one's door

Chapter 762 Sharp Knife

Chapter 762 Sharp Knife
The regular storm arrived a little later than Zhang Yan's defense.

The rules that Zhang Yan knew alone covered eleven kinds.These rules are mixed together to form a complex and blended aggregate of forces.Not to mention the span of the superimposed power, but just the power of eleven kinds of rules rushing together, and the person who transported it was a golden fairy.Who can bear this ordinary person?

Anyway, Zhang Yan couldn't bear this storm of rules.No matter how confident he is, if he dares to take it hard, it is not uncommon for him to be crushed instantly.

But not being able to force it doesn't mean that Zhang Yan can only wait to die when encountering this method.That was the fate of ordinary angels in the void world, not him.With his roots in the Great Desolate World, he naturally has the means to deal with threats beyond his own strength.

magic weapon.Or Lingbao.

It was still too difficult for Zhang Yan at this time to kill a Jinxian with Lingbao.Even if Wan Xiangzhu had the ability to conjure that kind of extremely powerful spirit treasure, he couldn't control it.Maybe it will be backlashed by Lingbao.

But if he wanted to use Lingbao to defend against a golden fairy's attack, Zhang Yan could still do it.Just like the book-shaped spiritual treasure that he transformed with the Wanxiangzhu at this time.

This spiritual treasure is the main defense, and its grade is still higher than that of the Immortal-killing Flying Knife.It is an innate spiritual treasure.

The name is: book from the ground.

Zhang Yan is not sure about the origin of the book from the ground.But the book from the ground was once the foundation for the top powerhouses in the prehistoric world to gain a foothold.Known as one of the top defensive spiritual treasures in the Red Primordial World.

Although the body of Zhang Yanru's fairyland talisman soldiers and dozens of primordial spirits can barely reach the threshold of use today, it is completely enough to resist the regular storm of Jinxian.

Just the moment of contact, Zhang Yan's face changed slightly.There is no doubt about the defensive ability of the book from the ground, but although the book from the ground can unload most of its strength, the remaining small part will inevitably be conveyed to Zhang Yan, the manipulator.With his current physical condition in the early stage of the fairyland, if the talisman soldier had no internal injury reaction and could be repaired by the "ball" in time, he would have to spit out a large mouthful of shock-absorbing blood.

But the defensive ability of the book from the ground is fully reflected.After going to a higher realm, and using neither the real deity nor the complete primordial spirit, it was just a little uncomfortable by the counter-shock force, so it was blocked.If this is opened up and people in the void world know about it, they don't know how they will grab the law.

Most people in Mingyue Valley took it for granted that Zhang Yan blocked a Jinxian's rule storm, and even the sinister smile on his face never stopped, as if he had seen the ignorance and embarrassment of the pastoral school.

And the Golden Immortals of the Chaos faction who reacted did not give the opponent another chance to make a move.Wrap up again and force the opponent back.On the battlefield below, Feng Yuhe's eyes also changed from being suspicious before to playful, and then he looked away from the car in Mingyue Valley, and once again devoted himself to killing his enemies.

Feng Yuhe is not strong in Jinxian, but she is not weak either, and she never tries her best every time, and her stalemate is her usual style.In her opinion, killing and scrambling is actually inferior, and the real benefits are hidden in the secrets, but not everyone has the ability to find it.

Compared with Feng Yuhe's ease, he can't worry about how much tricks the feldspar has hidden, just staring at the luck of the feldspar. Song Shiyu, who had just concluded that there was a problem with the feldspar's cultivation, was puzzled. Shallow.

Song Shiyu was actually prepared to withdraw and return to defense.But at the critical moment, he stopped moving again.Because he saw the ripple of the magic weapon thrown out by the feldspar first.I judged in my heart that there should be no need for him to go back and make unnecessary fuss.And the result was just as he had judged, Changshi stopped a Jinxian's surprise attack with a seemingly easy magic weapon.

In Song Shiyu's eyes, a fairyland in the early stage blocked Jinxian's hard blow?And it doesn't look like he's even hurt? !

On the one hand, Song Shiyu was surprised by the origin of the magic weapon thrown out by the feldspar. It was so powerful, and its unloading force and toughness were both ridiculously strong.Even if a Daluo Jinxian like him doesn't have such a magic weapon, how did he get the mysterious feldspar?
On the other hand, Song Shiyu couldn't help feeling a little uncertain about his previous judgment.Because in his cognition, cultivation base and magic weapon are mutually accomplished.It doesn't make sense to say that using a magic weapon can surpass a big realm to fight against the enemy, right?Could it be that the previous assertion that the real strength of the feldspar is only in the early days of the Celestial Immortal Realm was not accurate?Or is there something else hidden in it?

That's all Song Shiyu could think of for a moment.The most important thing in front of him is to quickly interrupt this battle that has greatly exceeded the predictions of the various forces of the Chaos faction.It is not worthwhile to lose so many people for the opening of a sword mound ruin.Now, the later the interruption, the greater the loss.

In the past, the pastoral school did not have the idea of ​​​​"click and stop", but more of "watching while playing".It is also because of the special environment here that the advantage of sudden visits gave the pastoral faction greater choice.

Although the other party didn't say anything, the "tacit understanding" between the two sides over the years is enough to express their thoughts.The Da Luo Jinxians on both sides knew this in their hearts.

On the one hand, I don't want to fight, because if I continue to fight, I will suffer a lot.On the one hand, I don't want to stop simply, because even if there are unexpected losses, there may be big profits.

Prior to this, the six Da Luo Jinxians of the Chaos Sect had expressed their intentions both openly and secretly.It's a pity that the pastoral school pretended not to understand and continued to drag down.

But this time the battle situation has changed again.The point of change is that no one has thought of the lifeless and lonely man named Changshi.

The response from the Chaos faction was also very quick, and Jin Xian began to gather around the car drivers in Mingyue Valley to escort them. They no longer simply killed without focus as before, but changed their pace.

With such a change in the Chaos faction, what can the Pastoral faction do?There is no offensive and defensive position at all, and now the enemy has run in the direction, as long as you don't want to stop here, you can only move your position accordingly.So he was also involved in the surroundings of Mingyuegu Chejia.

Thus a new front was constructed.It seems that it just changed a place, and nothing else has changed.But in fact, the situation has been very different from before.

Previously, there was a clear skew at the bottom of the battle situation, which was beneficial to the Pastoral faction and made it difficult for the Chaos faction to form effective changes.But now the car of Mingyue Valley is like a vicious sharp knife, which unexpectedly pierced the belly of Mu Ge Pai.As long as the sharp knife continues to cut and puncture left and right, all the advantages of the pastoral faction will be offset by the rapidly expanding and deepening gash on the stomach.

When it is difficult for the Pastoral School to take advantage of it, and it is even possible to suffer a huge loss, will the top forces of the Pastoral School regain their tacit understanding with the Chaos School?
This is almost a certainty.

(End of this chapter)

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