one's door

Chapter 756

Chapter 756
Moving out from a star node again, Zhang Yan found that the surroundings could no longer be described as groups of three or five. Not only were their strengths almost all rising in the middle and late stage of the Immortal Realm, but they also gathered in formations in this place. battle.

According to the identity marks on these immortals, they are all gathered together in groups according to the sect as a force unit.Obviously there are also distant relatives.There will be several sect forces waiting to gather, and then set off together.

This is a bit like the "alliance" in the pastoral school, except that there is no legitimate orderer, and there is no subordinate relationship.


It should be in a certain period of time that they unite with each other to form a relatively close offensive and defensive alliance.In order to cope with the next brutal fight.

To be honest, it has been a long time since Zhang Yan saw this kind of scene where he watched the power gather and prepare for the killing.When he first came to Daohuang Tianyu before, he often had this kind of experience as a pawn on Yubei Mountain.Looking back on it now, I still subconsciously feel nervous.

When he was in the Pastoral School, Zhang Yan's impression of the Chaos School was mostly "lunatics" and "destroyers", and he felt that these people were all paranoid and evil practitioners in the practice world.

But after resisting the Chaos faction and getting in touch with it for a period of time, you will find that there is not much difference between the Chaos faction and the Pastoral faction in general, except for the "practice philosophy" they preach and the different power structure.At most, the number of cultivation paths in the Chaos Sect is wilder, and there are more evil methods that can exist reasonably.

For example, Zhang Yan's stagnant and independent status at this time.This identity can go unimpeded in the Chaos faction, but in the pastoral faction, it has already been attacked by groups.

And the forces of the Chaos faction actually have the discipline and calm coping ability in front of them, which Zhang Yan did not expect before.

After all, compared with the alliance system of the Pastoral Sect, the forces in the Chaos Sect seem to be more scattered.Now aggregated without losing weight.It seems that the pastoral faction has put a lot of pressure on the chaos faction, forcing them to unite and deal with the pastoral faction every time they face the pastoral faction.

A lone immortal like Zhang Yan who has no identity marks on his body is rarer as he gets closer to the ruins of the sword mound marked on the star map.There are more forces from all sides of the Chaos faction forming an array.

Not only the top forces, but the mid-stream forces are the absolute main force.

It stands to reason that the midstream forces did not have the ability to step into the middle layer of the Jianzhong ruins.So come to join in the fun just for the superficial exploration opportunity?Zhang Yan didn't think so.He believes that the top forces of the Chaos faction should have promised to these midstream forces, otherwise they would never have sacrificed their lives like this.

"The front is the unknown domain." This is not the first time Zhang Yan has seen the unknown domain. He had brushed past the unknown domain before when he was running away from the pastoral school.At that time, he took a quick look from the perspective of Huang Tianyu, but he didn't see any gap between the unknown domain and the known void.

This time, not only was he approaching the edge of the unknown domain, but Zhang Yan also had to follow him in.

"Senior Changshi! This junior has been waiting here for a long time!"

Zhang Yan just stood on the edge of the unknown domain for a while, and was soon seen by the disciples of Mingyue Valley who were waiting here early, and then notified Zhou Min, who was in charge of the reception task, and then Zhou Min rushed over, smiling at Zhang Yan Salute and say hello.


Zhang Yan maintained his "reticent" persona, and followed Zhou Min into the invisible dividing line that was waiting for hundreds of immortals. At the same time, those waiting people all looked at him in surprise.Before, I thought that Zhang Yan was a lone fairy who came to join in the fun. Although it was eye-catching, it would not make all parties look at it too much.

But when Zhou Min appeared, and treated him with courtesy, he called him senior.This scene is amazing.You must know that Zhou Min's identity is still very sensitive as the personal attendant of Elder Jinxian in the top power.Not to mention being well-known, but at least many people have registered her in their hearts.

Zhou Min welcomed him out, he must have been instructed.Whose instigation?Who else could there be besides the Red Lotus True Immortal Feng Yuhe?

But in this way, the identity of that lifeless and lonely angel became the focus of attention.

Why is that guy?
Only some well-informed people would secretly say "So it's true!" after seeing the scene in front of them, and then look at each other, tacit understanding.

The name of feldspar is actually not unpopular among the Chaos faction at this time.Especially after Fang Han of the first sect suffered a loss decades ago, more people remembered it in their hearts.I just didn't expect to meet here.Is this going to be a battle too?

Zhang Yan didn't care about what other people guessed about him. The moment he stepped into the unknown domain, he felt a completely different feeling here.

If we say that the other side of the invisible boundary, that is, the known area of ​​the void is heading to a sea area where undercurrents are surging, this unknown area is like a lifeless swamp.Stepping into it, people are immediately dragged by pulling forces coming from all directions, and they stabilize their body in an instant to avoid being staggered by the sudden chaotic force.

"Senior, please, my teacher and the great elder Gu Zhong have been waiting for you there for a long time." Zhou Min took half a step forward to lead the way for Zhang Yan. She did not show any surprise because Zhang Yan's figure returned to normal in an instant. .In her eyes, she is a golden fairy, and this reaction is really normal.It's strange if you can't stand still.

Although Zhang Yan still had the dead face of Fu Bing on his face, he was most nervous at the moment.Because he had seen Feng Yuhe before, but Song Shiyu, the great elder of Mingyue Valley, had never seen such a big Luo Jinxian.Will the opponent see the flaws in his talisman soldier?Or will there be another temptation?
But when things come to an end, this hurdle must be passed.

After almost three hours of continuous moving, Zhang Yan found that the consumption of moving in the unknown area was much greater than that in the known area.Because the space here is more disordered, even if it is not a large teleportation, it will take twice as much immortal energy to achieve the effect of folding the space.

"Are you able to fight in this environment?" Zhang Yan was very curious. With such difficulties in this unknown area, can the Chaos faction and the Pastoral faction really fight against these difficulties?Anyway, his own feeling is that it is like swimming in a swamp, his whole body is constrained and uncomfortable.

In front of him, a huge scene nearly twice as exaggerated as that of Feng Yuhe's before appeared at Zhang Yan's final destination.There are eight strange beasts pulling the cart, and the cart behind it is like a palace, magnificent and domineering.

A familiar figure could be seen outside the car, and Feng Yuhe was waiting for him outside.

Feng Yuhe just greeted Zhang Yan, it should be to take care of Zhang Yan's "habit" of not wanting to talk too much, and led him into the car.

"The Great Elder of the Bizong is inside, and he also wants to meet fellow daoists. If you have any questions about the ruins of the Sword Tomb, you can ask the elders face to face. It is rare for a great elder to have explored the bottom of the ruins of the Sword Tomb for a long time. people."

(End of this chapter)

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