one's door

Chapter 757

Chapter 757
Song Shiyu's body can hardly detect any "immortal" temperament.He looks like a middle-aged man, his hair is meticulously combed and crowned, and his clothes are not luxurious but not casual, giving people a very elegant feeling.Coupled with his peaceful temperament, he was very similar to those high-ranking officials that Zhang Yan had seen in the government offices of various countries in Huangtianyu.

As for the difference in power and life level of immortals, it cannot be seen in Song Shiyu.

In other words, if it weren't for this occasion and place, even with Zhang Yan's current cultivation strength, he would not be able to tell whether the opponent was a strong man or an ordinary person.

"Is this Your Excellency Changshi? Hehe, I have heard Feng Yuhe mention you a lot. Mingyue Valley's sect is indebted to you for your help, especially when you were against the first sect before. I haven't thanked you in person yet!"

"The Great Elder is serious, it's just a matter of raising one's hand." Zhang Yan hurriedly bowed his hands in return.

It has to be said that the other party not only looks like a powerful person in the world, but also seems to be acting and speaking in the same way.The polite words in the speech are smoother than Zhang Yan's, and they are less obtrusive.

It was Song Shiyu's eyes that reassured Zhang Yan.From the moment he saw him, there was a flash of curiosity in his eyes, other than that, there was no malice or hostility revealed.Generally speaking, it was similar to when Feng Yuhe saw him for the first time.

This shows that the opponent is very likely to have not seen this flaw in the talisman soldier like Feng Yuhe did.But whether there is any doubt, which point is the doubt, this is not the conclusion that Zhang Yan can draw so simply in his mind.

At least it seems that Zhang Yan's situation is safe for the time being.

"Hahaha, Your Excellency is reticent and devoted to practice. This kind of persistence is the most admirable. Unlike us, there are many chores besides practice, and there is little peace of mind.

I heard that your Excellency has a deep research on the erosive power of the void, and this time it can be used in the ruins.Although the "Sword Intent" was rampant in there, the erosive power of the void was still not weak. Although it was not as dangerous as the glare storm, it was not comparable to an ordinary void environment.At that time, maybe we will have to rely on your means.I also hope that Your Excellency will not refuse, hahaha"

From the very beginning, Song Shiyu had the right to speak, leading Zhang Yan to exchange pleasantries without talking nonsense, and directly cut into some matters that need attention in the ruins.And he did not shy away from telling Zhang Yan the experience he knew in the ruins and some important details one by one, and helped Zhang Yan analyze which area it is best to explore after entering the ruins based on his situation. Where to avoid etc.

And Song Shiyu answered Zhang Yan's question without hesitation.Even some questions about the bottom layer of the ruins have not been avoided.

"Hahaha, are you interested in the bottom layer? Or are you interested in the legendary four swords?" Song Shiyu was not surprised that Zhang Yan paid attention to the bottom layer of the ruins.It would be strange otherwise.

After a pause, Song Shiyu continued: "Actually, the legends are not to be believed. It is said that the Four Great Killing Swords were buried in the ruins as the treasure chests guarding the sword mound. But in fact, whether it is me or other big swords Luo Jinxian, did not find any clues about them in many explorations at the bottom.

Hehe, of course, it may also be because we haven't realized the key to the ruins, so we can't find it.But at least with our current strength, it seems difficult to pursue the legendary four swords.As for what you want to do, you can judge for yourself.

In addition, the danger in the bottom layer is not much more dangerous than that in the middle layer.From the erosion of the void to the raging "sword intent", to the endless changes in the terrain, and all kinds of weird emergencies, even if I go in, I need to form a team and move slowly along the way.Even when the four of us came out last time, two of us were seriously injured, and the remaining two were also seriously injured.One of them was almost trapped inside and couldn't get out.

So obvious.So it's not to prevent you from exploring the legendary opportunities, but the bottom layer is really dangerous. If you don't have a necessary reason, I don't recommend you to take risks.

And even if it's just the middle layer, you can still meet good opportunities for you. "

"Thank you for the reminder!" Zhang Yan cupped his hands in thanks.No matter what the other party's real plan is, he can be sure that at least what the other party says right now will not be false.Because it is completely unnecessary.And it sounded like he was trying to persuade him not to be blinded by the legendary treasures, and he needed to uphold the words "do what you can" to download the ruins.

This is kindness and must be accepted.

"If you have nothing to ask, you can go down and rest. There are a few secret rooms in my car, which are not bad. You should be able to meditate for a few days. If you want to know anything later, you can come to me at any time."

That ends the conversation.The attitude of the other party is almost impossible to pick.At least this is completely different from what Zhang Yan guessed before the appearance of the mighty Luo Jinxian.Sometimes he would even forget the opponent's strength and identity in a trance, just like the atmosphere of talking with people when he was wandering in the world.I had to say "great" in my heart.

A Da Luo Jinxian can fuse his aura and strength without knowing it, so that even a fairy like Zhang Yan is suddenly paralyzed. This is not impossible if it is not Song Shiyu's method.It also allowed Zhang Yan to see the invisible gap between Daluo Jinxian and ordinary Jinxian.

Arching his hands, Zhang Yan didn't object, and left the main hall with an attendant disciple, and went to the secret room in the back side hall for repairs.In fact, it is equivalent to a "guest room". After all, monks generally don't sleep, and meditation is to rest.

When Zhang Yan left here, the smile on Song Shiyu's face in the main hall changed.It's no longer the kind look when I talked with Zhang Yan just now.Although he was still smiling, there was a bit of playfulness and suspicion in the smile.

"The cultivation of this feldspar is wrong."

"Oh? Did the Great Elder discover anything?" Feng Yuhe was also quite curious.Because with her abilities, she didn't notice anything weird about feldspar's cultivation.All along, I just thought that the other party's cover-up method was so powerful that she couldn't see it clearly.

Of course, this does not affect the position of feldspar in Feng Yuhe's heart.No matter how the opponent's cultivation base is, it doesn't affect whether he will succeed Li Dianchuan as the new "man of luck".It is enough to be sure of this.

Song Shiyu said: "His cultivation is not like what you said before, it is an illusion that is covered up by some means. Instead, it is only the cultivation of the heavenly realm.

Only weird at the same time.His cultivation seems to only exist on the surface, and the inner aura and the overflow of immortal essence seem to be incompatible with his cultivation.In addition to his lifeless body, it is also the first time I have seen this kind of person.It's just that you can no longer estimate him as a golden fairy, otherwise I'm worried that it will break if you touch it, and I will mostly rely on his own opinion. "

"Okay Great Elder, I understand."

(End of this chapter)

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