one's door

Chapter 776 Alternative

Chapter 776 Alternative
Zhang Yan was originally focused on the new mystery. "One Way of Meaning" is indeed the "key" to explore these seemingly useless and meaningless golden fragments.Those light spots flickering slightly on the two fragments added a bit of mystery.

Zhang Yan always felt that these golden fragments were not trivial, far more valuable than other opportunities in this sword pit.

This feeling is very strange and has no reason, but Zhang Yan dare not take it lightly.

That's why Zhang Yan made a series of weird behaviors in the sword pit.Because in his opinion, it doesn't make much sense to explore here along the road that Chaos and Pastoral have traveled many times.Most of the two factions are cunning and exquisite people, and with the participation of powerful people such as Da Luo Jinxian, they can't solve the strangeness of this relic. They can only use it as a place to practice and gain benefits. That Zhang Yan What would be gained by walking their old ways again?
Not to mention confirming Zhang Yan's various guesses about the ruins of the sword tomb.

In this case, it is better to use the time to ponder the new discoveries in your hands.See if you can open a new path that thousands of people have never opened before.

In this way, if Zhang Yan doesn't hurry up, he will have to wait tens of thousands of years to come in again.

Time is particularly tense for Zhang Yan right now.

But the good news is that the strange things hidden on the golden fragment did not embarrass Zhang Yan too much.Based on Zhang Yan's diligent study and understanding in the sword pit during this period, he has gradually touched the hidden veins of them.

Although the two pieces of golden fragments still haven't revealed all the details under Zhang Yan's "meaning" observation, they already contain a lot more information than the few flashes of light before.Even if these messages are not complete, Zhang Yan can already determine the possible origin of these two golden fragments.

star map!Zhang Yan deduced that the two golden fragments were the two incomplete star maps.

That's where it gets interesting.These fragments mixed in the ruins of the Sword Tomb are actually star maps that need to be stitched together.Moreover, the origin of the Sword Tomb Ruins itself was enough for Zhang Yan to bother to inquire. After adding this, he had to direct the star map to the Great Desolate World.

The Great Desolate World disappeared into the Void World, where did it go?Could the clue be in these golden fragments?
The more I think about it, the more likely it is.

Because the ruins of the Sword Tomb do not look like the things left by the sages of the Chaos School and the Pastoral School.All kinds of traces and even inconspicuous details inside reminded Zhang Yan of some legends about the Great Desolate World.Including the "backtracking" scenes he experienced in this sword pit, the battle in this "backtracking" has been pointed to the legendary battle of the peak of the three religions that is famous and has the Jade Sword Formation. .

If this star map really guides the direction of the Great Desolate World, it is better than anything else for Zhang Yan.

On the one hand, it is necessary to comprehend as soon as possible, and strive to thoroughly understand the golden fragment in hand.On the one hand, the time for opening the ruins is limited, and Zhang Yan can't wait for his comprehension to be in place before thinking about how to collect those fragments.

In this way, the two ends are pulled together.It made Zhang Yan feel a bit incapable of doing his own thing.

But as the saying goes, when sleepiness meets a pillow, a fragment will come to Zhang Yan by itself, and he just needs to pick it up.As for the sudden request for help, Zhang Yan was silent for a moment before taking action.

Whether you can save yourself or not has no effect on Zhang Yan having one more fragment.But if it saves people, the impact will be huge.

It's like Zhang Yan has an extra signboard in his hand, which reads: waste recycling.

So after a little planning, Zhang Yan rushed to save the person who asked for help before he died.The defensive ability of the book from the ground is beyond doubt.

On the other hand, the three Earth Immortals on the opposite side did not choose to take this sad loss and turn away after they were rescued, but stood outside the defense of the Earth Book and spoke to "persuade".That means "you'd better think about it carefully, you'll be in big trouble if you save the Pastoral Sect!"

Although it was not a threat, it definitely meant to scare Zhang Yan.

why?The reason is also simple, because of confidence.The jade tablet on the waist, half the size of a palm, is still white with red stripes, for fear that no one will see it.The coat of arms on it even has magic power to make Yingying glow.Not to mention the eye-catching big marks on the chests and robes of these three people, all of them are promoting their roots to the outside world.

Ming Hua Rongzong.Zhang Yan had heard of this sect even though he hadn't been in the Chaos Sect for a long time.It is a third-rate sect but has a domineering and rampant that second-rate sects sometimes can't match.

The domineering and arrogance that does not match the strength has not been eliminated, which is almost the only one in the Chaos faction.The reason is that the suzerain of Minghua Rongzong is the in-laws of the first sect master of the top power in Chaos Sect.

When Zhang Yan heard Li Dianchuan talk about the first sect, he heard him mention this wonderful Rongzong of Minghua.

And it's not just that Shi Shizong has an in-law relationship with Minghua Rongzong, but also has a similar relationship with Mingyue Valley.Even three of the six top forces in the Chaos Sect are relatives of Minghua Rongzong.The difference is just closeness.

Immortal in-laws are no different than the relationship between mortals.More precisely, it should be called "Taoist Companion".

Taoist companions are [-]%, unless it is a difference between life and death, under normal circumstances there will be no change.The combination of the two will also bring friendly fetters to the sect behind them because of their respective identities.

There are actually many immortals or monks looking for Taoist companions.After all, slowly being alone in the fairy road, in many cases, the loneliness will be more troublesome than the danger of killing.Moreover, the two support each other, which is also beneficial to their own practice.

That is to say, relying on the fetters formed by the special entanglement of the "Tao Companion", Minghua Rongzong has both sides among the top forces of the Chaos Sect, and its status far exceeds its own.

When Zhang Yan first heard about Minghua Rongzong, he immediately thought of a word: middleman.

Relying on special relationships, a group of people with special existence value.

Minghua Rongzong's long-term suppressed emotions were also brought to Minghua Rongzong by his submissiveness and being both right and left.After all, no one is born to like being a grandson.This is especially true for the immortals who cultivated to become immortals. Who doesn't have a little pride in their hearts?

So Minghua Rongzong released the suppressed emotions accumulated in his heart to other places.This is where their arrogance and arrogance come from.

But to clean up Minghua Rongzong, you have to consider the attitudes of the three top powers.This is simply too difficult.So when targeting Minghua Rongzong, everyone chooses to endure if they can, and to avoid if they can.It can be regarded as conniving the arrogance of Minghua Rongzong in a disguised form.

So much so that now the three fairylands dare to stand in front of Zhang Yan, a mysterious and powerful dead lone walker, threatening Zhang Yan with words.The reason is nothing more than a seriously injured Pastoral School Earth Immortal.In fact, even if this person is rescued, there will be no future troubles for the three first-level Minghua Rongzong, and their own faction is here.Without this incident, wouldn't it be the same if we met?
It's just that these three immortals of Minghua Rongzong didn't know that what they were facing was a strange number, which was different from all the people they had come into contact with before.

It is not the root of the Chaos faction, and even the identity is fake, and it will not consider maintaining the face of several big forces.So for Zhang Yan, there is no need to talk nonsense with people like Minghua Rongzong who pretend to be powerful.And it happened to be able to take Fang Liwei.

(End of this chapter)

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