one's door

Chapter 780

Chapter 780
Before coming to the Sword Tomb Ruins, Zhang Yan's guess here was still focused on the word "Sword Tomb".After all, there are the legendary Four Great Killing Swords in the Void, the first sword array in the prehistoric world, and the Zhuxian Sword Array, which is full of gimmicks.I think this should be a huge cemetery related to swords.

But now I realize that this place has nothing to do with the cemetery, nor does it have much to do with the "sword" itself.The focus is actually on the word "remains".

And the "remains" here are not simply the relics of an ancient battlefield.Instead, Zhang Yan found many unusual clues that were obviously hidden in it.It's just that it's hard to say whether these clues point to the direction of the Great Desolate World's departure as he guessed.

Perhaps the reason why the word "sword" is installed in the ruins of the sword mound is because of the ubiquitous wandering sword intent.However, in Zhang Yan's view, these sword intentions should be an introduction, an introduction to the special level method of "One Way of Intention".Of course, there are also screening and hidden flavors in it.

If it weren't for Zhang Yan's unusual means, he would never be able to walk to the center of this sword pit with his cultivation base in the early stage of the fairyland.

It's just that there is a huge stone tablet standing in the center of the ruins left by a fierce killing in the ancient war?No need to guess, this stele must have been erected here after the war.Just like those golden fragments.

Zhang Yan's "intelligence" adhered to his hand, even if it was only a very weak layer, it was like flames and oil, which naturally restrained each other, allowing Zhang Yan's hand to pass through that layer of barrier at once.Then the old trick was repeated, after the "intelligence" covered the whole body, Zhang Yan successfully approached the stone tablet.The dark stele in front of him also appeared golden inscriptions on the stele after he crossed the barrier, which had never been seen before.

The writing is still in seal script, stroke by stroke is like a sword intent flashing in front of the eyes, just looking at the past, there is a kind of piercing discomfort.He hurriedly concentrated his "mind" in his eyes, and this feeling improved a little, at least it could make Zhang Yan keep on watching so that he wouldn't be able to keep his eyes open.

"Three teachings, the tripod of heaven, earth and living beings, accumulate the essence of the six ways, and do things of exploration"

The first three words on the stele brought my attention to the highest point.

Three religions?This almost directly nailed most of his previous guesses about the ruins of the Sword Tomb.You guessed it right.Sure enough, it was the super war between the three religions.

"The three teachings originated from the same origin and should be one, but their ideas clashed, and the rift gradually became more and more rift. Later, they argued endlessly because of the dispute over luck. Each of them became more and more fierce from above to below.
Of all the difficulties in the world, the most difficult is the matter of life.

One point of luck, but unexpectedly it is so biased.When the catastrophe arrives, luck will come to life.Those who are unlucky can only earn it by themselves but there is no way to avoid it.And my teacher was exploited, weak and difficult to break free.

I wanted to live with it, get through the catastrophe, use the many elites in the teaching to offset the lack of luck, and make plans after getting through.Unexpectedly, people with ulterior motives want to get rid of one of the three legs, annex and eliminate them.

Watching the disciples in the sect being brutally bullied, everyone was filled with righteous indignation.Only by fighting hard, even if there is a difference in luck, will never sit still."

The inscriptions on the inscription contain evil spirits.Even if there is a slight "intention" to counteract it, Zhang Yan's eyes and soul can't bear to look at it for a long time.There are more than [-] words before and after the inscription, and he rested five times before reading it all.

"I teach" appears many times in the inscription.In addition, the "weak power" and "unfair treatment" are all revealed in the content, as well as the "Tong" sign when entering this place.Zhang Yan is sure that the inscription comes from an extremely powerful man in the legend of the Great Desolate World:
Saint, Babel!

In fact, the story about the Tongtian sage before that was not taken seriously by Zhang Yan.The reason is that there is no such person as Tongtian among the three Qings worshiped by Taoism.In the legend, Tongtian is the junior brother of the two in the Sanqing, and one of the disciples of Hongzu.

Relationships are in turmoil.It is more like a place of contradiction.In addition, the context of Tongtian has never been mentioned in Taoist scriptures.It also indirectly made Zhang Yan not take the story involved seriously.

It wasn't until he heard about the ruins of the Sword Tomb and saw the inscription at this time that Zhang Yan realized that the Tongtian Saint existed, at least he existed.But it has not been recorded in Taoist scriptures.

Why is this?

Perhaps the grief, indignation and determination revealed between the lines in the inscription can answer Zhang Yan's doubts, and it can be summarized into two words: religious struggle.

Human teaching, cutting teaching, and interpreting teaching are the three teachings for this purpose.

Saint Tongtian is located in Jiejiao, and he is the leader of the sect.And the two senior brothers of the Tongtian Saint are the Renjiao Saint Laozi and the Chanjiao Saint Yuanyuan.

Where did the dispute between the three religions come from? The inscription mentioned a sentence "because of the dispute over luck" and did not elaborate further.But Zhang Yan knows that the so-called luck here is not the luck of the three religions, but the luck of the human world in the prehistoric world.

Although the human world is not considered tyrannical, it is the largest and most complex of the six realms, and it is also the one that is most entangled with luck and has the most frequent variables.

It's like Mingyue Valley wants to take advantage of Zhang Yan's luck.The Three Teachings also hope to use the luck of the human world to strengthen themselves.The so-called follow the trend.

But luck is not a big pie that can be divided equally.Whoever has more and who has less depends on the means, and the winner takes all is the norm.

The characteristic of intercepting teaching is that "there is no discrimination in teaching".In Tongtian's eyes, the creatures in the world are all the same whether they are humans, beasts, flying insects or weeds.As long as one's spiritual wisdom is opened, as long as one has a heart for the Tao, then anyone can join the religion and practice together.In addition to practice, the other is mainly to follow one's heart.

However, elucidation and human education are different.There are clearer missionary thresholds and strict teachings to follow.

Over time, differences and even contradictions began to appear between Jiejiao and others, and between the two religions in their style of conduct and practice philosophy.

But there is no distinction between teaching and learning, so there are the most disciples, and there are many masters among them.Among the three teachings, depending on the strength of his subordinates, the interception teaching should be ranked first, and it is rare to suffer a disadvantage.

But the hero can't stand the crowd.No matter how powerful a single-handed horse is, it can't compare to attacking in groups.Especially in the face of the juncture of changing and changing luck in the world.

Is it to stabilize the old trend and continue to replace it, or to promote the new trend to replace the old trend?This becomes the key.

Before the end of teaching, I had borrowed the luck of the old trend long ago, so I naturally chose to stabilize the old trend and continue to replace it.The combination of human education and elucidation to break the opportunity to cut off education can only promote new forces to change the old situation.

And so the fierce conflict began.

There is also a big event, and a trap.

The big event is the "big catastrophe" mentioned in the inscription.The trap was that Saint Tongtian was tricked by his two senior brothers, and he suffered a big loss in Ying Jie.

The two things should not interfere with each other.However, in order to coerce the general trend of the catastrophe, Renjiao and Chanjiao won the battle of luck.In one fell swoop, the rhythm that was still mastered by Tongtian Saint was completely disrupted.In the end, it turned into a big battle in which no one could retreat.

And the place where Zhang Yan is now is the decisive battle of this great war.

(End of this chapter)

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