one's door

787 Chapter 9

Chapter 787 Nine Seats
Li Dianchuan found that the complexion of Senior Changshi who was walking in front seemed to be getting worse and worse.It's like a reaction to conscious wounds that build up.

In Li Dianchuan's view, this couldn't be more normal.Although he didn't know exactly how many sword mounds Senior Changshi had opened in each sword pit, but judging from the fact that the opponent took out more and more magic weapons, the number of openings was definitely quite a lot.Moreover, the sword pits were swept one after another along the way, and there was no time to rest at all.He felt that even a golden fairy like Senior Changshi could hardly bear this consumption of consciousness.

Even after thinking about it, Li Dianchuan had to speak up to persuade him once, but the answer he got was "don't worry, I know it well."So he didn't dare to talk anymore.

But Li Dianchuan was not worried that it was a lie.After all, he still hoped to get some good luck with Zhang Yan all the way, if something happened to Zhang Yan, he would be at a loss.

Therefore, Li Dianchuan deliberately slowed down the speed of collecting "waste products", so as to give Senior Changshi more time to repair and recover.

But generally speaking, Li Dianchuan still felt that the speed was too fast, but there was no way to stop it.I can only hope that Senior Changshi really knows it well, and at the same time hope that the opening time of the ruins will pass sooner.

In fact, Li Dianchuan's concerns are not unreasonable, but they are not accurate.

Zhang Yan's complexion is not good because he is really tired and exhausted.But the reason was not because of the accumulation of injuries from the attack from the sword mound as Li Dianchuan thought.It's because the "load" has gradually reached the upper limit of the carrying capacity of this part of the soul in Fu Bing's body at this time, and he can't bear it anymore.

From the time the sixth sword soul was collected, the changes in the sword soul became more and more obvious, and at the same time, Zhang Yan's worries from the beginning gradually became a reality.

Sword Soul is now almost the size of his index finger after Zhang Yan got the eighth fragment.Hovering vertically in the center of Yuanshen.Although "honestly" as in the beginning, Zhang Yan didn't make any danger or moth.But the weight of the sword soul itself is enough to make Zhang Yan lament that it is difficult to control, and it is worthy of being one of the four swords of Jade Immortals.

Killing intent, evil spirit.This is the most direct feature of being a Killing Sword.According to legend, even if the four swords of Zhu Xian do not form a formation, just relying on the killing intent on the sword and the active release of evil spirits can make ordinary human immortals and earth immortals collapse and die directly.It can be seen the degree of ferocity and tyranny.

Zhang Yan was also worried about these at the beginning, but the introverted sword spirit made these gradually merged and spliced ​​growths not directly release these killing intent and evil spirits, which saved Zhang Yan from being impacted and hurt.

But as the sword soul became more and more complete, even the restrained killing intent and evil spirit still weighed heavily on the primordial spirit, and it was the kind that could not be shaken off.

Yuanshen reluctantly endured it, and felt more and more unsustainable, all thanks to Zhang Yan gritting his teeth and persevering.Because he felt a weak but clear message feedback from the sword soul: it will be ready soon!

Zhang Yan has always believed that Lingbao has spirits.Wanxiangzhu is animate.But the spirit treasures transformed by the Wanxiangzhu are not the original "spirits".Although it doesn't necessarily have autonomous consciousness expression like creatures or the world, there is an absolutely clear subjective reflection between survival and extinction.

That is to say, the Sword Soul is already critically complete, and at the same time he also feels Zhang Yan's plight, but he hopes that Zhang Yan can persevere, and once it is completely complete, he can change Zhang Yan's uncomfortable situation now.

This is not expressed in words, but comes from Zhang Yan's direct communication with Jian Po from Yuanshen.Some have the flavor of "the power comes out when the mind moves" when using the magic weapon.

It was also based on this wonderful feeling, as well as the curiosity and expectation of Zhu Xian's four swords, Zhang Yan gritted his teeth and went to the ninth sword pit.

In fact, Zhang Yan felt that he had almost covered [-]% of the shallow surface of the Jianzhong ruins after going through several times.This is still a point-to-point Royal Sky Speed, almost at the full speed of the Earth Wonderland.It also shows how vast the ruins are, even if they are only superficial.

Nine is the ultimate number.Zhang Yan had great hopes for the ninth stele.If he still can't make the sword soul piece together this time, he himself doesn't know if he can continue to grit his teeth and hold on.The feeling of being overwhelmed by the primordial spirit is really uncomfortable.So much so that his consciousness was implicated and became more and more tired.

This time Zhang Yan rushed directly into the center of the sword pit without leaving a word to Li Dianchuan.Along the way, I didn't have the leisure time to open the sword mound, and I was really powerless.

Just after Zhang Yan entered the stone tablet, reached out his hand to touch the mysterious stone tablet as he did a few times before, and then his consciousness was pulled into the scene of the stone tablet, two figures appeared not far behind him.It was the two great Luo Jinxians who followed him all the way, Song Shiyu and Xiu Wenqi.

"Not to mention, the alone method of this feldspar is enough to make many people flock to it. The barrier outside the stele is so tough that you and I need to break it with brute force to get in. Ordinary golden immortals It will take a lot of effort. If you understand it thoroughly, use it in methods or magic weapons, tsk tsk, the effect is definitely good." Xiu Wenqi tsk tsk in amazement.

"Old monster Xiu, I know you are obsessed with refining weapons, but feldspar is different from others, if you"

"Okay, okay! Old Song, you have never changed your mouth. I told you that I will stand on the same boat with you Mingyuegu. Will you still act alone with this long stone? Even if you do, it’s not malicious. You can rest assured. My reputation in repairing Wenqi is enough, right?”

credibility?Da Luo Jinxian's reputation is not bad.After all, they are all the top powerhouses in the void world today, even if their character is uneven, they still need face.Therefore, what is said is rarely followed by the positive and the negative, or the situation of breaking the promise and getting fat.

"Okay then. Shall we begin then?"

"Well, start!"

The two of them formed seals with their hands after speaking, and after a while, a strange field was formed, which gradually expanded, and finally wrapped the entire stele, including Zhang Yan who was in contact with the stele and who was in the special scene of the stele. .

"Strange, why can't I get into the scene of the stele?!"

"Well, I can't either. It seems that there is an extreme killing intent and evil spirit covering the scene. Do you think these killing intent and evil spirit are familiar?"

The two big Luos planned to spy in while Zhang Yan was stuck in the stele scene, so as to learn more about what Zhang Yan had done to the steles along the road.

As Daluo Jinxian, Song Shiyu and Xiu Wenqi had also experienced the scene of the stone tablet before, the kind of void-like darkness and the terrifying double attack of the primordial spirit and consciousness, Jinxian would be severely injured.Curious about how Zhang Yan got out of it.Could it be that he also has the strength of Da Luo Jinxian?Both Song Shiyu and Xiu Wenqi are sure that this is impossible.It was agreed that Zhang Yan used some special method to avoid the danger in the stele.

But now they found that they couldn't get in at all, and even they were blocked by a strange barrier made of killing intent and evil spirit.Can't break through at all for a while.If you use brute force, you are worried about hurting Zhang Yan.

Facing what Song Shiyu said, Xiu Wenqi also nodded and said: "It is indeed familiar. It seems to be very similar to the free and terrifying sword intent at the bottom of the ruins. But why did no one of us encounter such a situation at the stele? Close the scene inside. This never had!"

(End of this chapter)

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