one's door

Chapter 750

Chapter 750
Because of the opportunity in the shining storm before and the continuous addition of primordial purple energy later on, resulting in a thick accumulation, the current Zhang Yan's talents are thinner, and the time is far longer than the time he prepared when he transitioned from a human immortal to an earth immortal. Much shorter.

But although the preparation time was shortened, in fact Zhang Yan did not save any steps.At the same time, he was in the same state as every time the catastrophe came, and he felt very good about himself, waiting for the thunder to test his cultivation results.

Because there are already immortals in the Cliff Mountain at this time, you should have a general impression of the catastrophe after becoming immortals. Even if it may scare them, it is better than being ignorant. Times are much better.

Therefore, Zhang Yan deliberately left a small gap on the edge of the world barrier in Huang Tianyu, so that the three brothers and sisters Wang Nian could watch his subsequent five or nine days of calamity from a close distance through the thinnest part of the world barrier.

And Zhang Yan also pushed the strength in his body to the extreme in the final sprint, and the last barrier of the fairyland realm also broke a big hole.But it didn't break directly.

Zhang Yan was no stranger to this situation.He knew that the last boundary barrier could not be completely broken by himself.As long as a hole is opened, there will be external forces behind him to help him completely break off the last involvement.The premise is whether he can withstand those external forces.

At the same time, after Zhang Yan's last boundary barrier was broken, the turbulent flow in the void that was originally flowing in disorder also suddenly changed drastically.

First of all, those fine space fragments began to be pulled to the side by the invisible force, just like the previous analysis of Huang Tianyu, they were squeezed out by the invisible force and piled up layer by layer, and finally looked like a huge crater. Surrounded by the middle barren sky domain.

Then a black hole like an "eye" began to emerge from the turbulent flow of the void.Its size is like a fragment of the world, and it is two circles larger than the eye of the void that appeared during the forty-ninth catastrophe.A frightening purple thunder light flickered inside.The thunder light is connected into a piece, just like the eyes of this eye of the void.

If you stare at it, there will be a sense of horror that it is also watching you.

Zhang Yan's impression of the eyes of the void was not good.The last time he narrowly escaped death under the eyes of the void.This time the eyes have become bigger, and I don't know if it will be more difficult.

Zhang Yan is actually fine if he is nervous.He has seen too much life and death, and has experienced too much. All the preparations have been made, and he will not be unwilling if it is really a dead end.

What's more, Zhang Yan believed that he would not die.This feeling is very strange, and there is no way to explain it.

Even more nervous than Zhang Yan were the three apprentices of Zhang Yan in the "viewing platform" left in Huangtianyu.Although they are now adults, this is the first time they have seen the process of condensing the heavenly tribulation in the void.

"Heavenly Tribulation in the Void. Why does Master's Heavenly Tribulation always evolve in the void? This is not the same as the records in Taoism books!"

"Actually, it just looks different. In fact, it is true in the Daoist scriptures. Master's Heavenly Tribulation is also described in the Daoist scriptures. It is just another possibility that has not been clarified."

Because Wujiu Tianjie's power storage time is very long, after the initial shock of the Void Eye, the three of Wang Nian adjusted their emotions and began to discuss.After all, not everyone has the opportunity to see this scene in front of them.

"How to say?"

"It is said in the Taoist scriptures that the world is responsible for the evolution of the catastrophe. But those who cross the catastrophe cannot exceed the limit of the power of the world. In other words, it is not that Huang Tianyu does not want to evolve the catastrophe for the master, but that it does not have this ability at all. When the master At the time of Zundu Tribulation [-], the Desolate Heaven Territory had just opened the world, and human beings had already reached the limit of [-] Tribulations, and the natural power of [-] Tribulations was beyond their reach. Now it is even more impossible to go below [-] Tribulations.

So Huang Tianyu had no choice but to let the Eye of the Void stand out.reasonable? "

"What Junior Sister said is exactly what I thought. However, the power of this Heavenly Tribulation in the Void is probably much greater than the normal Heavenly Tribulation."

"It's hard to say! But looking at this battle, I'm curious about how Master survived the previous forty-nine calamity. If I waited, I would also survive this kind of heaven."

"Junior Sister, stop! Our cultivation is not as fast as Master's, and it is impossible to surpass the world power of the Desolate Heaven Territory. Therefore, it is impossible to cross the sky and the sky. You should calm down, it is very scary to say it." Wang Nian interrupted hastily Confused Liu Rui's conjecture.I feel unlucky.Because he knew in his heart that if their future catastrophe was also the void catastrophe that the master in front of him had crossed, he would definitely die.For him, it was like the ghost stories he heard when he was a child, and he felt cold all over.

"Besides, don't you think this is not an ordinary void environment?" Yang Rui looked around, and the surrounding mountains, which were crowded out by the eyes of the void, were really spectacular, which also indicated that this place was not an ordinary void.

"I don't know. But it must be a secluded place somewhere in the void that the master is looking for. Didn't the master say last time that the battle was too big to attract attention during the Four or Nine Tribulations? This time, I should want to avoid similar things." It happens."

After chatting for a while, the depressing atmosphere soon made it impossible for the three of them to continue chatting.Because the Eye of the Void was completely opened, the oppressive force coming out of it had surpassed the three or nine days of calamity experienced by the three of them, and the momentum had not diminished but increased, exceeding the imagination of the three in the blink of an eye.

It's like people who have never seen a sandstorm think that a sandstorm is just a scene of wind and dust. When they really see the sandstorm covering the sky, they will naturally become speechless for a short time because of the shock in their hearts.

To put it bluntly, I was dumbfounded.

After the coercion emanating from the Eye of the Void has been tens of times, Wang Nian and the three of them no longer know how to describe the shock in their hearts.And obviously, even though it surpassed the Thirty-nine Heavenly Tribulation dozens of times, the coercion did not stop growing.

Over a hundred times? !

When the coercion in the Eye of the Void finally remained constant at a certain level, it had already surpassed the most terrifying three-nine-day calamity experienced by Wang Nian and the others by a hundred times.

A normal five-nine-day calamity cannot be more than a hundred times stronger than a three-nine-day calamity.But if the five-nine-day robbery in the void is compared with the normal three-nine-day robbery, it is not surprising that it is more than a hundred times.

When the first calamity thunder was condensed in the eye of the void, and the prelude to the five or nine heavenly calamities kicked off, even Yang Rui, who was usually the most resilient, couldn't help but feel cold hands and feet.I was a little desperate by the terrifying power contained in the tribulation thunder.

"Have you noticed that there is still the erosive power of the void in those tribulation thunders!? This kind of tribulation thunder master can catch it smoothly?!"

Horror and surprise intertwined.Such an outrageously tyrannical catastrophe can still be followed by his master.

Is it that all the late-stage Earth Immortals have this outrageous strength or is it only the master?

(End of this chapter)

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