one's door

Chapter 743

Chapter 743
Zhang Yan also had no choice.If you don't make a move, you have to make a move.Otherwise, wouldn't the character set he built in front of Mingyue Valley just collapse?

But fortunately, the current highest cultivation level present is the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and there are no Golden Immortals.This at least gave Zhang Yan some room to maneuver and perform.Otherwise, I really don't know how to continue to pretend.

In fact, if Fang Han hadn't moved directly in front of Zhang Yan in such a rampant manner, the situation might not have developed to this point.

After all, Zhang Yan's current cultivation base is still in the late stage of the Earth Immortal Realm, and there is still a long way to go before becoming a Celestial Immortal.Now he relies on the talisman soldiers to have a certain level of fighting power, at least the superficial fighting power.

As soon as Fang Han approached, Zhang Yan would unceremoniously throw out his means.And without any nonsense, he directly chose the "inner cutting", which seems to be the most "fair" and rough and simple way, and continued to set up his own people and go down.

Of course, Zhang Yan did not fight an uncertain battle.Especially the "inner attack" which is extremely dangerous in the eyes of others, for him there is no possibility of losing.Because Fang Han is fighting for strength, and he is not even counted as a living person at this time, and with his special preparations, being invincible is not just for fun.

The mixture of death energy and void erosion power is a unique usage that Zhang Yan explored in the process of refining rune soldiers recently.It is special and will not be noticed by others as belonging to the "prehistoric world".It was also one of the preparations he racked his brains for the Sword Tomb ruins later.

As a result, he felt that the effect was good during the experiment, and it was also the first time he had externally applied the scarlet power that he had obtained from the void and had been integrated with him.

Now in actual combat, the effect is good.At least it is difficult for Fang Han, the elite of the Chaos faction, to completely resist it by being caught off guard.And it's just as hard to break free.

It was by relying on this sudden attack method that Zhang Yan caught Fang Han by surprise, and then had the possibility of having face-to-face contact with the opponent and pulling him into the "inside attack".

Let's talk about whether Zhang Yan can kill at that moment.Timing is possible.But in reality it is not easy to do.Because even if it is the other party's instant flaw, if you give it to Zhang Yan to kill, it may not be able to kill the other party.After all, the body of a celestial being is much stronger than an earthly deity.Earth immortals are still hard to die, but heavenly immortals are even worse.

Of course, it's a different matter if you have a spirit treasure like Zhanxian Flying Knife in hand.It's just that Zhang Yan couldn't bring out the Wanxiang Pearl in the state of Fubing, so he couldn't sacrifice the Immortal Slaying Flying Knife to kill people.

Moreover, the elite disciples of the First Shizong would kill him if they disagreed with each other. Zhang Yan was pretending to be a madman, but he was not really crazy.All he needs is to continue to stand on his current character set, continue to hang out with the Chaos faction to reap benefits, not to make enemies with others.

From the beginning of the "inner attack" Zhang Yan chose the strategy of full attack.His own strength is worse than Fang Han's, and it was the Fu Bing who made the move, saying that he was in the early stage of the Heavenly Wonderland, and he was talking about the best, but the actual fight is probably not as good as most of the early days of the Heavenly Wonderland.His advantage lies in the particularity of dead energy and the scarlet void power mixed with it from Zhang Yanyuanshen.

Therefore, even if Zhang Yan made an all-out attack, it would only be a "tie" with Fang Han.

This is also the reason why Fang Han put all his energy into thinking from the very beginning that he wanted to teach a deep lesson to Zhang Yan, a lifeless maverick who "doesn't know how to praise".

Because of the obvious all-out attack, Fang Han still couldn't be suppressed.This kind of situation naturally made Fang Han see a kind of weakness of "external strength but middle performance".There is also the confidence to win.

The reason for saying "full attack" is because Fang Han didn't feel any "defense" from Zhang Yan's side.Let his strength directly counterattack along his fingers.

Is there really no defense?it is true.It's not that it can't, it's that it doesn't need to.

First of all, there is no such thing as "secret injury" in Fu Bing itself, and there is no weakening process of "inadequate strength".It can only be in two states of "broken" and "usable".Therefore, it is undoubtedly a dream for Fang Han to think that the oppression will have a continuous impact on Zhang Yan, and then there will be a collapse of thousands of miles.

But for Fang Han, the energy that he killed Zhang Yan's body was real, but soon he found that although there was no way to stop it, it was like nothing happened and the reaction he expected did not appear.

How is this going?

The strange thing also made Fang Han feel worried.He found that it didn't seem to unfold as he thought from the beginning.The lifeless loner in front of him is indeed so weird that people can't understand it.

How did Zhang Yan let Fang Han's power that entered Fu Bing's body disappear?The answer is: balls.

The "round ball" was lured into Fu Bing's body by Zhang Yan, and lived in the "guest room" that Zhang Yan had previously refined for him.In itself, Zhang Yan attracts covetousness in order not to waste a lot of the world's original power as before when encountering the world's harvest when traveling.Bring a "ball" to enjoy the blessing.At the same time, the "ball" is also a built-in "treasure" of the rune soldiers.

Just like this moment.In the final analysis, Fang Han's counterattack power still cannot escape the category of energy.And the "ball" has completely spread all over the rune soldier's body, taking over the rune soldier's meridian to bear the attack of these energies.

For others, it was Fang Han who was counterattacking and attacking, but for "Ball", it was equivalent to feeding it.

Fang Han felt that his anti-killing came to nothing, and actually entered the belly of "Ball".Naturally, it is impossible to cause any harm to Fu Bing or even the primordial spirit entrusted by Zhang Yan.

Not only that, "Ball" doesn't appreciate these feedings.It has no shortage of energy.Directly transform these energies that originally belonged to Fang Han into the dead energy of Fu Bing, and then manipulated by Zhang Yan to fill them in as a new attack, gradually pressing towards Fang Han.

One ebbs and another.Fang Han's mood became more and more complicated.Even if he could open his mouth to swear, he would have already sweared.

Deceiving too much!

These four words are the truest portrayal of Fang Han's heart at this moment.He also reacted.Even in the late stage, it is impossible for a fairy in the Heavenly Wonderland to let his internal attack and counter-kill remain indifferent, and still make all his power disappear.And the intrusion of death energy, which is obviously rising gradually, also supports Fang Han's guess.

This lifeless Lonely Immortal is definitely not just a Heavenly Immortal, but a Lonely Golden Immortal!
No wonder the Red Lotus Immortal of Mingyue Valley would come forward to receive the other party in person, so there was a reason for the equal reception!
A dignified golden fairy, shameless, pretending to be a mere early stage fairy to deceive people!
At this time, Fang Han felt a sense of disappointment as he went up the mountain to fight a tiger but found that the opponent was a mountain-swallowing beast.It is impossible to ask for mercy or to withdraw.

When I thought that I was fighting with a golden fairy in the middle of the fairyland, my heart sank even more.

Too bullying!

(End of this chapter)

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