one's door

Chapter 763 Cashing Out

Not to mention not being able to take advantage of it, but also quickly ruining the previous advantage. If the fight continues like this, the balance will turn downward again.

At that time, it will not be the Chaos faction that will be in trouble, but the Pastoral faction.In that case, can the pastoral faction also find another breakthrough and repeat the battle?
When did you come and go?Confidence is a thing above "luck" and no one dares to say "it must be".So the pastoral faction's decision is self-evident, and soon "recovered" the tacit understanding with the Chaos faction.

hit?I don't want to fight anymore.withdraw?Then let's stop together.

In other times and occasions, the Chaos faction who suddenly regained the advantage may not be willing to give up. Most of them will choose the same idea as the pastoral faction just now. of.

But this is an unknown domain. Although it seems that there have been no strange emergencies after fighting for so long, no one can guarantee that this "calm environment" will last.So can't delay.In addition, I suffered a lot of losses before, and I will be powerless to continue.

The final reason is naturally the ruins of the Sword Tomb not far away.The fog on the surface of the ruins has clearly shown signs of stopping surging. Once the fog calms down, it means that the barriers of the ruins have been completely opened and can be entered and exited.Instead of fighting in such a heart-stopping place as the unknown, it is better to refocus on the ruins.

So the pastoral school who "recovered" the tacit understanding was not rejected.The two sides simply began to gather strength gradually, and slowly opened up the distance from top to bottom.

Although neither of them wants to talk to each other, the hatred behind each other and each other cannot be resolved.However, regarding the distribution of the relics, it is necessary to make it clear in advance. If there is no charter, there will inevitably be a lot of trouble. This is not a good thing for the exploration of both parties.And it will also bury a big hidden danger after entering.

How the two sides negotiated, Zhang Yan didn't know from a distance.But he obviously felt that the eyes looking at him from around were a little more kind.It is no longer the deliberate sense of distance that I used to have when looking at "outsiders".

Especially Feng Yuhe, who returned to the car, was more enthusiastic with curiosity in his smile.

The reason why Feng Yuhe was more enthusiastic and familiar was not only because Zhang Yan made a move this time and became the key figure in the reversal of the entire battle.It is because in the eyes of Feng Yuhe, the "luck" brought by Zhang Yan is playing a big role.Even after being extremely determined, you must follow Zhang Yan's pace, so that you can continue to enjoy the benefits of the general trend brought about by Zhang Yan's "luck" as just now.

To use the opening sentence of Yanshu, it is: doing things with the trend with the heart of going against the trend, you will be lucky!

To put it bluntly, it is to follow the general trend and seek personal gain, so as not to be abandoned by the secret.This is the way to do great things and enjoy great blessings.

But now Zhang Yan is a conspicuous "weather vane" and "lighthouse" in Feng Yuhe's eyes.Just keep up.

"Fellow Daoist's great power to turn the situation around this time should be the first!" Feng Yuhe stood in the car and bowed his hands to Zhang Yan with a smile on his face.Among them, the gratitude is not concealed. Indeed, if it weren't for Zhang Yan's "surprise soldier", the ending of the Chaos faction in the Jianzhong ruins this time would have been difficult.

"Second Elder, you're being polite. I'm just protecting myself." To be honest, Zhang Yan was a little bit erroneous about his previous performance.The tyranny of the book from the ground did resist the danger, but it also brought covetousness.This is simply unavoidable.It's a mixed blessing.

Now Zhang Yan also knows that he has once again become the focus of Mingyue Valley and even the two sides present.He could already feel not only the scrutinizing eyes from the Chaos faction, but also many hostile gazes from the opposite side.

Zhang Yan didn't bother to pay attention to these prying eyes, his attention was forcibly turned to the barrier of the relics that was stopping to flow in front of him.He knew that the main purpose of his coming here was that the ruins were about to be opened.It is impossible to say that I am not excited.

Feng Yuhe saw Zhang Yan's thoughts, so he smiled and said, "Fellow Daoists, are you thinking about the ruins? Haha, don't worry. Although they fought with the hypocrites of the pastoral school this time, they didn't occupy it in the end. It’s cheap. So this time the relics should be divided into half and half places.”


"Hehe, do you still have the "invitation card" in your hand?"

"En." Hearing Feng Yuhe's mention, Zhang Yan took out a sign from the storage bag, with the word "Tong" in seal script on it.It was also the "invitation card" that the other party gave him when he saw Feng Yuhe for the second time, saying that he could enter the ruins with this thing.However, Feng Yuhe is not clear about the character "Tong" in the seal script above, but it is only a special ornamentation.

I heard Feng Yuhe continue to say: "This sign was not made by that person from our Chaos Sect, and of course it was not made by a person from the Muge Sect. It flew out from the ruins of the Sword Tomb. How many such signs are sprinkled out, but every time the ruins are opened, not only must they hold this sign to enter, but the number of signs that can be accommodated in the ruins is also limited.

According to past experience, the number of signs that can be entered into the ruins at a time is [-] whole.And this time, if there is no accident, it should be half divided between us and the group of hypocrites of the Pastoral School. "

This is the first time Zhang Yan has heard about the conditions for entering the ruins, and he has never heard of it from Li Dianchuan before. It seems that these have not been disclosed to disciples like Li Dianchuan?
"I need a guide."

"It's natural, we will arrange a disciple as the guide of fellow Taoists, for"

Before Feng Yuhe could finish speaking, Zhang Yan interrupted directly: "I hope Li Dianchuan will be my guide."

"Huh?" Feng Yuhe first looked at Zhang Yan suspiciously, and then didn't say that Li Dianchuan lacked such experience. In her opinion, it must be that Li Dianchuan had reached some kind of agreement with Zhang Yan in private.It is also consistent with the progress she calculated using the Yan technique.

So Feng Yuhe smiled and said: "It seems that Li Dianchuan has a good impression, fellow daoist. Since fellow daoists hope that Li Dianchuan will be the guide, there is no problem. It's just that Li Dianchuan can only give fellow daoists a little superficially." Leading, the middle layer will not work. So that friends of the Taoist will know."

"It's okay."

"That's good. I'll find Li Dianchuan right now. It just so happens that he's also in the formation this time." Feng Yuhe turned his head and gave instructions to the close disciple behind him, who hurried down to look for him.

Not long after, Li Dianchuan, who was obviously tired and had some injuries, was led into the car.Obviously, he also suffered some hardships in the previous battle.

"The disciple sees the master and sees the senior Changshi." Li Dianchuan knew it well, especially after seeing the people around Feng Yuhe, he knew why he was called here at this time.

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