one's door

Chapter 744

Chapter 744
Perhaps Fang Han regretted it in surprise and indignation.Blame yourself for being too reckless, and blame the other party for being too shameless.

But not everyone was as surprised as Fang Han.

The disciples of Mingyue Valley basically sneered when they saw Fang Han's rude words.In their eyes, the senior feldspar is not a kind person.Fang Han is bound to suffer.

really.Fang Han couldn't move for no reason, and then he was pointed on the forehead by Senior Changshi, and then he was in the "Neifa", which is rare but almost everyone knows it.

A fairyland and Jinxian playing inside?

It's funny to think about it.What's even more funny is Fang Han's expression at the beginning, a fierce look of "you wait for me, I will definitely make you look good".In the eyes of Mingyue Valley's disciples, this is undoubtedly a little puppy grinning at an adult tiger.A sense of joy arises spontaneously.

The result was completely within the expectation of the people of Mingyue Valley.They saw the expression on Fang Han's face quickly changed from "spicy" to "surprised", then "suddenly", and now "sorrowful".The emotional change made Li Dianchuan and Zhou Min laugh out loud.

Li Dianchuan wished Senior Changshi could kill Fang Han.Although Zhou Min was not as enthusiastic as Li Dianchuan, he had no personal enmity with Fang Han.But Zhou Min also hoped that feldspar would be the killer, at least Fang Han must be abolished, right?
In this way, the feud between Changshi and Yi Shizong would be ended.At that time, facing the pressure of the first sect, Changshi can only choose to be close to Mingyue Valley no matter what.Isn't this the "close relationship" that True Immortal Red Lotus most wishes to see?

As for the core of it, Li Dianchuan and Zhou Min don't know.They simply hoped to tie this senior Changshi to the chariot of Mingyue Valley.

But even though he wanted to, it didn't affect the feldspar's means.

This lunatic-looking loner isn't really insane.Both Li Dianchuan and Zhou Min have heard Feng Yuhe comment that the other party is "smart" more than once.

Will a shrewd person kill Fang Han?Of course not.

Just when Fang Han's face turned pale and his figure began to tremble slightly, the internal attack that made the disciples of Mingyue Valley watch the excitement and the disciples of the first sect be terrified suddenly stopped abruptly.

I didn't care about the iron law that the internal attack cannot be interrupted.Directly and unilaterally ended the internal attack, ignoring the huge recoil force and the possibility of injuring himself.Just like that, Chang Shi, who still had a dead face, performed it in front of everyone arbitrarily.

While surprising everyone, they once again lamented the horror of Changshi Jinxian's strength, which has reached the point where it can subvert the law of internal attack.

In this way, the beneficiary is naturally Fang Han, who was seriously injured because of "declaring the winner".Although his face is pale at this time, the immortal energy in his body is empty, and there is still a lot of dead energy in the immortal body that is ravaging crazily with the erosion of the void, but these injuries can only be said to be "not bad", not serious injuries, far worse than normal. His failure in the inside cut hurts much less.

Fang Han knew that this result was the best result he could ask for.

The opponent showed mercy.Otherwise, if you don't die this time, you will be seriously injured.It is not impossible to even drop a small level of cultivation base.

So even though he was about to scold his mother in his heart, Fang Han quickly gathered his mind and bowed respectfully to the other party who let him go.

"Junior Fang Han, I have offended you so much just now, senior, please don't take it to heart." Fang Han wanted to say it but he was not very good at apologizing.He could only make up for it by dragging a few words that he himself felt embarrassed.

Fortunately, this meager thank you did not arouse the other party's resentment.It was still just a dead face, just looking at it with a pair of ashen eyes.But this time Fang Han didn't dare to look at each other again.

"I know you, then don't disturb the big formation." Zhang Yan smiled in his heart, knowing that his previous performance once again helped him tide over the difficulties.There was Mingyue Valley in the past, and now there is Yishizong.With the endorsement of these two top forces in the Chaos Sect, who would dare to question his identity in the future?
"Yes, senior, this junior should get out of the way of the magic circle."

What else can Fang Han say?The world in front of me was originally what Zhou Min said at the beginning, Mingyue Valley had greeted Yi Shizong in advance and obtained permission.It's just that things are in a hurry and there are no documents to support it.He came today to take the opportunity to find fault, but actually to test the reality of Mingyue Valley's strange behavior recently.In other words, they came to test the reality of the feldspar.Now it can be regarded as his wish.

While giving way to the position of the formation, Fang Han backed away, and when he saw the start of the Great Formation of Mieshi, he quickly took advantage of the time when Mingyuegu and Zhang Yan turned their attention back to the formation, and quickly led the troops under his command. The disciple moved away without looking back.That dingy look made Li Dianchuan on the side finally have a smile on his face.

"If we can rely on the big tree of senior Changshi, maybe the situation in the door will be greatly improved." Li Dianchuan thought of this more than once in his heart.And this time the idea was particularly strong.

As soon as Fang Han left, the World-Destroying Formation followed, and Zhang Yan quickly gathered his mind to focus on the harvest that the World-Destroying Formation would bring.At the same time, the "ball" living in the "guest room" is also eagerly waiting for the "big meal" promised by Zhang Yan.

Soon, Zhou Min, who presided over the formation, discovered that this time, Senior Changshi did not waste the world's original power filtered out by the formation.At the same time, it still maintains the state of comprehension similar to the previous two times.

"For some reason, I always feel that senior seems to be much more comfortable this time than the previous two times?" Zhou Min thought to himself.

As everyone knows, Zhang Yan at this time is really much more diligent than the previous two times.Although he was still relying on the talisman soldiers at this time, with the great increase in the strength of the talisman soldiers, the amount of his primordial spirit that could be carried also increased again.Even if it wasn't for the cultivation of the main body, this time the talisman soldiers could be divided into half of the primordial spirit.

The increase in Yuanshen's weight directly brought Zhang Yan a change in the amount of primordial purple energy he could absorb in the world-destroying formation also increased again.

The previous time I stored four pieces at once, and after returning home, the amount of primordial purple energy fused in my body reached the first extreme number.

This time Zhang Yan's own plan is to make persistent efforts, the last time was four, this time he will strive for five to six.

Fortunately, after the previous series of accidents, Zhang Yan's gains in the Great Formation of Destruction of the World were not affected.It was even much smoother than what he had expected.And the "round ball" who came out to "enjoy" with Zhang Yan also found that the shit shovel did not fool it, and there really was a large amount of the world's original power pouring directly into its mouth from the outside
For a while, "Yuanqiu" thought: It seems that it is not bad to go out with the shit shoveler.

(End of this chapter)

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