one's door

Chapter 78 Carpenter

Chapter 78 Carpenter
Open a shop to sell pills?This idea has never been in Zhang Yan's mind.Obviously, it can be disposed of casually at a high premium, so how can it be possible to make it into a store that pays for the goods?
To put it bluntly, Zhang Yan is currently the only alchemist in Huangtianyu, even if he is just a beginner, he is the only one in the world.Wasn't someone rushing to get some kind of elixir?
There is a saying called: seeking pills.

It means to prepare the medicinal materials by yourself, and then invite alchemists to refine them.If it's done, give the alchemist a benefit; if it doesn't work, just smile and go to prepare the medicinal materials, not to mention the loss, but also thank you for your help.

Don't think this is a joke, many classics in Longhushan describe alchemists in this way.Of course, it is the treatment that only great alchemists have.

And Zhang Yan, in Huangtianyu, is the ceiling of alchemists.The word "seeking alchemy" is naturally the normal state needed to find him for alchemy in the future.Zhou Cang is the evolution process of this rule at the beginning.

From entering the gate of Zhang's house to when Zhou Cang said goodbye with a smile, he stayed in Zhang's house for a whole hour, during which he talked with Zhang Yan about some interesting things about Yubei Shanlin Zedonglin.Both of them tacitly hoped to use Lin Zedong's relationship to narrow the distance between them.

As for the troubles that Zhang Yan was carrying, the two also tacitly did not mention a word.With the elixir involved, Zhang Yan is confident that Zhou Cang will not just sit idly by.Zhou Cang is also confident that no matter what troubles there are in Langyuan City, as long as Zhang Yan himself does not commit crimes, he will be able to protect the Zhang family.

"Brother Zhang, please go back!"

"Go slow, my lord!"

This scene can be said to scare those neighbors who peeped at the Zhang family through the crack of the door, or people with ulterior motives.

What did Zhou Cang call Zhang Yan when he left just now?Brother Zhang? !This. It seems that Zhou Cang is the first time in the whole Langyuan City to address someone so affectionately.Even in the face of Wu Yuanshi, an equal political officer, Zhou Cang is commensurate with his position.

It's just a commoner who has returned from a cleansing crime. Is it necessary for a big man like Zhou Cang to hand it over like this?
The jaw dropped and it scared a lot of people.

The neighbors in Zhuzui Lane all knew in their hearts that this family might be different from everyone else, not to mention making friends, but at least no one would dare to make trouble with them in the future, right?
Those people with ulterior motives left in a hurry from the other side of the alley. The news must be passed on as soon as possible. Zhou Cang's attitude towards the Zhang family has exceeded the limit of previous judgments.

After Zhou Cang left, the old mother and elder brother naturally asked curious questions again.But their knowledge is limited, and the importance of the bone strengthening pill only exists in the four words "unknown and aware".What's more is to understand that Zhang Yan and Zhou Cang are really on friendship now.

There is a sense of emptiness like a dream.There is a sense of security.

No one dares to bully our family now, right?My mother Wang Lanping thought so.

Could it be that Zhang Er wants to take advantage of Mr. Zhou's power to take revenge this time?To Xiao Chongwen and the others?Or is there another secret?Zhang Shunru thought about it, but he was still a little worried.

After seeing off Zhou Cang and appeasing the family, Zhang Yan went out and went to the small wine shop at the entrance of the alley first. He didn't choose, so he bought five catties of the strongest wine.This wine doesn't even have a name, it only has one characteristic, that is, it burns like a knife, and usually a light drinker will wait for a day to sleep after two or two drinks.Just like this, people in Zhuzui Alley are generally reluctant to call for a drink, and put it at the bottom of the box in the shop.

I don't know if it's because today's incident has spread widely. When Zhang Yan paid the money, some two pieces were wiped off by the shop owner, and the smile on his face was even more enthusiastic.Even sent out a few steps.

Opening the wine cork and sniffing it curiously, Zhang Yan immediately raised his head back and let out a "hiss".Undoubtedly, he has gradually accepted the cruel reality of his alcohol consumption.Even smelling it now makes my nose burn.

Naturally, Zhang Yan didn't ask for such strong wine to drink, but he planned to come to the door later as a meeting ceremony.A jug of good wine, in front of a person who is said to be good at it, will make it easier to talk about it later.

dong dong dong.

Katz opened the door, and inside was a middle-aged man in his fifties with dark skin and thin body, looking carefully at Zhang Yan outside the door.

"Master Liu, I'm Zhang Er and Zhang Yan from the opposite side. Come and drop by, can I go in?" Zhang Yan greeted with a smile.He knew very well that the other party must know him.When he went out to see Zhou Cang off just now, Zhang Yan clearly saw the other party looking out through the crack of the door.

"Hey, second brother of the Zhang family, please, please come in!"

After entering the house, it was dark and there was a damp smell.The room is also very narrow, one kitchen and one is the main room.A curtain was drawn in the middle of the main room, obviously the outside is still used for the main room, and the inside should be the separated bedroom.

Zhang Yan is not surprised, this kind of house is the environment where most people live in Zhuzui Lane.The Zhang family sold their wealth and moved here. They are a bit down and down, but they also have a foundation, which is incomparable.

In his perception, Zhang Yan could feel that behind the curtain was a person with a bit of aura, probably the wife of Liu Carpenter that the eldest brother said.

"Come on, drink some hot water. The house is simple, don't be surprised by the second brother of the Zhang family." Carpenter Liu looked embarrassed.Although he wasn't worried that the other party would hurt him, he still felt that if the other party was in contact with dignified officials, he was not his type, even though they were two pairs of each other.

"Okay, Master Liu. By the way, I heard from my brother that you like to drink. This was ordered at the wine shop in the alley just now. Don't be disgusted." Zhang Yan sat on the stool and put the wine on the table.

"This, this can't be done, can't be done, I."

"Master Liu, don't refuse. You didn't help my family too much back then. You insisted on paying for my little sister Zhang Huiyuan's craftsmanship, and the family members were in a daze and really took it. This is too wrong. But the wine, you I have to accept it, otherwise, wouldn’t it mean that we don’t treat our family as neighbors? Right?”

"This, this..." Carpenter Liu was stupid, a little anxious but didn't know how to reject Zhang Yan.

Zhang Yan waved his hand, took out the drawings he drew last night from his arms, put them on the table, then changed the subject with a smile and said to Carpenter Liu: "Here are some small things, Master Liu, see if you can make them. "

"Ah? Oh! Okay, let me see."

Carpenter Liu took the drawing and looked at it for a while, then raised his head, his eyeballs were much more bulging than before.Pointing to the words on the drawing with a slightly embarrassed tone, he said: "Second Brother Zhang, is this a carpenter's object? It looks like a chair with wheels? But what do these words mean? I, I can't read. .”

"Master Liu, don't blame me, I was negligent. Let me explain to you. This thing is a chair with wheels. I call it a wheelchair. Look, these things look like this. And the size"

At the end, Zhang Yan added: "How? Master Liu thinks it can be done?"

(End of this chapter)

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