one's door

Chapter 784 Guidelines

Chapter 784 Guidelines
"Senior, have we changed direction?"

Coming out of the sword pit, Li Dianchuan thought that the next formation would continue to follow the path he had walked before, but not long after he came out, he saw Zhang Yan when he was still halfway away from the next big opportunity gathering place. Changed direction.

"Well, this way."

"But senior, I haven't been here before, so I don't know if I can guide you." Li Dianchuan didn't expect such a sudden change.It's not that he's afraid of encountering unpredictable dangers, after all, in his opinion, Senior Changshi, who follows the strength of Jinxian, can't be dangerous in the shallow surface of the ruins.I'm just worried that because I'm not familiar with the situation in this direction, I can't do what a guide should do.

Zhang Yan Yukong walked forward, neither fast nor slow, while being alert to the sword intent around him, he shook his head and replied: "The guide doesn't have to have been to all the places. You just need to be able to distinguish the situation."

"Good senior, this junior will do his best to help senior." Li Dianchuan heaved a sigh of relief.The more I get in touch with him, the more I feel that Senior Changshi is actually easy to get along with.As long as you do what you need to do, other things can be discussed, and you can be generous.Not that kind of weird madness.At most, sometimes there will be some "whimsy" that Li Dianchuan can't understand.

Zhang Yan didn't explain much to Li Dianchuan.Can't explain it either.

Don't say that Li Dianchuan didn't think about changing the route, Zhang Yan himself didn't think about it before.To him, the Jianzhong ruins are unknown everywhere, and it is the same wherever he goes.So there is nothing wrong with following Li Dianchuan to walk the previous path again, and you can even use Li Dianchuan's knowledge to avoid some unnecessary troubles.

But things always go faster than planned.Zhang Yan didn't expect that he had just left the sword pit not far away, and the sword soul he thought was "wait for it" had appeared as "Yao Mozi".

Strictly speaking, it is somewhat similar to the "intelligence" in the flying sword that used as a pointer in the sword pit to guide Zhang Yan to look for the golden fragment, suddenly "restless" directly in Zhang Yan's soul, a very The direct and rude expression of will directly reaches Zhang Yan's consciousness through Yuanshen.

go in this direction!
Zhang Yan came here just to find a chance.It doesn't matter whether it's superficial or low-level, it's the same for him when he comes here for the first time.And the sword soul in Yuanshen should already be the biggest opportunity in this sword mound ruins, right?He has no reason to ignore the "restlessness" of the sword soul in Yuanshen.Maybe the opportunity didn't end there?

You must know that there is not only one sword weapon in the Zhuxian Sword Formation, but a total of four swords!

With expectations in mind, Zhang Yan changed directions and drove quickly, sometimes stopping halfway to open some magic circle traps.The main thing is to see if there is any reaction to the "will" on the flying sword in his hand.If you get some magic weapons by hand, keep them.

Finally, when Zhang Yan arrived at the place guided by the sword soul, he found that there was another sword pit, and the scale was similar to the previous one.

"It's here. Let's go." Zhang Yan stepped in directly after falling down.

Since it was Jiankeng again, Zhang Yan felt that his previous guess might become a reality.It's just that the next sword soul is also on the surface of the ruins?This is quite unexpected.

As for following Li Dianchuan, there was no resistance other than surprise.For him, it's all about luck and chance.It's just that in comparison, although the opportunities in the sword pit are concentrated, it is more difficult to obtain, and there are many people and the risk is high.When he followed up, he had already made a decision. This time, he should not go to the sword mound with greedy eyes this time, and raise his awareness first, otherwise if the old wounds were not healed and new wounds were added, it might leave a hidden danger of incompleteness.

"Senior, do you need me to make an exchange for you?" Naturally, Li Dianchuan would not be idle.He offered to help Zhang Yan with his affairs.Since Zhang Yan said that he would continue to collect gold leaf even if the ruins were discovered in the future, there is no reason not to accept it in the new sword pit.Since he wasn't going to try his luck to open the Sword Tomb immediately, it would be easy for him to help a little.Otherwise, wouldn't I be sorry for the few good magic weapons that Senior Changshi gave along the way?

The shadow of a famous tree.Just like before, when Zhang Yan stepped into the sword pit, he immediately attracted attention.In addition, this time is already a "weak" period of exploration in the sword pit, some people have left, and some are plundering each other.Killing has become the main theme here.And Zhang Yan was like an icicle suddenly thrown into the chaos.

Although the news does not spread quickly in the ruins, important events or things worthy of attention will spread far and wide soon.For example, news such as "That dead man named Changshi killed three Minghua Rongzong idiots for a piece of gold leaf".And the message "Scrap Recycling".

So even though they were mainly fighting and looting, the arrival of Zhang Yan also gave many immortals who were not persistent or keen on killing a new choice.

Against it?It is thankless and cannot be done.At least one must have the strength of a golden immortal to dare to do so.Otherwise, the three idiots of Minghua Rongzong are examples.

What's more, it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to "collect waste products" to exchange the waste materials in your hands for urgently needed good things.No matter how you look at it, this business is profitable.

No one can see that there must be a reason for Zhang Yan to accept the gold leaf?Of course you can see it.But so what?If others use it to be useful, that is someone else's ability, so what does it have to do with yourself?

At least most people don't care what Zhang Yan can do with the gold leaf.They care more about practical benefits.

So when Li Dianchuan spread the words of "recycling waste", people responded immediately.One piece for you and one piece for me, and soon a lot of gold leaf went over.Then he waited for Zhang Yan, who was exploring the center of the sword pit, to return.

And at the corner where no one noticed, the two Earth Immortals glanced at each other and left here far away.And the coat of arms logo on these people is Minghua Rongzong.

Zhang Yan walked all the way forward and opened the sword mound smoothly.Arrived at the center of the sword pit without haste.

Same as the previous sword pit.There is also a stone tablet here, the size and appearance are the same.When approaching it, there will also be barriers that cannot be easily approached. It takes "mind" to approach and see the words displayed on the stone tablet.

But unlike the last time when Zhang Yan's eyes were tired and stinging from the oppression and sharpness of the inscriptions on the stone tablet, even if he didn't resist some of the attacks with "intelligence" this time, he obviously felt much lighter.After reading it over and over again, it didn't hurt so much that I couldn't open my eyes, and I didn't even need to stop halfway to let my eyes relax.

After reading the entire text, Zhang Yan found that the inscription here is exactly the same as the previous one, even the position of each word and the murals have not changed.There was no new content that he expected.It is also impossible to verify more legends about the Three Religions War.

Finally, when Zhang Yan touched the stele with his hand again and was drawn into the same dark scene, Zhang Yan realized that he had guessed half of it correctly, and the other half was not as he wished.

(End of this chapter)

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