one's door

Chapter 783 Induction

Chapter 783 Induction
Two pairs of eyes were staring at the distance, but Zhang Yan was not able to detect the secret observation of the two big Luo Jinxians.The only luck is that what he experienced in the "scene" of the stele did not manifest in reality.From the outside, he was maintaining the movement of reaching out to touch the stele, motionless as if frozen.

But in the "scene" that Zhang Yan could only perceive by himself, he knew that he had really hit a big luck.

Just now, the sword condensed and stabbed in the darkness pierced Zhang Yan's chest to back.After that, it didn't pass through, but got stuck in his chest.

When it was even weirder, Zhang Yan didn't realize that he had been hurt in any way.It's as if all this exists in an illusion and is not real.

But the following changes made Zhang Yan understand that what he encountered was not an illusion, but a change at the level of soul and consciousness that was separated from the physical level.

The fundamental reason why the long sword pierced in his chest did not harm Zhang Yan was that Zhang Yan's primordial spirit seemed to be "approved" by the long sword.At the moment of touching, the lethality of the long sword was directly restrained, which allowed Zhang Yan to avoid the tragic end of being immortal and seriously injured.

But the long sword does not advance or retreat, why is it stuck in the chest?

Suspiciously, the long sword began to "shrink".Beads of light fell off the sword, and spread away like fireflies. In just five or six breaths, the long sword disappeared from Zhang Yan's chest and back, and did not leave any trace on the body in this scene. scars.It's like it never happened.

But that just looks like nothing happened on the outside.But not so inside the "body".

"This is... a sword?"

In Zhang Yan's introspection, there is a very small purple and green glowing thing in the chest cavity of his body constructed by the primordial spirit. The shape of a long sword whose hilt has been shrunk by an unknown number of times.It was exactly the same as the handle that was still stuck in his chest just now.

After a brief observation, Zhang Yan's heartbeat inevitably accelerated, and he thought to himself: This thing can't be the sword soul mentioned in the inscription, right? !
The sword spirit of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian? !Even the things that the four saints who broke the formation couldn't get, would they just plunge into it so simply?

This surprise came too suddenly, which also made Zhang Yan feel a little too frightened, which seemed unreal.So much so that even if the other party just hovered in his soul so honestly, he didn't dare to provoke him for the time being, and he didn't even dare to try.

Zhu Xian Four Swords!Sword Soul sounds like Qi Ling.In addition, the four swords of Zhu Xian are all masters of killing, with evil spirits and murderous spirits rushing through the six paths. If this is really their sword soul, it is definitely not easy to mess with. It is a trivial matter if it is not easy to hurt the soul, just wipe out almost all of his soul Not surprising.

In less than a meal, the scene in front of Zhang Yan changed again, and he returned to reality again, breaking away from the dark scene.There was still the stone monument in front of him.It's just that there are no previous words on the stele.

"In this way, after going back and paying for those golden fragments, there is no point in continuing to explore here." Zhang Yan knew well that the changes in the stele must be related to the small sword he took away in the scene just now.

But at this time, even after returning to reality, Zhang Yan could still feel the existence of the little sword from the primordial spirit attached to Fu Bing's body.But if you don't look for it deliberately, you won't feel the corresponding discomfort.

It seems that the honesty is a bit beyond Zhang Yan's expectation.Even more stable than the "round ball" that likes to sleep?
Without going through the sword pit in front of him, Zhang Yan returned directly to Yukong, and soon found Li who was meditating near the place where he had killed the three Minghua Rongzong disciples. Dianchuan.

"Senior." Sensing Zhang Yan's approach, Li Dianchuan immediately stood up from the ground.The expression on his face was as respectful as ever.

And following Li Dianchuan's claim, many immortals who had already gathered nearby also moved closer behind him.These people are not only from the Chaos faction, but also from the Pastoral faction.

"Senior, these people have gold leaf exchanges, and according to your previous instructions, they put the things with me first. Everyone has a clear record." Li Dianchuan said while handing over a brand new jade slip Here, and a storage bag.

During Zhang Yan's deep exploration, Li Dianchuan actually didn't open more sword mounds.The cultivation base of his fairyland is not enough for him to continue to consume, and his consciousness needs enough rest.After all, apart from this sword pit, there are several places where you can try your luck.It can't all be spent here.

It was also during Li Dianchuan's recuperation period that he was still on guard, but he was soon approached and took over Zhang Yan's "waste recycling" business.

In disguise, Li Dianchuan's own safety issue that he had been vigilant about before was resolved at once.With so many people counting on him to collect things, naturally he wouldn't be in the risk of being robbed by someone.But Li Dianchuan was also a little puzzled at the same time, just for these useless gold foils, should he use the magic weapon in the sword mound?
If Li Dianchuan didn't understand that the senior Changshi in his eyes was not a madman with a broken brain, he couldn't help but want to ask a few more questions.

"Well. This is for you." Zhang Yan took the things and handed Li Dianchuan a magic weapon for protection at the same time.This thing was harvested by him in the center of the sword pit.Compared to him, it is still eye-catching.Take it out as the benefit of Li Dianchuan's participation this time.

"Senior, I don't need it."

"Take it."

Li Dianchuan saw the slightly dissatisfied look in Senior Changshi's eyes, and knew it was hard to refuse.Can only take it with both hands.To be honest, although he had gained power in Mingyue Valley, there is still a big gap between the immortal artifacts in Mingyue Valley and those in Jianzhong.The defensive magic weapon in front of him could be seen as an absolute masterpiece, and he was also envious.

The contents of the jade slips are very clear, and even the breath traces are listed, so that Zhang Yan can clearly distinguish who gave how much gold leaf without misidentifying the person.

The quantity in the storage bag matched, and a total of 17 yuan of gold leaf was received.

Not too much, and not necessary.With a wave of Zhang Yan's hand, more than ten magic weapons were thrown into the air by him.


The deal was crisp.The other party also had a strong smile on his face.I didn't expect that those useless gold foils could be exchanged for the magic weapon in the sword mound.

"Your Excellency, we still have a lot of gold leaf in our sect. I don't know if you will keep it after you go out?"

One of them put away the magic weapon he had chosen, and before Zhang Yan left, he quickly asked questions that everyone around him cared about.

"Accept. You can find Li Dianchuan, he will take the things. Then I will pay you separately."

(End of this chapter)

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