one's door

Chapter 789 Stop

Chapter 789 Stop
"Is this the passageway?"

Zhang Yan stopped at the edge of a hole with a diameter of more than five feet and pointed straight down. He didn't turn his head, but he was asking Li Dianchuan on the side.

"Yes, senior. Although I have never been to the passage here, all the passages are similar. If you go down, you will reach the middle layer of the ruins.

But senior, at this time, the relics of the family can be reopened in less than half a month.The window of entry and exit is only three days.If you go down now, I'm afraid you won't be able to explore very far.And it's not okay to be alone. "

If the time had been earlier, Li Dianchuan suggested that the senior Jinxian feldspar in his mind should go to the middle layer to explore.But now too much time has been spent on the shallow surface, and it is no longer possible to catch up with the golden fairy team of Mingyue Valley, and it will not go far at all.Neither the room for exploration nor the risks are appropriate.

Zhang Yan nodded, but did not speak.

At this moment, Zhang Yan stood on the side of the passage and looked down at the deep pit.It is said to be a passage, but the vision inside is black and blocked only a few feet down.The divine sense descended, but soon found out with a strange expression that there was neither a space shuttle structure like the space rule, nor did it penetrate to the bottom.It's as if this channel has no end.

You must know that Zhang Yan's divine sense at this time can easily extend tens of thousands of miles away, and it is not difficult to envelop the entire world of Huangtianyu's size.Even though the Sword Tomb ruins were not suitable for the stretching of spiritual thoughts, the straight distance of tens of thousands of miles still did not allow Zhang Yan to reach the bottom of this passage.This is weird and not in line with normal logic.

Although the spiritual sense has not been explored to the end, Zhang Yan understands one thing: it is not that the passage is really infinitely deep, but that the means of spiritual thoughts are not qualified to explore the structure of this passage.It was a kind of mystery that Zhang Yan could not touch with his current ability.

Zhang Yan would not feel "incompetent" because of this.This place was originally the place where the heavenly sage formed a battle with the other four sages for the final battle of luck.The main force here is the sage, and the Daluo Jinxian is just a helper, and the Jinxian can't even make it to the top.In the early stage of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, which is attached to the talisman soldiers, it would be considered good if he could do well in this place.Wanting to figure out all kinds of mysterious things here is just some idiot's dream.

But the sword soul in Zhang Yanyuan's spirit didn't care about the passage, it guided Zhang Yan to come here and didn't stop, but asked Zhang Yan to go down.It seems that there is another harvest below that.

Zhang Yan naturally figured it out when he got here.

The soul of the sword in Yuanshen has been pieced together.Even the complete reshaping in Zhang Yan's mind is still a long way off.What else can the Sword Soul continue to guide, and it is still in the middle of the Sword Tomb?It must be another killing sword that Zhang Yan had thought about before.

It's like a ladder, going up step by step, when you reach a floor and turn a corner, there is a new staircase leading to another floor.

However, Zhang Yan did not directly follow the guidance as before.

Unless necessary, everything else should be done according to our ability.

The middle layer of the ruins is generally explored by Jinxian in groups.The danger inside is definitely not comparable to the place where you can come to the superficial fairyland.

Just the energy creature mentioned repeatedly, which is similar to a demon and can summon sword intent to form a storm, is definitely not simple.

Of course, Zhang Yan can rely on the "ball" to deal with pure energy creatures.He also has means of defense far beyond the realm of sword intent.But there is one thing that Zhang Yan can't avoid, that is, he can't guarantee that everything will go according to his guess.Once there is a problem with guessing, for example, the "ball" can't deal with the energy creatures in the middle layer like swallowing other energies.What will happen to Zhang Yan?

It is equivalent to needing Zhang Yan to fight with his life.

If there is no way out, or when it is necessary to take risks, Zhang Yan will not back down.Just like when he was a soldier on Yubei Mountain, when did he not fight to survive?

But right now it's not at all desperate.

Even if the middle layer of the ruins really has another sword soul that kills the sword.Although Zhang Yan is interested now, he also understands that he must restrain himself at this time.

"I can't go there. Wait until next time."

This sentence was said by Zhang Yan to the restless sword spirit in the soul.Even if such a spiritual thing cannot communicate smoothly, it should be able to understand the induction at the consciousness level.Just like before, even though it didn't like Zhang Yan's talisman soldiers at this time, it didn't mess around to destroy it.

Sure enough, after Zhang Yan said this in his heart, the sword soul in Yuanshen gradually stopped agitating.He stopped moving, and changed back to the original "honest" appearance.

"Senior, you're not really going to go down now, are you?" Li Dianchuan saw Senior Changshi beside him standing at the entrance of the passage, frowning slightly, looking at the bottomless darkness below without saying a word.He was still a little worried, so he had to try to persuade him again.After all, it's really not worth it to go down and take a look and then come back to take risks.

Of course, if Zhang Yan insisted on going down, Li Dianchuan would not say anything more.

Along the way, it seemed to Li Dianchuan that Senior Changshi did not behave insanely.On the contrary, there is an unexpected "familiarity" about this place.More like he said before "knowledge".

"Let's go, look around. Where there are too many people, let's go, so we can collect some more gold leaf." Zhang Yan shook his head, took a last look at the passage, then turned and left.But far away, several angels who seemed to be passing by here saw the actions of Zhang Yan and Li Dianchuan.Then leave quickly.

In fact, Zhang Yan also noticed that there were people around, but he didn't care at all about the immortals who had already visited and explored near the passage.What's more, those people also have the aura of the Chaos faction, so there is no need to be so vicious.

The two went away, heading towards a small-scale sword pit that they had passed by but did not stop when they came here.There are magic circle traps on the road, and Zhang Yan will not let them go.Li Dianchuan, who was following him, looked dumbfounded by this sweeping action.Although he had seen that Zhang Yan broke through the trap without much effort, he always thought that Zhang Yan was "quite researched and extremely accomplished" in the magic circle.Looking at the sweeping posture now, the word "monster" can be used to describe it appropriately.

Just above the heads of Zhang Yan and Li Dianchuan, Song Shiyu and Xiu Wenqi hidden in the chaotic gap of the relic space were also amazed.

"To be honest, the means hidden in this feldspar are really eye-catching! Why is he so familiar with the magic circle on the side of the ruins? There are almost no traps that can stop him when he cracks it. Others explore like walking on thin ice. In front of him It's as simple as picking up something. Tsk tsk, such a character is indeed worthy of attention.

Trouble seemed to be coming for him, though. "

As Xiu Wenqi spoke, he reminded Song Shiyu beside him that an encirclement circle far away seemed to be forming, and the target should be that the feldspar in the center did not run away.

(End of this chapter)

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