one's door

Chapter 781

Chapter 781
Wan Yuyan is like an extremely brief introduction to the opening chapter. It can be understood why the wars in the "backtracking" here started and roughly where they are headed.

And at the end, the meaning of the existence of this ruin was directly presented.

"The enemy is too many to support. Although the Zhuxian sword formation is the first killing formation in the prehistoric era, it can't beat the four saints with one force. In the end, all four swords were robbed. But the sword is a dead thing, although it is also the weight of the body, but Not all the mysteries of the Four Swords.

The sword can be taken away, but Jianpo and the others don't have that ability.Without the sword soul, the four swords are nothing more than ordinary spiritual treasures, they can't form a formation and can't play the mystery of killing swords.
A group of scumbags also want to take my sword array?It's just a dream.It's better to stay and wait for fate, so that we can reshape the prestige of Zhu Xian's Four Swords."

Although there is no straightforward words to tell people that the so-called "Sword Soul" is here, but its meaning has been expressed very clearly.

Waiting for fate?In other words, look for it according to your ability.

"Sword Soul?" Zhang Yan looked away from the stone tablet.There was a burst of excitement in my heart, and then doubts.The main reason is why the Tongtian Saint left the sword soul here, wouldn't it be better for him to hold it himself?
And according to the inscription, with the sword soul in hand, it is possible to reshape the power of the sword formation.So the sage Tongtian just gave up?That is the Zhuxian Sword Formation that can only be destroyed by the joint efforts of the four saints!
In addition, there is no mention of a single word about the golden fragment star map in this inscription.It seems to continue to bury this question.

"This stele is so conspicuous, why hasn't it been taken away? Or is it that the powerful people in the void world who came here to explore before can't do anything about it?" This is the second question in Zhang Yan's heart.

According to the style of the void world, they would take away even the golden fragments, which they have never been able to understand, and study them slowly. There is no reason why this even more mysterious stone tablet can still stand safely in place.

Even if you need to overcome a barrier when approaching this stele.If you rely on brute force, the Heavenly Wonderland is definitely useless.Zhang Yan also got in by relying on the superficial means of "One Way of Meaning", so he was given preferential treatment.But above the Heavenly Wonderland, Jinxian or Da Luo, they would definitely be able to squeeze into the vicinity of the stele by brute force.Then why do you still leave the stele in place?
Don't think it's necessary?Or say it can't be done?

Zhang Yan is of course inclined towards the latter.The stele is still there, most likely it's not because those strong people don't want to move it, but because they can't move it away.

He stretched out his hand to see if the stele was as different as he thought.As a result, his hand was directly inserted into the stone tablet when it touched it.

"This stele is an illusion?!" Zhang Yan suddenly understood why the stele had not been removed.Also very surprised.You must know that he is in front of the stele at a distance that can be touched by raising his hand, but even if he puts a hand in it at this time, he still cannot perceive that the stele is illusory.

Existence has no entity, so it is impossible to move it away.

However, Zhang Yan's movement of raising his hand to touch it was not cautious, and it was also because this place has never posed a threat to him, so he unconsciously relaxed his vigilance.In the next moment, a strong suction force pulled him into a scene that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

Familiar, because Zhang Yan has encountered this kind of scene ten times after he stepped into the Jianzhong ruins.It belongs to the scene similar to "backtracking" that will inevitably occur when opening the sword mound.

The strangeness is because the scene this time is different from all the previous ones.Instead of taking the last period of time before the death of a corpse owner as the main perspective, it became Zhang Yan himself.It's just that he is sure that his body in the scene is not real.Because his body in the scene is not like a talisman soldier at all, but like his own deity!

Zhang Yan was shocked when he realized that he appeared in the mysterious scene in the form of his real self.But soon calmed down.

"The talisman soldiers were excluded. It seems that not only my consciousness is trapped, but also my primordial spirit that should be on the talisman soldiers!"

Only the refraction of Yuanshen can reflect the appearance of Zhang Yan himself.It's just that these guesses can't be confirmed by Zhang Yan for the time being. He can't perceive anything other than his eyes and his "body" at this time, let alone get a sense with the talisman soldiers to confirm his guesses.

Zhang Yan looked around and found that there was nothing in the surroundings.Including the feet too.

"What are you going to do?"

Zhang Yan felt the danger.Because the previous "backtracking" scenes have obvious start and end rules, even if you can't forcefully break the scene and return to reality, you don't need to panic. It's only a stick of incense time until the "backtracking" is over, not much less.In addition, Zhang Yan's consciousness can be attributed to the Yuanshen to avoid the killer move that can't tell when it will suddenly appear in the "backtracking", so Zhang Yan doesn't feel dangerous.

But things are different now.It was pitch black.There is no beginning, and there is no knowing when it will end.And this time the primordial spirit was dragged in together with the consciousness.Will the previous conscious avoidance method still work?
Following Zhang Yan's doubts, bright lights suddenly flickered in the dark scene in all directions.The bright light is divided into two colors of purple and green, blending with each other, emerging from the darkness one after another, and flickering and moving according to an inexplicable trajectory.

"Those are writing?!" Zhang Yan's insight is good, he quickly saw from one of the purple-green light spots, the trajectory of the light spot is relatively simple, and it is easy to see that it seems to be writing.Then scrutinize other points of light, and found that this is indeed the case.

Soon, Zhang Yan discovered something else.

"This seems to be written on some words on the stone tablet, and some are excerpts from it?!"

With this thought in mind, Zhang Yan suddenly trembled all over, feeling that an extremely serious danger was brewing in front of him and would be imminent soon.

"No! Those lights are sword intent?!"

In an instant, the hundreds of light spots were entangled one by one, forming a purple and green long sword, and then almost teleported directly in front of Zhang Yan.

"not good!"

Zhang Yan wanted to resist, but in this scene, the only thing he could do was to withdraw his consciousness into the primordial spirit, or raise his hand to block like an ordinary person.Other than that, all the methods he knew could not be used.

In other words, Zhang Yan is unavoidable and unstoppable at this time.He could only watch helplessly as the purple and green long sword pierced through his chest!
But the long sword didn't pass directly through his body, but was stuck in his chest like this, and it couldn't move!
The terrifying feeling of being pierced through the body has not yet faded away. The first thing to calm down is the extreme threat from before, and it is gone in an instant.

If you experience it carefully, you will find that the purple and green key processing Yuanshen disappeared in an instant.

Even up to this time, Zhang Yan didn't feel any damage to his soul or consciousness except for the discomfort of being pierced.

Very strange.

(End of this chapter)

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