one's door

Chapter 77 Elixir

Chapter 77 Elixir
Zhou Cang had great expectations and purpose for this meeting.The same is true for Zhang Yan.

The focus of both of them is on the pill.

"The bone-strengthening pill has such a heaven-defying effect, the medicinal materials needed must be extremely rare?" Although Zhou Cang understood that it would be a bit abrupt to ask directly, this matter is very important to his subsequent words, so he must ask it out, so try his best Let the smile on your face be more kind and your tone more gentle and natural.

Zhang Yan shook his head, and replied: "Actually, it's not that rare, but some of the medicinal materials are more expensive, and the grass people are short on money, so they didn't dare to buy them, so they found a few by luck in the mountains on the way back, and now they are all used up. Adjuvant medicines are cheap and don’t cost much.”

"Cough, cough, cough..." Zhou Cang coughed without turning around.He thought it was rare, but it turned out to be because of Zhang Yanqiong.This, this is a fart question!I can't help but have a new opinion about Zhang Yan: these people with miscellaneous studies are too honest, don't they have a crooked mind?With this kind of ability, can you go without money?

"Well, can you tell me which medicinal materials are mainly bad? I can help you with this." Zhou Cang hesitated for a while, but still asked tentatively.He even made a plan to change the subject as soon as Zhang Yan refused.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yan didn't mind at all, nodded and said: "There is nothing we can't say, "Dan" is completely different from ordinary medicines, and there is no taboo in taking out Dan recipes, adults don't have to be so cautious."

Zhou Cang laughed, but felt that he was petty. If the methods of others were so easy to learn, they would not be so difficult to meet now.

"It's mainly Jinxu, Rourongcao, and Baihui." Zhang Yan reported eleven herbs in one breath.They are all precious medicinal materials with the highest prices in Yuan Pharmacy.Of course, these are not all, but the most expensive part of the medicine has been included.

However, only Zhang Yan knew that the medicinal materials he mentioned had nothing to do with Zhuang Gu Pill.This is the prescription of another kind of elixir that he prepared for himself.

Bi Qing Dan.One pill in the stomach can increase life by ten years!

It was also a pill prepared by Zhang Yan for himself.

However, Zhang Yan, who has experienced the practice of Zhuang Gu Dan, is very clear that his current alchemy skills are basically the kind of beginners. Although it is enough to refine the threshold of Biqing Dan, there are still many ways to truly refine it. to go.At the very least, it will take many trials.

He had calculated in his mind before that one batch of Biqing Dan's medicinal materials could consume more than half of the salary he earned on Yubei Mountain in the past two years, and he even failed four or five batches of Bone Strengthening Pill before he succeeded. Once, followed by consecutive failures.So when refining Biqing Dan, don't you have to try it ten times?Dozens of times to succeed?

Zhang Yan understood why the four treasures of Taoism, "wealth, spouse, law, and land" would put "wealth" first.This is really costing money!

I have no money, and I don't want to throw my money into the water, but Biqingdan must be refined, what should I do?Just pass on the cost of alchemy to others.

So the bone-strengthening pill was thrown to Zhou Cang as a "favor" and also a bait.Now Zhou Cang has taken the bait, and in the future, he will use the medicinal materials Zhou Cang gave to practice Biqing Pill, and then give the other party Bone Strengthening Pill in return. Zhou Cang is also happy, and Zhang Yan has no pressure.

In addition, isn't human relationship deepened through such exchanges?

Not only did Zhou Cang memorize the eleven herbs reported by Zhang Yan, but the adjutant next to him also memorized them firmly in his heart.

"These medicinal materials are really not cheap, but they are not rare. I can find them for you at any time." Zhou Cang's eyes were fiery, and he seemed to see Zhang Yan putting handfuls of bone strengthening pills on the table. The look in front of him.

But what Zhang Yan wanted was a long-term relationship, not to coax Zhou Cang for a while, and there was no need for it.Therefore, Zhang Yan had to make some misunderstandings about pills clear at the beginning, so as to avoid misunderstandings in the future.

After considering his words, Zhang Yan put away the smile on his face, and said seriously: "My lord's kindness is naturally grateful, but maybe my lord has misunderstood the bone-strengthening pill, or the method of elixir, please allow me." Grassmen report."

"Hehe, you don't have to be polite, Zhang Yan. If there's anything I don't know, you can just tell me. I'm also very curious about how such a magical thing as the Strong Bone Pill can be."

Zhang Yan: "Your Excellency has also taken the Bone Strengthening Pill, and its effect is indeed very good, and it is based on the strength of the user's own bones and muscles, so the higher the martial artist's cultivation, the greater the gain after taking it. But this thing also has a limitation, or all pills have a common limitation, that is drug resistance."

"Drug resistance?" Zhou Cang heard this word for the first time, but the literal meaning is not difficult to understand, so he frowned slightly after hearing it.

"Yes, drug resistance. The effect of the pill will be the best when you take it for the first time, and then it will decrease until it has no effect. And the speed of resistance to different pills is also different. Some only have the first pill If it is effective, it will no longer be effective. And some will be slower. For example, the bone strengthening pill will no longer be effective after ten pills."

Although "this" is not good news, it did not surprise Zhou Cang too much.He was thinking about the possible limitations of the Bone Strengthening Pill last night.This is indeed the case today.

"How much muscle and bone strength can be gained after ten?"

"Because the diminishing effect varies from person to person, it's hard to say the fine scale, but generally speaking, ten can increase the strength of muscles and bones by at least [-]%. Of course, it refers to the specific percentage rather than the specific increase." Zhang Yan left Some leeway, in fact, the alchemy book says [-]% to [-]%, at least.

Enough said here.Zhou Cang, as a martial artist in the Tongqiao Realm, has a much clearer understanding of muscles and bones than Zhang Yan.Once the bone strengthening pill's drug resistance comes out, the usage of this pill will definitely change.But it ignores the realm of cultivation, and the effect of iron-strength medicine to increase the strength of muscles and bones will not be cut in half because of drug resistance.The actual impact is not great.

Because in Zhou Cang's view, this bone strengthening pill is destined not to be a treasure that low-level warriors can use.

In addition, Zhang Yan's words revealed a piece of news that surprised Zhou Cang, that is: other pills.

Does the implication mean that Zhang Yanhui is not limited to the pill of strengthening bones?What are the effects of other medicines?With Zhuanggu Pill as the first gem, other pills must not be so simple.

"If your lord needs it, the grassroots can help you refine two furnaces of bone-strengthening pills. However, if the refining is useless, I hope your lord will be happy. After all, the grassroots who are alchemy are not capable of it, and there will always be a waste of time." .”

(End of this chapter)

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