one's door

Chapter 791 Coveted

Chapter 791 Coveted
Just arrived at the place, here is a small-scale sword pit.Zhang Yan left Li Dianchuan to collect the gold leaf here, while he went to the center of the sword pit again.But like the several similar small sword pits I have been to before, there is no stele there.

The number of steles should be only nine.At least that should be the case for the superficial relics.Zhang Yan thought to himself.

But when he was about to leave from the center of the ruins, he found that the central location seemed to be quite concerned.There were many more people than the Jiankeng he had been to before, and there were six people in the middle and late stages of the Heavenly Immortal Realm within the range of his divine thoughts.

After that, Zhang Yan inexplicably felt a little impatient to "leave" this sword pit as soon as possible.He couldn't explain the reason, as if something bad was about to happen in this sword pit.

Zhang Yan didn't dare to neglect this similar feeling.Going back along the road, when I found Li Dianchuan, I happened to catch up with Li Dianchuan who was arguing with someone, and I was quite impatient to see his expression.

"As I said, hand over the gold leaf first, and then pay later. If you are worried, you can keep it for yourself. This exchange is entirely voluntary, and no one is forcing you."

"No, Li Daoyou. You want us to hand over the gold leaf to you before you see the item. Isn't that against the rules? And who knows if that person still has a magic weapon in exchange? What if he doesn't have any?"

Li Dianchuan shook his head and said, "Let's say it one last time. Senior's rule is to pay for the gold leaf first. If you have any concerns, you don't have to change it. You don't need to talk nonsense here."

"Why is this nonsense? Everyone is looking for a fair exchange environment. If something happens to be lost and everyone's things are not picked up, wouldn't it be bad luck? Besides, exchange, we should discuss it. How can it be What you say is what you say, right? And I think it’s too inappropriate to exchange a few pieces of gold leaf for a magic weapon.”

"You're here to find fault, aren't you?" Li Dianchuan rolled his eyes, he was sure that the other party's twisting and holding on to him was not just talking, but doing it on purpose.They are looking for trouble.

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist Li, why are you asking for trouble before you finish your sentence? Bargaining, isn't that all right?"

Perhaps Li Dianchuan hadn't encountered such a stalker plus a rascal for a long, long time.After all, immortals have face, so it's just a matter of life and death.The appearance of a rogue like a gangster on the street is almost extinct.Now that they suddenly met, besides being aroused with an unknown fire in his heart, Li Dianchuan also felt that this scene was unusual for a while, and seemed to be hiding some purpose.

And at this time, Zhang Yan arrived.

Zhang Yan had already appeared, and the celestial beings who were watching the scene took the initiative to disperse and let Zhang Yan walk to Li Dianchuan's side.Then everyone inside and outside seemed to be very curious and surrounded several layers.

Zhang Yan waved his hand to stop Li Dianchuan from saying hello, and at the same time looked at the mid-stage immortal in the Celestial Immortal Realm who had been pestering Li Dianchuan to ask questions.

"How much do you plan to exchange for a piece of gold leaf?"

"How about exchanging a piece of gold leaf for a magic weapon? It's reasonable, right? After all, you have collected so much, you must have made a profit. It should be able to break the mystery of the gold leaf. So the gold leaf is definitely useful for you. On top of that. It's only fair to exchange one for one."

There was no joy or anger on Zhang Yan Fubing's dead face.It was rare to ask again: "What if I don't want to change one?"

"Your Excellency, please be careful when doing things. There are not many gold leaf relics now. The real gathering is to wait until the stocks in each family's hands are more after they go out. If the reputation is bad, you may not be able to replace it in the future, right?"

"Fame?" Zhang Yan shook his head, and said to Li Dianchuan, "Let's go, we won't accept it here."

"Okay senior." Li Dianchuan was already impatient.This business is originally the only one for feldspar, and the price is set, if you want to change it, get out if you want to change it or not.Do you think it's a vegetable market bargaining?And the situation always gave him a strange feeling.

"Don't, don't, he won't change, let's change. Don't leave, sir, just follow your rules."

Just when Zhang Yan and Li Dianchuan turned around and were about to leave, many celestial beings who watched the scene hurriedly blocked them, their faces were still anxious, for fear that Zhang Yan and Li Dianchuan would leave.

Seeing this, Li Dianchuan smiled secretly.In his eyes, these people were all people who had watched the show before and waited for the result, and he hoped that the price of the exchange would change, and he could also get a big bargain.Seeing that the hope was in vain, so he hurried over to exchange, playing tricks for nothing.

This kind of person can't stand on the stage.

At the same time, Li Dianchuan sneered and turned his head to look at the scoundrel who had been entangled with him before, only to see that the expression on the other party's face was very ugly.It made Li Dianchuan even more happy.

But Zhang Yan looked expressionlessly at the surrounding angels who came forward with gold leaf, and frowned slightly.

"Are you going to exchange?"

"Yes, sir. We all have to change, just follow your rules!" The man smiled enthusiastically while talking, and there were two more people who came with him.But the closer they got, the more scattered they became, as if they were afraid of Zhang Yan's disapproval, and their eagerness was beyond words.

And just when they were less than ten feet away from Zhang Yan, and at the same time they found that Zhang Yan had flung out some magic weapons in the storage bag as usual for others to choose, the three of them suddenly had murderous intentions, and the gold leaf in their hands It immediately turned into a flying sword, and attacked Zhang Yan's face, abdomen, and chest with lightning speed!
Changes are chained together, and the scope is far beyond the phenomenon.

At the moment when the three angels made their move, the entire sword pit raised the light of the magic circle at the same time. Except for Zhang Yan and Li Dianchuan, the others present all participated in the structure of the magic circle.And the division of labor was clear, and the next moment, the power of the big formation was pressed towards Zhang Yan and Li Dianchuan who were surrounded in the middle.That strength is definitely worthy of one of the few tyrannical ones in the Heavenly Wonderland.

With Li Dianchuan's reaction, he didn't have time to resist. He even subconsciously wanted to set up a defensive magic weapon to resist, but he was a few beats late, and he could only watch the danger approaching helplessly.At the same time, from his angle, he could also see that the three flying swords that were shining with cold light and vigor had already reached two feet in front of Senior Changshi in an instant!
How dare these people do it?Are they courting death? !
A momentary thought flashed through Li Dianchuan's mind.At the same time, he stood on his head in fear.He felt that Senior Changshi, who was a Golden Immortal, would be fine, but it was hard for him to say.In case the incident happened suddenly and Senior Changshi didn't take care of him, then...
However, Li Dianchuan's worries were obviously superfluous.When his thoughts were only halfway through, a phantom emerged from Zhang Yan's body.That kind of heavy feeling, the illusory appearance like a rock, seems to be a thin layer, but it arrives first at the critical moment, and directly pushes out the position of Zhang Yan's body more than half a zhang, arrogantly slamming the three The flying sword hit directly and flew back backwards!
(End of this chapter)

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