one's door

Chapter 761 Participation

Chapter 761 Participation
Da Luo Jinxian's cars are like moving fortresses.After the magic circle above was activated, it began to attack the enemy formation in front, and at the same time sprinkled power downwards to add a bit of protection to its own people.There are both offense and defense, but the emphasis is still different.

Standing beside the driver, Zhang Yan was led all the way to the front line from the very beginning.Now that even Song Shiyu is on the scene, he will inevitably get involved.

Moreover, what Zhang Yan had to face was not the kind of enemy in the battle below, but the elite disciples of the big forces who were also accompanying him.Whether it is the will to fight, the means of killing, or the magic weapon, they are all the top group of people in the pastoral school.The strength speaks for itself.

But fortunately, Zhang Yan is still a guest after all, and he is an outsider to the magic circle on the car and the cooperation with the surrounding Mingyue Valley disciples, so he didn't need to take action at the beginning.

But when the drivers on both sides were almost angry, even if the disciple of Mingyue Valley was not Zhang Yan, Zhang Yan himself could not stand by and watch.

The distance is too close, even if the attacking circle of the Pastoral faction is not as good as that of the Chaos faction, the Chaos faction is not strong in terms of defensive magic circle, and the offensive and defensive system on the car cannot completely offset the attack from the opposite side.Especially with the passage of time, after the not-so-strong defensive circle began to collapse, there was no safe area in the car, and it had to face bombardment from the five major forces of the Pastoral School all the time.

The only good news for Zhang Yan is that there is no Jinxian to join in the fun for the time being.The golden fairies all fell to compete in the main battlefield below.The Chaos faction did not dare to withdraw, but the Pastoral faction could not.Looking up, the big Luos fought each other with various rules they had created. In the middle, the disciples of various forces who drove to the heavens and below gathered to fight.

Faced with the situation where he had to do something, Zhang Yan naturally wouldn't show any mercy.His response is the "time rule" that he has realized and exposed to the outside world.

The advantage of time lock is that the time used as a "ruler" can be artificially intercepted to form a closed circle.Let the targets who have not dabbled in this kind of rules, or have insufficient understanding, be trapped in this wrong and infinitely repeating time scale and cannot escape.Before Zhang Yan was still in the fairyland, he didn't have a deep understanding of the rules of time. At that time, he didn't even know that this method of using time to lock the target was called "time lock", but he could already lock the time rules in the Chaos faction. The famous Red and White Immortals.

Now Zhang Yan's comprehension of the rules of time has gone a step further, coupled with his improvement in cultivation, the rules of time are almost unstoppable when used.At least not a golden fairy or a fairy with special expertise in time rules, otherwise it will be unlucky for whoever comes.

It's not even Zhang Yan's turn to kill, he just needs to lock the pastoralists who broke through the magic circle with a time lock, and the disciples of Mingyue Valley around will smile and put all the magic tools and The power of the rules that was barely used was thrown over.Three strokes, five strokes, and two strokes can crush even the majestic body of a celestial being.

Killing in war is far more straightforward than one-on-one.On another occasion, it would be extremely difficult for Zhang Yan to kill a celestial being even without the Wanxiang Pearl.And the here and now is an understatement.

In fact, Zhang Yan didn't know why his time rule had such a strong effect, even the first-level disciples of Tianxian, the top force of the pastoral school, couldn't resist it.The reason is not all because his understanding of the time rules is deep enough and mysterious enough.Among his opponents, there are actually some elites who have made some achievements in the rules of time.

But the problem is that Zhang Yan, relying on the scarlet void power in his body, can unimpededly use the time rules to fight against the enemy in this unknown domain, but his opponent does not have this ability. What's the use if you can't come out?
So in addition to the opponents who have no way to deal with the method of time lock, there are also some opponents who obviously have a way to deal with it but can't use it.Died quite aggrieved.

Zhang Yan's brave performance soon became a small bright spot in this battle that was destined not to last too long.

Both the Chaos faction and the Pastoral faction quickly noticed his existence.

A lone traveler without an ID?Walk alone?It doesn't look like it's just the early days of the fairyland, but it's so ridiculously strong? !
Of course, many disciples in Mingyue Valley who knew Zhang Yan were not surprised, and even secretly sneered at the pastoralists.Secretly said: Senior Changshi is a golden fairy, you will die as many times as you come!
Mingyue Valley is "kept in the dark".

The pastoral faction was full of doubts: how could it be so powerful in the early days of the fairyland?
It wasn't until a Da Luo Jinxian from the Pastoral School who was closest to Zhang Yan's car driver also discovered the abnormality here.He raised his hand as a signal, and after that, Zhang Yan was in big trouble.

For other cars to attack and defend, it would take a long time to fight lively for a god to die.And you have to pay several immortals.But the angels of Zhang Yan's pastoral school died as soon as they came, and they didn't even give a chance to turn around.Doesn't this become a breakthrough?Even the top powers can't bear to kill like this.

So the big Luo of the pastoral school pointed his finger, and a golden fairy understood, got rid of the entanglement of the chaotic golden fairy around him, and appeared next to Zhang Yan's car with a move.A terrifying rule storm was raised in his hand, and with a single swipe, he was about to shatter Zhang Yan who was locked up by his aura!
"not good!"

The people from the Chaos Faction naturally also discovered the situation here.In fact, this kind of golden fairy "unruly" also happens from time to time.But in the past, it was with the purpose of disturbing the water, rather than the purpose of killing a certain fairy with the golden fairy.So there was a delay in discovering the situation here for a while, and the Golden Immortal who was originally facing him in the Chaos faction did not choose to chase after him.

Equivalent to a momentary time difference, a Jinxian from the Pastoral School found a rare and fleeting window of time, which was enough to "clean" the area where Zhang Yan was on the car.

Of course, those Mingyue Valley disciples who thought Zhang Yan was a golden fairy pretending to be a fairy were not panicked.In their opinion, it is impossible for these methods to threaten Senior Longshi.

The person involved, Zhang Yan, was also not in a panic.He was prepared when he came here, and he also thought about what he would do when he fought with Jin Xian.Otherwise, he wouldn't have taken the risk of bringing the Wanxiang Pearl.

I saw Zhang Yan raised his hand, and a heavy brown book appeared in front of him out of thin air, and then the pages were flipped, and a phantom like earth and rocks instantly enveloped the car where Zhang Yan was with an extremely heavy aura.The speed was so fast that the first-come-first-come-first-served arrangement was made in an instant before the regular storm thrown by the opponent's Jinxian.

(End of this chapter)

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