one's door

Chapter 782

Chapter 782
"You gave up the opportunity to explore the bottom just to keep an eye on a strange and dead loner?"

"Didn't you also give up the opportunity to go to the bottom to keep an eye on me? Or are you going to wait a while before going?"

On the top of a towering ring-shaped mountain in the ruins of the Sword Tomb, the two of them stood in front of the cliff, their eyes slanted downwards, through the smoke and dust here and the cloud-like sword intent, their gazes were burning like probes into the giant below. The center of the sunken mountain."Chatting" with a calm expression on one side.

Those who can climb to the top of Jiankeng Mountain are naturally not ordinary immortals.The sword intent raging here is fierce, and there is nothing to gain.The scenery was even more ashen.Who would be bored not to explore the ruins and run here to stop?
"Hehe, it's too late to go now. Why are those people waiting for me? And I have been to the bottom of the exploration so many times, which one has any good results? In addition to getting some fragments of jade slips, it is Just some magic weapons. Not everyone has the good luck of you Song Shiyu to find a half-complete jade slip.

So, let's keep an eye on you.Over the years, you Mingyue Valley have always done some strange actions mysteriously, but you can always make a profit.Is it the same this time? "

"Hehe, how many years has it been, old monster Xiu, are you still thinking about that jade slip?"

These two people are Song Shiyu, the great elder of Mingyue Valley, and Xiu Wenqi, the great elder of Shishizong.

"Song Shiyu, if you hadn't cheated me back then, that jade slip should have fallen into my hands. I have read more than a hundred words at the beginning of it. If the "Difference Technique" mentioned in it is true, it must be mysterious and powerful Incomparable. Looking at the changes in your Bright Moon Valley over the years, I'm afraid it is also related to the Yan technique, right?

how?Clutching tightly for fear that others will find out? "

"Divination technique? Hehe, that thing is not as mysterious as what you said. I have told you this sentence ten times, right? If you don't believe me, what can I do?"

"Believe you? Forget it? I only believe in my own judgment and what I have seen with my own eyes. This time you are willing to give up the bottom-level exploration, but you have to stay here and stare at that weird little guy. There must be an ulterior secret. You must also Related to Diffraction.

I have learned about the movements of your Bright Moon Valley in the past few hundred years.The biggest moves of late have been all about this little guy.Is it because what you plan cannot do without him?Or do you need him to show you the way?

Haha, am I right? "

Song Shiyu shook his head lightly, the smile on his face remained unchanged.In his eyes, what Xiu Wenqi said was just a low-level joke without thinking, and it seemed like a waste of time to continue the chat.

But in fact, Song Shiyu was already very vigilant.He has always been aware that because of the previous jade slip that recorded the Yan technique, Xiu Wenqi read some of the content and left hidden dangers, but he did not expect that the other party could deduce so much information from these clues.It can almost be said that he has grasped the most important line of action in Mingyue Valley recently.

Now it's even more like a dog's skin plaster that can't be shaken off.Perhaps if this continues, the actions of Mingyue Valley will be firmly posted by Yi Shizong like this time?

Song Shiyu's brain hurts just thinking about such a scene.But there is no way to take the other party.I can only stare blankly.

Song Shiyu never thought of going straight to the bottom of the ruins like the previous few times when he entered the Jianzhong ruins this time.Although there are a lot of unknowns there, and the harvest is very attractive, it is not so important compared to the most important thing about the change of luck in Mingyue Valley.

So the purpose of Song Shiyu's entry into the ruins is to protect the dead man named Changshi.At the same time, let's see if he will have any unexpected performance in the dangerous environment of the ruins.

Coupled with the method of Changshilu in the battle before the opening of the ruins, Song Shiyu was also worried about being targeted and killed by the pastoralists.So don't take it lightly.

Seeing that Song Shi Yuguang shook his head and did not reply, Xiu Wenqi snorted, and then said: "But speaking of which, that person is called Changshi, right? He fought against Fang Han, a disciple of my sect, before. The method is weird, but he still knows how to measure it. It's not the kind of loner with a broken brain. It's just that his cultivation base is really weird. He is obviously in the early stage of the fairyland, but his methods are much stronger than those in the late stage of the fairyland.

The behavior is also unbelievable.What's the use of those gold leafs for him?Moreover, he deliberately slaughtered the three idiots of Minghua Rongzong to gain fame, which clearly meant that he was going to continue to gather gold leaf after going out.Does he really know the mysteries of those gold leaves? "

These words also reached Song Shiyu's heart.But he is also not clear about these questions.But he didn't want to follow the other party's words to continue the conversation, so he kept silent and ignored the other party.

Xiu Wenqi didn't mind Song Shiyu's attitude.Just as Song Shiyu had nothing to do with him, he also had nothing to do with the other party.

But Xiu Wenqi also wouldn't shut up just because Song Shiyu ignored him.He wants to tell all the discoveries in his heart, and let Mingyuegu understand that he has indeed discovered the unusualness of that feldspar, and shows that he will definitely continue to stare at feldspar.In this way, it put pressure on Mingyue Valley in a disguised form.As long as the pressure is strong enough, maybe something can be squeezed out of Mingyue Valley's mouth.

This is Xiu Wenqi's idea.

Obviously, it is impossible for Mingyue Valley to spend so much effort for a lone immortal for no reason.And it seems like it's all about giving with no thought of taking.This is absolutely not normal.Either Mingyue Valley went crazy up and down, or what Mingyue Valley asked for was not known to outsiders.

And all these strange things, Xiu Wenqi attributed it to the Yanshu Jade Slip that was lost from him back then.Although he doesn't know exactly which step the Diffraction Technique can achieve.Just a deep intuition.

But Xiu Wenqi didn't know that his intuition was extremely accurate, and he had almost touched the edge of Mingyue Valley's true purpose.

"Huh? He was able to get close to that stele!?"

While chattering beside Song Shiyu, Xiu Wenqi continued to pay attention to the figure in the center of the sword pit below with his spiritual sense.He was surprised and curious to see the other party crossing the barrier around the middle stele and approaching the stele suddenly.

Song Shiyu next to him also felt the same as Xiu Wenqi.He never thought that the feldspar could ignore the barrier in front of the stele.These big Luo Ke have to spend some effort to open it with brute force to get close.

However, unlike Xiu Wenqi's full of doubts, Song Shiyu had something more in his heart: he was really different from ordinary people, and his performance was really worthy of a person of great luck.But it seems that this ruin seems to fit him a lot.And our invitation is like a hit?Could this also be due to his luck?
(End of this chapter)

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