one's door

Chapter 790 Casting a Net

Chapter 790 Casting a Net
"You said that person chose to leave after wandering around the entrance?"

"Yes, the elder. The man hesitated for a while, then turned and left. It seemed that he was very afraid of the middle layer, and he hesitated."

"This is a little strange. Speaking of which, the feldspar is a lone traveler. He has not been issued with the previous cards in the Chaos faction. It should be the first time he has come here. However, based on the information you have followed up, he seems to be very familiar with the superficial situation. Familiar. Could this be the guidance of Li Dianchuan? Or maybe Mingyuegu showed him the detailed map?
And he hesitated at the entrance of the passage.This is a bit like "I want to go but dare not go".Hmph, if he really has the cultivation base of a golden immortal, how difficult is it for him to go down for a spin?Even if there is no harvest, it is a bit dangerous, but it is definitely not impossible to deal with just going down and taking a look.

The reason why he hesitated should be that he couldn't hold it firmly.I don't know if my method can continue to work in the middle layer. "


"That's right. This feldspar has a magic weapon in his hand, you won't forget it?"

"You mean the magic weapon that he used to block the storm of the pastoral school's Golden Immortal rule in the unknown domain?"

"Hehe, that magic weapon is not ordinary. At least I have been walking in the void world for many years and it is the first time I have seen a magic weapon that can withstand the storm of the Golden Immortal Rule. I have never heard of it. It must be a rare treasure. "

"Elder, do you really want to avenge those disciples of Minghua Rongzong?"

"Minghua Rongzong? Hehe, that group of monkeys who like to jump up and down the most. If not for every family using them as a means and excuse to communicate with each other, where would they get their status? A group of impetuous and self-righteous idiots.

But they gave us a good excuse to die this time.Otherwise, if you rashly attack the feldspar, it will be difficult to give an explanation for the Mingyue Valley level.Now you can directly throw the reason on Minghua Rongzong.They are related by marriage in the lineage of the suzerain of our sect. If they are bullied, they should come to the sect for help, right?
Furthermore, Minghua Rongzong invited not only our family, but also many first-rate and second-rate sects below.It's just up to us to control the scene. "

"Elder, that person is highly valued by Mingyue Valley. Is there really no need to vent to the Great Elder and the others?"

"Huh! Boo! The Great Elder has already gone to the bottom floor, how can I contact you? The Second Elder and several Golden Immortal Elders have all entered the middle floor, and it must be at a critical juncture at this time. How dare you interfere? Besides, our Sanwen Sect and Mingyue Valley belong to the same top level Power doesn't mean to move their disciples. They are just a dead man who walks alone. He provokes the people of Minghua Rongzong, which is regarded as death. What can Mingyue Valley do afterward?

snort!The Void World has always had a straight-forward grievance and killing. Can he protect whoever he wants in Mingyue Valley?joke! "

Three patterns.It has similar strength to the top forces such as Yishizong and Mingyue Valley, and is one of the six forces in the Chaos faction that have Daluo Jinxian.

There is a lot of confidence and confidence in the words.

Of course, the Sanwen Sect is not a force that has much entanglement with Mingyue Valley like the Shishi Sect.The two families have contacts, but they have always been superficial, and they can't be called goodwill or Liangzi.Therefore, there is no one like Shizong Xiu Wenqi who knows Mingyue Valley and is willing to spend the price to keep testing.

From a general point of view, there is nothing wrong with the judgment of the executive elder of the Sanwen sect at the late stage of Tianxian.

The behavior styles of the various forces in the Chaos faction are based on "prices" to calculate gains and losses.For a lifeless and lonely person, no matter how you look at it, Mingyue Valley will not tear itself apart from the same top power.And the instigator was Minghua Rongzong who was inextricably linked with various top forces.Even Mingyuegu himself has a close relationship with Minghua Rongzong.

To put it bluntly, in the eyes of the executive elder of the Sanwen Sect, Mingyue Valley can't afford to take risks at all.The loss outweighs the gain.

"In addition, didn't Minghua Rongzong say that they would distribute all the magic weapons and other things in the feldspar's hand to the various schools that helped the boxing? Just for this, those first- and second-rate forces that have achieved mediocre gains in the ruins or have their own losses I am willing to take this muddy water. I am in the ruins again, and the grievances here are here. If I really have to wait outside, maybe the name of Mingyue Valley can scare many people away.

Now is the best opportunity.Those people of Minghua Rongzong were quite accurate on this point.

Now that that person is sure that he will continue to stay in Qianshou, we can also write back to Minghua Rongzong.Choose a place and set up another set.It's best to take advantage of the unpreparedness and get rid of him before that person sacrifices that powerful magic weapon.Otherwise, I don't know how troublesome it will be. "

"Okay elder, I'll write back to Minghua Rongzong right away. They should already be making arrangements. The idea is similar to yours."

After a few days, Minghua Rongzong took the lead, followed by several first- and second-rate Chaos Sect forces, and Sanwen Sect and another top-level force, Linglong Immortal Domain, acted as the suppressors.A net to encircle and suppress Zhang Yan spread quickly.

It has to be said that Hua Rongzong's network is indeed powerful, and they do have the capital of their arrogance.

But the net was cast, but there was no rush to close it.Waiting, waiting for an opportunity to bypass the magic weapon in Zhang Yan's hand, which is strong enough to withstand Jinxian's attack.

Zhang Yan in the net used the last half month of the ruins to get as many magic weapons or materials as possible, gold foil from the ruins, after appeasing the soul of the sword in Yuanshen.Although I was no longer as busy on the road as before, the time was still tight.

Just like what Xiu Wenqi said when communicating with Song Shiyu in the dark, Zhang Yan's ability and various dangers of the ruins seem to fit very well, and the fit is abrupt.Others have to take risks to gain, but he is as easy as bending down to pick it up.

Li Dianchuan who is beside him knows this best.It is even more difficult for him to get a good fairy weapon when he is alone, and it depends on luck.Even the strong ones in the sect dare not say how many good things they will be able to bring back with just one visit.And following the senior feldspar in his eyes, even the benefits given to him have far exceeded his best predictions before he came.

"Senior, there should be a sword pit that has never been visited before. The killing over there should be almost over at this time, and you should be able to exchange for a lot of gold leaf."

"Um. Let's go."

Zhang Yan put away a fresh elixir that he took out from a magic circle trap at his feet, sealed it in a jade box that Li Dianchuan gave him, and prepared to take it back and plant it in the cliff mountain. .Compared with the fairy artifacts in the harvesting ruins, Zhang Yan is more interested in the various living herbs and refining materials here.

And the gold foil that Li Dianchuan said.In fact, the last few times have not received much.After all, the number of gold foils opened by various forces this time will not be large, and most of them have already been in Zhang Yan's hands.There are fewer left.

(End of this chapter)

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