one's door

Chapter 786 call

Chapter 786 call
Xiu Wenqi chuckled lightly at first, and then burst out laughing very quickly.I can't see the look of the sword being tense just now.

And Song Shiyu's face quickly changed from serious to angry, from shame to anger.

The time between two people should use "huiyuan" as the unit of time to calculate.Where is it unclear what the other party's every move is?Even if you can hide it for a while, you can guess it if you show a little sign.So Xiu Wenqi laughed, and Song Shiyu also reacted, he was caught off guard by the aggressive general who was suddenly thrown by the other party just now, and was fooled by the other party's words.

"It's rare! It's rare! It's really a rare time when you, Song Shiyu, lost your senses and were pulled out by me with a few simple words! Hahaha, you "will not hesitate to fight"! These words carry weight Tsk tsk, extraordinary!

Hey, Lao Song, how about we have been friends for so many years, how about you give us a little more insight?
Don't rush to refuse, I don't ask specifics.Just ask if this person is really worth the death insurance at such a high price for Mingyue Valley?If other companies want to argue with you, how dare you be so stubborn? "

Song Shiyu kept a straight face, but he didn't evade the question.So he said: "Hmph, you should know who I am. When have you ever bluffed when you said something? If you really dare to mess with Changshi Duxing, then don't blame us in Mingyue Valley for not being sympathetic!"

Anyway, everything has been said, and there is no need to change the attitude.Mingyue Valley still has some concentration.

"Hehe, Lao Song, it seems that this feldspar is quite unusual for you in Mingyue Valley! For them, you are willing to go to war with several other families. It can be seen that you have calculated the gains and losses in it. That means the long stone The value of this person Shi is much higher than what you lost if you died.

Am I right?

That being the case, as a sect that has always been on good terms with Mingyue Valley.We Shishizong didn't want to see your clan under such great pressure.Coupled with friendship, the big deal is to advance and retreat with you.

And Lao Song, don't worry.We'll keep it secret for our friends.The weirdness of this feldspar will never be revealed to the outside world. "

Song Shiyu sighed inwardly.I have known for a long time that Xiu Wenqi is not easy to get along with, and he is old and cunning like a monster.Now, if you take a careless step, you will be followed closely.It is impossible to get rid of each other now.That being the case, it is better to find out the purpose of the other party.

"I'm talking about repairing the old monster. You would rather waste an opportunity to explore the lower level this time and follow me, and now you say these inexplicable words. What are you planning? We are keeping feldspar alone because he has something for us in Mingyue Valley." Kindness comes first, pay attention to knowing kindness, so whoever wants to harm him will be the enemy of our Mingyue Valley.

But why are you meddling in? "

How could Xiu Wenqi be fooled by Song Shiyu with such a few words?He has already determined that the other party is plotting something about that dead and lonesome.Although it's unclear what that is.But Xiu Wenqi understands that as long as he sticks tightly to Mingyue Valley, the further he goes, the more clues can be seen.

"Old Song, why bother? Wouldn't it be good to have one more helper? You must know that what that guy did in the ruins this time is unusual. Even if no one finds out the strange things you and I found, just because he collected those gold leaves It's enough to be settled by people after autumn. There are also those Minghua Rongzong people who he killed. There are so many people, do you think those guys from Minghua Rongzong can swallow this breath? That's weird, doesn't this give others an excuse to touch him? Strictly speaking, this matter is a personal grievance, and it is against the rules for you to intervene in Mingyue Valley. They will still take advantage of it at that time.

Old Song, if our two sects join forces, the situation will be different.Even if the other four families turn their backs, we are not in vain.

Moreover.You Mingyue Valley is repaying your kindness, why can't our Yishizong repay your kindness?the same thing! "

"You also repay the favor?" This time Song Shiyu was surprised by the other party again.I really can't think of any kindness between Changshi and Yishizong that Yishizong should use as an excuse.

Xiu Wenqi smiled and said: "At the beginning we had a hasty contact with Changshi Duxing. Because of some misunderstandings, Fang Han, our disciple who was in charge of the matter at that time, had some unpleasantness with Changshi Duxing. But Master Changshi Duxing did not Care about, and let Fang Han go. This kind of kindness must be repaid, right?"

"You cultivating old monsters, you really belong to me! I'm afraid your face is more solid than your cultivation base!"

The other party has already talked about this point, what else can Song Shiyu say?In addition to admiring the opponent's brazenness, he also had to admire the opponent's accuracy and courage, so he dared to follow the bet.

Xiu Wenqi laughed even more when he saw that his old enemy was also deflated by an old acquaintance.How many years has it been since you beat the opponent so much?

"Hahaha Old Song, I know you can't give me an answer to this matter now. You go back and report to Master Xie, and I will go back to report to Suzerain. Then the formal alliance will be made."

"Are you so sure we will agree?"

"Why do you refuse things that are beneficial but harmless? There are so many benefits in the world, how can there be any reason to eat alone every day? Divide a share, and leave a big head. Compared with the difficulties of independent support, it is also a big profit. Earn it?"

While talking, Xiu Wenqi waved his hand, and said: "This kid seems to have gained something again. This is already the sixth stone tablet he found on the superficial side. And have you noticed that he is getting more and more anxious?" .Even the gold leaf, which was very important before, is not as important as it was at the beginning. This shows that to him, the stone tablet is more important than the gold leaf.

Did he get any benefits from the stele?or something else?
Do you continue to follow here or go down with me to see clearly? "

Indeed, as Xiu Wenqi said, Song Shiyu didn't count on the fact that Shizong joined in for the time being.We have to wait until the ruins are closed and go back to report to Xie Wei, the owner of the valley, before we can make a final decision.At this time, he also followed the other party's words and returned to the feldspar who was being watched below.

Hearing this, Song Shiyu said: "It's still far away from the next stele, and it will take at least a day and a half to get there by his footsteps. Let's go down and have a look. I'm also curious why Changshi Duxing is so obsessed with those who are exactly the same. An inexplicable stele."


After the two talked, they moved directly to the center of the sword pit that Zhang Yan left recently.That's where the stele is.Then the two shot together, directly cut two openings in the barrier in front of the stele with brute force and walked in.

"Huh?! Where are the words on the stele?!"

Although they didn't know the seal script and hadn't researched it yet, when they saw all the characters on the stone tablet disappeared at a glance, the expressions of Xiu Wenqi and Song Shiyu changed slightly.

Then the two of them moved away tacitly.After half a stick of incense time, they got together again.

"The writing on the stele in front has also disappeared."

(End of this chapter)

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