one's door

Chapter 76

Chapter 76
Zhang Yan didn't sleep all night, but he was still in good spirits.After stepping into the Profound Vein Realm, his body has become much stronger than before, and he can bear fatigue better, and he won't be too reluctant if he doesn't sleep for two or three days.And the results of the overnight effort were not bad. The stack of first drafts on the table had already been finished, and the next step was to find someone to try it out.

"Zhang Er, you didn't sleep last night, did you?"

"Brother, don't worry, you can handle this. Staying up late on Yubei Mountain is commonplace." Zhang Yan put away the blueprints and went to his brother Zhang Shun's house to help him deal with the filth.

"What do you write and draw?"

"Hey, it's a good thing. I've seen some real things before, and I know the general idea, but it's the first time I made it myself. It may take some time to finish it. I will give you a surprise when the time comes."

"Surprise? What are you going to do weirdly?" Zhang Shun's mood is much better now than before, and his second brother's return has calmed down a lot, which made him let go of his previous mentality of blaming himself for being useless.From time to time, I can also make a few jokes.

"It's a secret, it won't be a surprise if you tell it. By the way, do you know where there is a woodworking craftsman nearby? The craftsman is good, and the kind is responsible."

"Carpenter? There are several carpenters with good craftsmanship in Zhuzui Lane. But when it comes to honesty and duty, it can only be Carpenter Liu opposite our house. When our family moved here in the first year, many of the houses in the house were It's bad, and Carpenter Liu didn't confiscate the money, and he just came to the door to help tidy it up. I haven't seen it broken like this until now. Your little sister insisted on giving money for the few female celebrities you sent as thanks, very sincere .”

"Just across the door from our house? That black and thin uncle?"

"Well, that's right. In fact, with Lao Liu's craftsmanship, he wouldn't be able to live in Zhuzui Lane. The main reason is that his mother-in-law's lung disease is too serious. It takes only one medicine for two days. From time to time, he has to go to the hospital for two days, which is too expensive. Yes, it is also a hard life."

Zhang Yan knew it in his heart when he heard the words.

After breakfast, Zhang Yan helped clean up at home and chatted with his mother.The younger sister, Zhang Huiyuan, went to the embroidery workshop early, saying that there would be a big job to be picked up today, and she would have lunch there before coming back.

"Yan'er, aren't you going out today?"

"Don't go out, there will be guests coming later."

"Huh? Guests?" Wang Lanping was wondering, what kind of guests could come to the house in this situation?Even many of the neighbors in Zhuzui Lane didn't like to see their house, saying it was the house of "beheaded son" and avoiding it.

Before Zhang Yan could explain, there was a knock on the door.

"Here we come!" Zhang Yan looked at his mother and smiled, then went to open the door, and Wang Lanping also reacted, and quickly brought the hot tea that had just been made to the table in the main room, and at the same time was curious about who was the guest at home.It shouldn't be those bastards like Xiao Chongwen, right?
A few thoughts came to mind, and when Zhang Yan opened the door, Wang Lanping was stunned by the sentence "Grassman pays homage to your lord".

The guest that Yan'er mentioned was Lord Zhou, the city guard? !Wang Lanping's heart beat fast, nervous and excited.Last night, Yan'er went to see Mr. Zhou, and he didn't say much when he came back. Now Mr. Zhou came to the door early in the morning. Does this mean that Mr. Zhou likes the "Dan" sent by Yan'er?Otherwise, how could he come to the door so formally?

Wang Lanping carefully served hot tea to Zhou Cang, then found an excuse and went to the kitchen instead of staying in the main room.But like Zhang Shun in the back room, they pricked up their ears to listen to the conversation outside.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Wang Lanping always felt that the smile on Master Zhou's face this time was more kind than the time he came to the house two years ago. Even when the tea was served just now, Master Zhou got up and thanked her, which made her very flattered.

In the main room, Zhou Cang sat at the top, and Zhang Yan sat at the bottom to accompany him. Last night, the adjutant was standing behind Zhou Cang with a smile, and nodded to Zhang Yan, very kind.

"My lord comes to the door, the humble house is full of brilliance, and the grassroots are more fortunate to listen to the lord's teachings." Zhang Yan sat on the chair and said the words to make up the scene. He knew why Zhou Cang came today, even last night when Zhou Cang asked Zhang's family to protect Zhang Yan. I guessed that the other party would definitely come to the door this morning.

Zhou Cang laughed and said: "Zhang Yan, you are as humble as Lin Zedong said in his letter. Your skills are no longer the same as mine. What can I teach you? I came here to thank you. Yesterday you The effect of the Bone Strengthening Pill sent here can be said to be against the sky, and it has greatly benefited me, so don’t blame Zhang Yan for disturbing me early in the morning, it’s all due to his haste. Hahaha”

The impression of Zhang Yan in his heart was not low before, and his status as a "miscellaneous learning" was enough for Zhou Cang to treat him with peace of mind.What's more, yesterday's bone strengthening pill disturbed Zhou Cang's mind so much that he stayed up all night. He came early and threw away Zhang Yan's polite words as soon as he opened his mouth. What he wanted was a more equal speech environment. That's right.It won't make Zhang Yan feel awkward.

"My lord has given me too much credit. The grass-roots associations are all small tricks. I'm really glad that I can help you. Before, the grass-roots were still worried that the elixir they made wouldn't meet your needs. Now they're relieved." Zhang Yan didn't intend to beat around the bush. Speaking of scenes, he knows what his value is in Zhou Cang's eyes now, and he also knows what doubts Zhou Cang has in his heart.That being the case, it is better to be straightforward, so as not to cause misunderstandings when you guess or I guess.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhang Yan uttered these words, Zhou Cang's eyes lit up.He even leaned forward a little, and asked anxiously: "So, Zhang Yan made that bone-strengthening pill yourself?"

"Yes, my lord. I made it at home yesterday afternoon. It's a pity that I didn't have enough medicinal materials at that time. I only picked some ingredients from the mountains. I bought some auxiliary materials yesterday, and I failed a few times in the end. Only two pitiful pills were obtained. My lord laughed." Zhang Yan showed some embarrassment on his face as he spoke, as if he felt ashamed of his medicine refining results, but he spoke the truth honestly.

Zhou Cang felt mixed feelings when he heard this.Although I was very happy to get Zhang Yan's acknowledgment that the bone-strengthening pill was refined by himself, rather than inheriting the teacher's relic.But the other party's look of "I actually did a terrible job, don't laugh" really made him a little unsure how to answer.

Two such miraculous and heaven-defying pills were refined in one afternoon, what's the point of "joking"? !Already great!Besides, after hearing what Zhang Yan said, if there are more medicinal materials, wouldn't it be possible to refine more?And this kind of thing should also have the saying "practice makes perfect", right?In the future, if Zhang Yan is allowed to refine frequently, will it be smoother?

When Zhou Cang changed his mind, he couldn't help but feel agitated in his heart again.

(End of this chapter)

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