one's door

Chapter 75

Chapter 75
The reason why the time was set for three days was to solve Zhang Yan's trouble before the city guard Zhou Cang could react.

Although it is not clear whether Zhou Cang will continue to stand up for Zhang Yan, it can be just in case, so neither Wu Qingling nor his father Wu Yuan wants to have a direct conflict with Zhou Cang.

But the plan during the day fell through, and Wu Qingling's chance to make amends at night was gone, because Zhou Cang made a move faster than he thought, and there were still two teams of people protecting the Zhang family, with an extremely tough attitude.

This kind of strength clearly shows that even Zhou Cang can guess that someone behind Zhang Yan wants to kill Zhang Yan, so he is declaring his protection for Zhang Yan, and it is also a warning.

In this case, Zhang Yan's trouble will be difficult to deal with!

However, the people beside him had new ideas. Seeing Wu Qingling's troubled face, he thought about it and tried to say: "Young Master, in fact, Zhou Cang's intervention in this matter is beyond your scope. Three In fact, less than two days have passed since the time limit of two days. Although your promise was temporarily blocked, it is not a failure after the deadline. If you can report the situation to the master immediately, it will also allow the master to make more preparations, and you are considered a son Understand the situation."

If these words were said in normal times, Wu Qingling would definitely take them as a mockery of him, and the person who said these words would definitely peel off his skin if he didn't die.

But the current situation has reached a dead end for Wu Qingling, as the person who made the suggestion said, it is beyond his scope of handling.How could Wu Qingling not be clear about these things?What annoyed him was how to explain to his own father, and how the Haikou he boasted would end up.In this way, those suggestions fell into Wu Qingling's ears very differently, and they even hit the right target.

"You mean you can use this to get away?"

"My lord, it is not advisable to withdraw completely. It will appear that you are lacking in responsibility, and you will definitely not be liked by the master. It is best to let the master resist Zhou Cang's momentum and firmly press the lid on Zhang Yan, so that you can continue. Get your hands under the hood. It also shows your means and your commitment.”

Wu Qingling nodded when he heard the words, he felt that what the other party said made some sense.It also revived his somewhat tangled mood just now.

From the Wu family to Wu Qingling's generation, he was the only seedling. In the end, no matter whether Wu Yuan wanted to or not, he would be the one to carry the pillars of the Wu family in the future.So even if Wu Qingling is innocent now, Wu Yuan will inevitably arrange her to be an official in the near future.Even Wu Qingling felt that the reason why his father allowed him to mess with him for a long time actually had a meaning of "exercising" him.

Because Wu Qingling often heard this sentence from his father as long as he could remember: officialdom is like a battlefield, those who are kind and soft-hearted can only be slaughtered as livestock, and only those who kill decisively can go straight to the top.

Wu Qingling didn't have an officialdom to give him exercise, to solve the trouble after causing trouble, in Wu Qingling's view, is this not exercise?Coupled with his father's acquiescence, he gradually became the "Second Political Official" rumored outside.

"Then it's not too late. I'll go home and report the situation to my father." After thinking for a while, Wu Qingling didn't hesitate anymore, stood up from her chair, and started walking outside.

Because she wanted to roam around more freely, Wu Qingling did not live at home.And Wu Yuan also acquiesced in this behavior, but sent someone to follow Wu Qingling.

After leaving the door, Wu Qingling flashed her "Night Patrol Officer" badge and quickly turned back to the house from the back street, walking by the side door instead of the front door.


"Has my father rested?"

"Not yet, the master is in the study. Is there something you need to find, the young master?"

"Hmm." After asking where her father was, Wu Qingling didn't say anything more to the old butler in front of her, and walked quickly towards the study.

Knocking on the door and entering, Wu Qingling's face naturally lost his arrogance and became a docile look, but the unruly flashes in his eyes from time to time made him not look so honest.


"What happened?" Wu Yuan didn't raise his head.He kept writing in his hands, and a very important submission document had to be completed today, and it had to be sent away tomorrow morning, otherwise it would be difficult to explain to the sheriff after the time limit.

Moreover, Wu Yuan was like a mirror in his heart. Although he didn't interfere in his son's schemes, these matters would more or less involve some people in the yamen, so how could he avoid his eyes and ears?He received all the news immediately, and Wu Yuan knew everything about Wu Qingling's situation and the situation about that person named Zhang Yan.

The butler silently closed the door of the study and stood guard outside.

In the room, Wu Qingling lowered her head and said, "Father, Zhang Yan was lucky and escaped a catastrophe. The child is about to deal with it again. But now things have changed, and the city guard Zhou Cang directly sent someone to nail him to the door. Before and after Zhuzui Lane, they made it clear that they wanted to protect the Zhang family. Zhou Cang is not someone a child can handle, so he wanted to tell his father to make a decision."

Wu Yuan paused the pen in his hand when he heard this, and smiled after a while: "You also understand that Zhou Cang is someone you can't deal with?"

"Father, you are right. Zhou Cang is the No. 1 military officer in Langyuan City, and his status is equal to yours. How can he be a character that I can handle? That's why I dare not act rashly."

"That's right, I've made some progress, and I know when to be cautious. Zhou Cang made a move, showing off the chariots and horses, which is announcing his protection for Zhang Yan. If anyone dares to touch the bad luck at this time, it will not be given to Zhou Cang." Face will definitely attract Zhou Cang's strong counterattack. So at this time, it is not a question of whether you are afraid or not, but a strategy that needs to be delayed for the time being. And the simple plan to quickly solve Zhang Yan must be discarded.

Because, with Zhou Cang's intervention now, things have become complicated, and there is no rush. "

"My child thinks so too. However, after Zhang Yan went to Yubei Mountain, it is indeed not so easy to handle. If he is left alone, it will be a hidden danger after all." Wu Qingling worried that his father would underestimate Zhang Yan, and carefully reminded him. .

"After all, you have to solve the trouble you caused by yourself. Although Zhou Cang is difficult to deal with, it is not impossible to deal with it. Just take it easy for now, don't rush to confront him head-on."

"What does father mean?"

"Zhou Cang is the city guard, and he is in charge of city defense rather than city miscellaneous affairs. Being a father is the city administrator, and the difference between the two positions is a world of difference. It's good for everyone to take care of each other. If he dares to stretch out his hand indiscriminately, Naturally, there are plenty of ways to force him to back down. At that time, just add Zhang Yan's matter and deal with it together. You should prepare yourself first."

Wu Qingling nodded when he heard the words, so he had a solid idea in his heart.I also understand my father's general plan for the next step.

After a pause, Wu Yuan raised his head and said in a deep voice: "Qingling, this incident is a rare lesson for you. Not everything can go according to your plans and plans, even if you It is not necessarily safe to think that nothing will go wrong. The most important thing is to learn how to deal with tricks and adapt to the situation. After this incident is over, if you learn well, then you can enter the official career to gain seniority. "

(End of this chapter)

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