one's door

Chapter 758 The Horn

Chapter 758 The Horn
Zhang Yan didn't know that his details had been probed by the people of Mingyue Valley.At this moment, he was rather curious about the quiet room he was in.

Generally speaking, the so-called quiet room by monks and immortals does not simply mean "quiet court room", but also means "practice place".

Since it is a practice place, it must have the effects of magic circle gathering spirits and calming energy.

What Zhang Yan is curious about is the various magic circles here.

The so-called leopard can be seen through a glimpse, Zhang Yan claims that he has done a lot of in-depth research on the magic circle.Coupled with the fact that he started to practice the magic circle intermittently because of refining the "mountain seal", he is currently able to keep up with his own cultivation in the magic circle alone.At least he can arrange most of the magic circles that the heavenly immortals can use described in the Taoist scriptures, and he can understand them thoroughly.

Naturally, Zhang Yan inspected the various magic circles arranged here in the quiet room.For comparison, it is not only the magic circle system he inherited from the Great Desolate World, but also the big circles he had seen before when he was in the pastoral school, such as the starlight circle that surrounded the Huangtianyu back then. For a long time, Zhang Yan has studied it a lot.

The result of the comparison is that although there is no distinction between the Chaos faction and the Pastoral faction in terms of formation, there is an obvious trend.

The pastoral magic circle tends to be more defensive, almost achieving the ultimate in the defense of the magic circle.The conversion and utilization rate of energy is also frighteningly high.

The Chaos faction is relatively rough in terms of magic circles, and is more inclined to attack.It's like Zhang Yan has seen the world-destroying formation many times.But the Spirit Gathering Formation and the Meditation Formation in front of me are very rough, at most they have the basic functions of these two types of formations, but they are not "exquisite" at all.Don't say he doesn't like it, the four or five generations of disciples in the cliff mountain can probably arrange these two types of magic circles better than here.

This is still the layout in the car of the majestic Da Luo Jinxian. If it is changed elsewhere, it will most likely not be as good as here.

Comparing the formation system of the Great Desolate World, it is simply too complete.Both offense and defense are in full bloom, and the mysterious and easy-to-understand magic circles also have obvious levels of cultivation.It allows monks and immortals of all cultivation levels to have corresponding magic circles available.And in addition to offense and defense, there are also a large number of auxiliary magic circles, which are also not bad.The three roads go hand in hand, compared with the partial subjects in the Chaos School and the Pastoral School, it is more than one and a half points ahead, just like a qualitative difference.

However, it is possible to find similarities among the three.Whether it is the Pastoral School or the Chaos School, there is an obvious shadow of the prehistoric world in the setting of the formation.

More than all three have the same origin?Or are both derived from one?
After Zhang Yan groped for a while, he stopped.Although the magic circle in the quiet room is not eye-catching, the aura here is really abundant, even [-]% of the aura content of the cliff mountain.You know this is just a car!I don't know how many spiritual veins have been transplanted in this car, and how they have been preserved for a long time.This was never seen in Feng Yuhe's car before.

Use kung fu to gather the aura, and then transform the "ball" at the heart into dead energy to refine the talisman soldiers.But Zhang Yan's attention was always on the outside of the frame.Even though the dead air in the quiet room had gradually been noticed by the outside door, he had no intention of restraining himself.

Nowadays, the outside of the frame is far more lively than the inside of the car.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is crowded, but it is more like the military fortress, or military village where Zhang Yan once stayed for a long time.

Flags swayed in the void of the unknown domain, with various heraldic logos on them, representing the forces of Chaos faction.According to their respective strengths and upper-level arrangements, they are distributed into a large battle formation ready to go.

Zhang Yan couldn't figure out how many people were outside at this time, and there were no less than ten thousand people in the large area covered by his divine thoughts alone.

This is not a place where half-immortals can come to make up the numbers.The particularity of the unknown domain directly isolates all the half-immortals, and they cannot stay in the unknown domain for long even if they rely on immortal weapons.The lowest people who come here are human immortals, and at least they are all in the middle stage of human fairyland!
It was the first time Zhang Yan saw the battle where tens of thousands of immortals gathered together.This is just the appearance of the Chaos faction. It can be seen that outside the scope of his divine sense, the assembled forces belonging to the Pastoral faction will definitely not be inferior to this side.

"Do you really want to fight?"

Even if both sides have put on a posture, and each of them is rising in momentum.But the constraints of the unknown domain are really not small, and even immortals can be said to be exhausted here.This kind of environment is like the two armies confronting each other in the desert. If they really fought with their hands tied, they might be roasted to death more than the enemy.

However, Zhang Yan still underestimated the depth of long-cherished wishes between the Chaos faction and the Pastoral faction, as well as the importance of the ruins to both parties.

On the third day of Zhang Yan's "quiet practice" in the quiet room of the car, his spiritual sense felt the breath of Feng Yuhe move away from the car first, and the car itself began to move, pulled by a strange beast. Standing there, without moving, he rushed in one direction, the speed was far faster than Zhang Yan's previous judgment.

And not long after the journey, similar cars began to appear in Zhang Yan's mind.The flags fluttering on the vehicles are huge, there are five in total.

These are the other five top forces in the Chaos faction that are comparable to the power of Mingyue Valley.

There was no pause, and the six drivers seemed to move together tacitly this time, and when they reappeared together, they had already reached the edge of a scene similar to the fog of the world.On the other side, there are equally dense crowds of immortals waiting in formation.

"It's about to start?!" Zhang Yan couldn't sit still in the quiet room anymore, and stepped out of the car, and saw that there seemed to be eyes on the attic platform above the car, so he turned his head and found that it was Song Shiyu, the great Luo Jinxian, who was at the court. He nodded.

He bowed his hands and returned a salute.Afterwards, Zhang Yan didn't go upstairs to give you Song Shiyu's thoughts, he was attracted by the scene in front of him.

A burst of horns sounded suddenly, followed by dull drums sounded almost simultaneously from the opposite side.

The faction war in the void world officially kicked off when Zhang Yan thought it was impossible to fight.

First of all, the two sides did not rush forward as Zhang Yan thought, but they set up their own methods in a tacit understanding, and there was a round of offense and defense first.

The Chaos faction attacks, and the Pastoral faction defends.What is used is a large compound magic circle.

One after another, black spear-like fairy artifacts rose from the various arrays of the Chaos faction, gathered the power of most of the immortals in the array, and then stimulated dazzling beams of light, gathered together like a rain of arrows, heading towards Smash down on the opposite side.

On the opposite side, the pastoral faction propped up light shields with fluorescent and magic circle patterns, which were as huge as umbrellas, and they propped up just to resist the attack from the Chaos faction.

(End of this chapter)

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