one's door

Chapter 755 Departure

Chapter 755 Departure
Sword intent, in fact, is not a unique category in the inheritance of the Great Desolate World, but one of a large category.

Similar to Sword Intent is "Sword Intent".

The front is the object, and the back is the meaning.So the focus is on the following word, which is "the way of meaning".

Meaning, awareness.That is to say, this "One Way of Mind" is actually a developed means for realizing the realization of the level of consciousness in reality.

It sounds a bit mysterious, but it is very straightforward to use.It is a means of extremely strong attack power.

It is precisely because of the offensive nature of "One of the Meanings" that it is often paired with some offensive weapons to practice together.Sword Intent, Saber Intent, etc. are derived from this.

Along the way, Zhang Yan relied on his own comprehension and luck to touch all the exercises in the Wanxiang Zhuli Library Hall.It wasn't until after he became an immortal that the situation improved a little. At least he had the "perspective" of Huangtianyu to look at his own practice dialectically.

Therefore, seeking stability has always been the bottom line that Zhang Yan sticks to the most in his practice.He habitually discards or skips all the means and ways with risks or uncertainties.Even the method of talisman soldiers was only dabbled in when he had no choice.

And "One Way of Meaning" is purely at the level of consciousness, and the difficulty in it is far more difficult than ordinary spells or the power of rules that can be manifested.According to Taoist scriptures, it is a hundred times more difficult to get started than other methods.Without the guidance of others, it is even more difficult to understand and open the situation by yourself.

In addition, "One Way of Meaning" is extremely dangerous.Because it is purely a method at the level of consciousness, unlike other methods, even if something goes wrong, it is just a little internal injury or a decline in practical strength. As long as it is not an evil method, even if it fails, it will not hurt your life.

But the "way of meaning" is different. Once something goes wrong at the pure level of consciousness, it will hurt the main body of consciousness, and at least the damage to consciousness will directly destroy the foundation of practice.If it is more serious, the consciousness will collapse and the body will die.

If it weren't for the fact that "One Way of Mind" doesn't have the auxiliary practice methods of evil sects, this method might be directly classified as evil methods of other sects, after all, it is too dangerous.

Zhang Yan had also been envious of the number of cultivation ways of "One Way of Mind" before.After all, the sword fairy's posture of "coming with the sword to ride the wind, to eliminate demons between heaven and earth" is unrestrained and reckless, and it is said that the sword fairy is the best at attacking among all the immortals.How not to make people jealous?

But in the end, because there was no one to guide him, and the practice of "The Way of Mind" was too dangerous, Zhang Yan could only sigh and put this method aside.

Before that, Zhang Yan never thought that one day he would pick up the Taoist scriptures and classics about "One Way of Meaning" again and read them again.I don't ask for it, and I don't dare to practice it directly, but I hope to learn more about the details and key points of this way.The purpose is to add a little more vitality to the ruins of the Sword Tomb later on.

By the way, Zhang Yan picked up and read together with the "Yi Zhi Dao" and related methods about "Qi Luck".

Why by the way.Because the starting point of "air luck" also starts from the level of consciousness.When dabbling in "One Way of Meaning", one can also learn about "Qi Luck" together.

In fact, Zhang Yan is also curious about how far the people of Mingyue Valley have reached on this road.It seems to be taking the shortest route by taking advantage of other people's "luck", as the saying goes, "hitchhiking".If we can also check our "luck" by ourselves, can we be confident about some actions of Mingyue Valley and prepare in advance?

Of course, whether it's "One Way of Mind" or the method of "Qi Luck", Zhang Yan can only be regarded as rushing to catch it now, not grinding his gun before the battle.Fortunately, he didn't want to practice these two methods, but simply to understand.This gave him a quick overview at the level of a layman.

Even if it is only approximate, it is timed in units of years, and 11 years have passed in a blink of an eye.

Today Zhang Yan received another jade sword.Counting the one received five days ago, this is the second jade sword.

The previous jade sword was given by Li Dianchuan to Zhang Yan, and it said "the time is approaching" because the disciples of Mingyue Valley have already been assigned to the task orders.Including Li Dianchuan himself, they will set off within three days to gather in the unknown domain in the northwest.It is also reminding Zhang Yan to be prepared, the jade sword given to him by Mingyue Valley should be coming soon.

The latter one was indeed as Li Dianchuan said, it was a letter written by Mingyue Gufeng Yuhe himself on the jade sword, which conveyed the star map of the sword tomb ruins.And briefly talked about the current situation around the Jianzhong ruins.If I can sum it up in one word, it's instant!
Feng Yuhe didn't hide it in the jade sword, and frankly explained the situation around the Jianzhong ruins.But at the same time, he also assured Zhang Yan that the situation was controllable, and that everything was under the control of the Chaos Faction.

To put it simply, what Feng Yuhe expressed was to hope that Zhang Yan would not worry, and advised him to go at the invitation, and Mingyue Valley would protect him well and not need him to do anything.The words were extremely kind and enthusiastic, and even gave Zhang Yan the feeling that Feng Yuhe seemed to want him to go to the appointment more than Li Dianchuan.

"Is it because of my luck again? It seems that the people in Mingyue Valley are quite sure about this! Where does their confidence come from? It seems to have been applied to specific events. This is not just "luck" "Its own means, it seems to have been touched by the "difference technique"?"

Zhang Yan didn't know that these conjectures were close to the biggest secret in Mingyue Valley.

Made some arrangements for the disciples in Cliff Mountain.Zhang Yan's deity sat in the secret room and continued to practice meditation.This time, the focus is still on "One Way of Meaning" and "Luck", and at the same time, there will be some distractions to check the related methods of Yanshu.Zhang Yan had a hunch that these would be very helpful for him when he stepped into the Sword Tomb ruins.

Zhang Yan also hesitated before.In the end, he chose to take the Wanxiang Pearl with him, and went to the Sword Tomb ruins with his identity as a "feldspar", instead of leaving it by his side as he did several times in the past.

As a result, the power of Wanxiangzhu can be used by the talisman soldiers along with the increase in the quality of Zhang Yan's primordial spirit that the talisman soldiers can carry.Second, the benefits of carrying the Wanxiang Pearl are far more than leaving it in the cliff mountain.It is also better able to protect the body of this rune soldier from advancing and retreating.When it was really troublesome, Zhang Yan was able to break the talisman to cover the Yuanshen to escape, and use the Wanxiang Pearl to carry the fragments of the Yuanshen to escape and return.

With a flickering figure, Zhang Yan once again stepped into the void in the form of a talisman soldier, circled a large circle in a disorderly manner as before, and then began to walk in the direction of the sword tomb ruins marked on the star map.

The distance is very far, even if there is a star map, it will take at least three months to arrive.And the closer they got, the more powerful immortals in Zhang Yan's spiritual sense were walking in the same direction, forming groups.

(End of this chapter)

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