one's door

Chapter 751 Heavenly Immortal

Chapter 751 Heavenly Immortal
No one can maintain a calm mood under the catastrophe, because the variables of the catastrophe are too great, who knows if he will provoke the catastrophe somewhere and then come to a catastrophe?

Perhaps others will think that the massacre is a very small probability event, which can almost be equated with a legend.But for Zhang Yan, Man Jie is not far away from him at all.Even experienced it once.

So when the first robbery thunder fell, Zhang Yan was already full of energy. At the same time, even if the intensity of the first robbery thunder did not make him feel that "the danger is accumulating", he did not Don't be careless.

In fact, to be honest, at this moment when the thunderbolt hit, Zhang Yan felt pretty good.Although the power of the first tribulation thunder of Sijiu Tianjie is indeed much greater, but he is now in the late stage of the earth fairyland, and his strength has also skyrocketed a lot compared to before, and it is not difficult to pick it up.

Of course, Zhang Yan's feeling that it's not difficult doesn't mean that he can follow it as easily as he does in the later stage of the same fairyland.Because the biggest difference between Zhang Yan now and the Four Nine Heavens Tribulation is not the increase in strength, but the extra scarlet void power in his body.These powers did not exist when he was through the forty-nine catastrophes, but only appeared and integrated into his body of the earth immortal when he formally stepped into the earth immortal.

Now it is this kind of scarlet void power that allows Zhang Yan to stand calmly under the five or nine heavenly calamities.

The surging power in each tribulation thunder is actually still under Zhang Yan's strength, so it's not too much to say for the time being.And the method that is really a surprise attack in Jielei is the sky demon and the erosive power of the void mixed with it.This point is the same as that of the Void Heavenly Tribulation during the Four Nine Heavenly Tribulations.

But this time, because I already had the scarlet void power in my body, it was very easy to undertake the surprise attack in the Five or Nine Heavens Tribulation.Just like when Zhang Yan relied on these scarlet void forces to counteract the erosion of the storm in the dazzling storm, although he could feel the strength, he was able to resist it.

As for the celestial demon who made others fearful, it was completely meaningless in front of Zhang Yan as always.He doesn't even have a Dao heart, and his practice is completely drifting with the tide. Even if the demon enters his body, he can't find his so-called obsession and paranoia at all, so he can't amplify the negative emotions in his heart to create gaps, and there is nothing he can do about gnashing his teeth.

"I don't know if there will be another disturbance in the future." Zhang Yan didn't dare to be careless.Even Jie Lei is not so difficult to accept because of his many peculiarities.But Heaven's Tribulation doesn't just rely on surprise attacks. His upright brute force can also kill him.

So the key is to see if the last five or nine days of calamity is as determined to kill him as the four or nine days of calamity.

The limit of five or nine heavenly tribulations is 45 thunderbolts. Normally, Zhang Yan only needs to receive 27 to 32 thunderbolts to overcome the calamity.And if more than 36 tribulation thunders fell, then this time, like the previous one, most likely they were rushing to take Zhang Yan's life.

Thunder exploded in the void, and the aftermath of this scene alone was enough to make the three disciples watching the ceremony speechless as if their livers were torn apart.And with the continuous falling of the tribulation thunder, the power of the Five Nine Heavens Tribulation has once again exceeded their cognition.

Until the No.20 seven thunderbolts fell, the three people watching the ceremony couldn't help tightening their hearts.Understand that now is the most critical moment.

When the No. 30 thunderbolts fell, Zhang Yan's heart sank.Before, he was relatively calm and hard-wired, but since this one, he has to use all his strength to force it.But at this time, there was no sign of Tianlei dying down, and the eyes of the void were still full of terrifying murderous intentions.

"It's not really going to be another catastrophe, is it?!" Zhang Yan felt tired.He really doesn't have the slightest bit of confidence in such a murderous thing like Man Jie.Last time, he relied on Dao Danli's little vitality to survive, what about this time?How can you be so lucky?

However, the ups and downs of things didn't really put on a big drama for Zhang Yan in the end, but it did startle Zhang Yan a lot.

When Jielei hit No.30 six, Zhang Yan had given up all his fantasies in his heart, and was ready to welcome the arrival of Manjie.He didn't even have the strength to curse in his heart.Because the power of No.30's six tribulation thunders has almost reached the limit of the strength he can bear now.

Nine of No.30 fell down, and Zhang Yanxiao was almost killed by this one blow.All the means of resistance were instantly destroyed like paper, and the rest relied on the physical body to resist.

If it weren't for the much more abundant vitality in Dao Dan that suddenly appeared several times to fill up the damage and hidden wounds of Zhang Yan's physical body, Zhang Yan would never have been able to withstand No. 40 tribulation thunders.

And from the No.40 one, Zhang Yan had to enter the state of "false harmony", and asked Huang Tianyu to help him resist part of the mighty power of the tribulation thunder.

But just when Zhang Yan put aside life and death and was about to fight for his life again, Jielei came to an abrupt end.
There are a total of 43 pieces before and after.

Although it seems that there are only two grains away from the full calamity.But Zhang Yan knew that those two were almost equal to the combined power of the previous 43.It is brute force, the brute force of Heavenly Tribulation itself.It was also the main reason why Zhang Yan almost belched the last time he was full of tribulations.

This time it seems that he was let go? !

Exhausted, Zhang Yan slumped down and sat cross-legged in the void, and at the same time removed the "false union" state between him and Huang Tianyu.Feeling my own weakness, but also lamenting that I escaped this time.

"You don't hate me that much anymore? Is that what you mean?" Zhang Yan tilted his head with a smile on his face, looking at the huge void eye directly in front of him, looking at the person inside who was staring at him like a bead. Weird scene.He didn't even know if it was a hallucination, but Zhang Yan always felt that there was something "curious" and "inexplicably familiar" inside the Eye of the Void, as if it was calling him.

And Zhang Yan doesn't think the Eye of the Void is a dead thing.It's like Huang Tianyu was also responsible for the evolution of Heavenly Tribulation for monks as a test before.Is that Desolate Heaven Territory a dead thing?Obviously not.

So Zhang Yan has reason to think that the Eye of the Void is also not a dead thing.

If it is not a dead thing, it has "likes and dislikes".Or have their own value distinction.For example, which ones need to be destroyed and which ones need to be preserved.

Zhang Yan's own understanding is that when he experienced the full calamity forty-nine years ago, he was the part that "needs to perish" in the value distinction of the Eye of the Void.Unfortunately, he was lucky, the Eye of the Void didn't kill him.And now he should not be in the range of "need to perish", at most he is "disliked" but can be "try to keep".

That's why Zhang Yan enjoyed 43 thunderstorms this time, which was significantly higher than the normal Heavenly Tribulation, but he wouldn't be dealt with by the dead.

And when Zhang Yan sat paralyzed in the void, the rewards for successfully crossing the tribulation began to be cashed out to him from the eyes of the void. Since then, the earth fairyland has been left behind, and it has been the heavenly fairyland ever since.

(End of this chapter)

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