadvantage in numbers, plus the fact that the opponent came prepared, the superposition of the two phases does not allow the disciples of Mingyue Valley to make any resistance.

After all, it is not the time to fight to the death.Although the first sect said "take people", it did not impose a ban on any disciple of Mingyue Valley.It just encloses the surrounding void, cutting off all communication and movement possibilities.Then they have to send news to Mingyue Valley, and wait for Mingyue Valley to send someone to lead them.

It is possible to say that Mingyue Valley's face was deliberately damaged, but the possibility is not great.Although the two families had conflicts, they didn't see each other when they looked up. There was really no need for such trivial matters.

If it's not for the sake of face, then there must be a reason.

"This face-to-face student? Shouldn't he be a disciple of Mingyue Valley?" Fang Han didn't care how his disciples greeted the people of Mingyue Valley.His goal was very clear. After he glanced at Zhou Min and Li Dianchuan who were standing in front of him, his gaze naturally moved behind them, and landed on a cold dead face.

In Fang Han's view, the weirdest person in the field was the dead monk with a cold and expressionless face in front of him.

Although the news in the void world is relatively lagging.But there is no such thing as an airtight wall.The previous two times, Feng Yuhe's car was so conspicuous, no one dared to take it lightly, so they must investigate in many ways.Although the final conclusion made many people puzzled, they also found the reason.

Otherwise, wouldn't Fang Han be in a hurry if he came here rashly today?The purpose is to find out the truth.

But as soon as they met, the other party was just a lifeless and lonely look, and it seemed that his cultivation had only reached the early stage of the Heavenly Wonderland at most.The only thing that was strange was the dead air on the opponent's body, which was so pure that Fang Han had never seen it in his life, it was really like the dead air on a dead body, and it was abnormally thick.

Fang Han is vigilant.He even had a vague sense of "threat" from the moment he looked at the lifeless loner.I don't understand where the threat of a lone angel in the district comes from?Maybe this is the reason why True Immortal Red Lotus treated each other with courtesy twice before?

Without waiting for Zhang Yan to speak.Li Dianchuan and Zhou Min stood in front again.

"Fang Han! This is my distinguished guest in the Moon Valley! How can you be rude!"

Fang Han said with a smile: "A distinguished guest? Since you are a distinguished guest, you should get to know each other even more."

While speaking, Fang Han directly ignored Zhou Min and Li Dianchuan's obstruction, his body was shaken, and the power of the rules was wrapped in a kind of violent immortal power, instantly oppressing Li Dianchuan and Zhou Min who were still in the fairyland No matter how hard it is to move.Then a flash appeared in front of the "honored guests" of Mingyue Valley.

"Fang Han, the first sect, is being polite here. Your surname is very important, so you should tell me? Do you think that the first sect is not qualified to know your name if you don't say a word?"

There are cautions, but also temptations, and more habitual arrogance.In the realm of the Chaos faction, the first sect has always bullied people, and no one has ever dared to fight back.Fang Han thought that his attitude at this time was enough to give the other party face.It's just walking alone, even if you have some skills, so what?It's just a cultivation base in the early days of the fairyland, but can it turn the sky upside down?
But as soon as the words fell, Fang Han suddenly felt the void around him move. In the blink of an eye, he actually noticed that the regular structure, which was much more chaotic than the normal world, suddenly became more fragmented, and the erosive power in the void suddenly disappeared. Soar up several layers.It made his expression a little ugly.Because he suddenly found that he couldn't stay in this weird void for a long time, and there were too many uncertainties.And this is obviously not an accidental situation, but someone is deliberately targeting him.

"You really want to know me?"

Although the voice sounded cold and lifeless, Fang Han actually heard some playful smiles from it?

laugh?Does a normal person laugh like this?
Looking at the expression of the other party, there may not be any smile in the eyes, but a seriousness like ink.

"Hehe, it seems that your temper is not very good, but Shi Zong's temper is not. Huh? What are you doing!?" Fang Han also set up Xianyuan to shake off the sudden restraint around him.A lot of power in the void itself will be restricted, but you can use the regular power in your body to adapt to it.But there must be a degree.For example, at this time, he suddenly found that it was difficult for him to quickly break free from the troubles around him, and even those erosive forces were much tougher than he imagined, so that even if he released the rules of shrinking in his body, it would not be effective immediately.

Another thing that made Fang Han frown a little was that the distance between the other party and him was too close.Before he moved down, he was only less than a foot away from the opponent.Now the other party took a step forward, then raised his hand and reached out to him.The death energy lingering in that hand is not a good thing.And it seemed that the other party wanted to touch him?
"Don't be afraid, don't you want to know me?"

The distance was too short, Zhang Yan's death energy lingered and the scarlet void force restrained Fang Han in an extreme time, and he wanted to avoid it but couldn't.In just two or three breaths, Zhang Yan's fingertips hit his forehead.In an instant, the whole person stopped moving as if he had been hit by a spell.

In many cases, it is not necessary to put on a posture to smash the rules, and it is not necessary to have a spacious venue to compete.Power has always been invisible, and the winner can be determined in another place. For example, the battlefield is in Fang Han's own body at this moment.

The erosion of death energy and the doping of void power form an attack that is far more difficult to deal with than the pure energy attack of ordinary fairyland immortals.

Fang Han stopped moving, not because he gave up resistance or because he couldn't struggle, but because he couldn't move his hands temporarily.

It was the first time he had encountered such overwhelming death aura.The ferocious flame that eroded vitality made him dare not be careless at all. He had to control the scope of the intrusion and not allow it to spread.Otherwise, even the body of a celestial being will be injured.At the same time, he also wants to give the other party a little color.Let the other party pay a painful price for their recklessness.

There is a saying for this kind of competition, which is called "inner cutting".It is to put aside all the skills, as well as all the minor and auxiliary means that can be borrowed, and compete with others in real strength.And although this kind of competition is rare, once it starts, the victory or defeat is often a matter of thought, and the loser will usually suffer extremely serious injuries.

(End of this chapter)

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