one's door

Chapter 777

Chapter 777 Recycling
"Do you have this kind of gold leaf?"

The three earth immortals didn't wait for Zhang Yan to retreat, but waited for a seemingly thoughtless question across the protective wall of the magic circle.

"Oh? Your Excellency, what do you mean by this? We don't have this kind of gold leaf in our hands." Although it was strange, he still answered Zhang Yan's words.Although the three of them knew that their actions had already offended the strong.But they have long been used to this kind of scene.

What about the strong?Can it be stronger than the top forces of the three Chaos Sects?Dare to touch the people of Minghua Rongzong?Even if the other party is mysterious and eccentric, they still don't feel that the other party dares to do anything to them.

On the contrary, I find it very incomprehensible to the gold leaf in Zhang Yan's words.They couldn't think of something that was inferior to waste products, but Zhang Yan really missed it so much.What even Luo Jinxian of the National People's Congress can't understand, can you understand it if you just walk alone?Could it be that he is really insane?

"A piece of gold leaf, in exchange for the life of one of you. If you don't have it, then take your life."

"Your Excellency, you know that talking nonsense will also cause trouble for yourself. Your Excellency, you know that talking nonsense. Your Excellency, you know."

At the same time, a reverse rock phantom appeared beside the three Earth Immortals of Minghua Rongzong, but they didn't respond at all when they were close at hand. They just continued to look at the magic circle arranged by Zhang Yan in front of them, waiting for the surrounding The phantom quickly approaches until squeezed.
Killing a fairy is really not an easy job.Especially killing people completely is even more troublesome.Often rely on several magic weapons to bombard and kill together, or crush with extremely strong force.

Zhang Yan's methods are not easy to expose too much.Whenever possible, use the ones already laid out.For example, the "Book from the Ground" and Time Lock that have been unveiled before.

Although it is no more restrictive than the various voids in the unknown domain outside, it is also far more chaotic than normal voids.The power of the time lock falling on the three earth immortals naturally would not give them room to resist.Then use the ground book to reverse compression, which seems cumbersome, but it is actually the safest and easiest way for Zhang Yan to kill here.

The characteristics of the Book of the Earth can ensure that neither the entity nor the energy can pass through its barrier, and the barrier can be strong enough to crush the body of the Earth Immortal, Yuanshen and magic weapons.Make sure that no living things come out of it.

This can be regarded as the "attack" attribute of the book, a top-level defensive spirit treasure that does not have many.And it requires certain conditions to perform.

Accompanied by the rattling sound of rattling teeth.The three earth immortals were trapped in the time lock, and even when the primordial spirit was shattered into slag, they couldn't get out to recover their main consciousness.Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise the body feeling of being squeezed by the barrier of the Book of the Earth would be cruel.

However, not all of them were crushed and destroyed, and there were quite a few leftovers.Mainly a few portable magic weapons, and seven storage bags.

The portable magic weapon was put aside by Zhang Yan.He has no interest in these serious magic weapons.There are many good things in the seven storage bags that catch his eyes.Mainly various materials.But there is really no piece of gold leaf that he needs most now.

"Thank you for your kindness, senior, for helping me avenge me! If junior Lin Yong can live a better life than being at the mercy of senior!"

Seeing that Zhang Yan squeezed the three enemies who were chasing and killing him into slag as soon as he made a move, a ferocious and happy smile appeared on the face of the seriously injured pastoral fairy.The three companions in his party had only half of his life left at this time.It's all thanks to the other party.He thought that this revenge would be difficult to avenge, but he never thought that he would still be alive to witness the tragic death of his enemy.Seeing this scene, he has no regrets in his heart even if he still cannot escape the ruins of the Sword Tomb.

Zhang Yan glanced at the other party.Indeed, the unfortunate bastard of the Pastoral School was seriously injured.Even with the help of healing elixir, it would take at least a thousand years to recover, and it was even more impossible in the ruins of the Sword Tomb.Afterwards, before the ruins reopened, his life depended largely on luck.Being able or going out is a challenge.

But Zhang Yan didn't intend to accept the other party's thanks. What does it matter if the other party dies or lives in the end?

"Saved you because you bought your own life with a piece of gold leaf. Killed them because they spoke badly and had no gold leaf to kill. Those are two things that should not be confused. Now you can go."

Spending money to buy one's life and bringing disaster out of one's mouth are two different things, there are causes and effects, this is what Zhang Yan wants to say.In order to clean up what I have done.It won't be misinterpreted by those unknowingly prying eyes on the side.So as not to delay the "scrap purchase" sign behind him.

The fairy of the pastoral school is not hypocritical, but also a bit tough, knowing that Zhang Yan's rescue of him once is already a chance for him to seize, and by the way, it is even more unexpected joy to see his revenge.What happens next depends on luck.

"No matter what, the junior will remember the great kindness of the senior! The junior will not disturb the senior, so farewell!" As he said, he reluctantly got up from the ground and bowed tremblingly to Zhang Yan. It was too inconvenient for him to salute. .After that, he left slowly step by step.It should be time to leave a crowded place like Jiankeng, and then find a secluded place to wait for the ruins to go out.

As soon as he left here, Zhang Yan was about to get up and move around.Although his understanding of gold leaf was not complete, he was basically certain of what it was.

The next thing to do is to collect as much gold leaf as possible while exploring.At the same time, he waited for the bait he just threw to attract fish.

"Your Excellency, can I exchange this gold leaf with you for those magic weapons that you don't like? I mean the portable magic weapons left behind by those idiots who talked badly just now. Of course, if your Excellency is willing, you can exchange those magic weapons. The magic weapons and materials from the ruins here are also available.”

As soon as Zhang Yan withdrew from the magic circle, an angel from the Chaos Sect approached him. He didn't dare to get close. He bowed his hands at a distance of more than ten feet, and then took out a golden fragment and hung it in front of him while saying hello.

After watching the previous episode where Zhang Yan killed three people and saved one, those who had been paying attention to Zhang Yan's special existence immediately had an idea.

As Zhang Yan imagined, he was regarded as a "recycling waste product".

Zhang Yan didn't talk nonsense, and waved his hand to take out the portable instruments of Minghua Rongzong Dixian, and they also hung in the air and lined up.


"Second from the left!"

Neither was inked.After the other party had chosen, Zhang Yan flicked the item over, and the other party threw the exchanged gold leaf over almost at the same time.

"How do you change the sword mound magic weapon in your hand?"

"Three pieces of gold foil, exchange for one. You can find Li Dianchuan, he will wait outside, and he can make the delivery after I come out." Zhang Yan threw the matter on Li Dianchuan without thinking too much.He himself wants to continue to go deep into this sword pit.

(End of this chapter)

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