one's door

Chapter 799 Ambush

Chapter 799 Ambush
"Brother, let's go together?"

"Well, let's go. Eldest senior brother has already stepped forward and said that he will wait for us in the square in front of the hall."

The immortal energy in Yang Rui's body became stronger and stronger.Walking, sitting, lying, or even just standing there has a temperament that is separated from ordinary people, and the difference in life in the free world is not hidden at all.

But in Wang Nian's words, I feel that Yang Rui is now full of "fairy" and no "human".

On the contrary, Liu Rui has lost her sharpness now, and the way in her heart has changed from being sharp to the present hidden knife in the sheath, which can be sent and received freely, and there is already a kind of coercion and domineering.Even among the three or four generations of disciples in the mountain gate, there is no one who dares to look up and look at her in front of her.

"Oh? Eldest brother went up first? Then let's leave quickly. I haven't heard from Master for so long, and I don't know what to order Master to leave this time." Liu Rui followed behind Yang Rui with a smile Half a step, the two of them didn't control the sky or move, but stepped up the steps step by step.

When Yang Rui and Liu Rui saw their elder brother Wang Nian, even though they were mentally prepared, they still couldn't help but sigh in their hearts: the elder brother's Tao is now more and more back to the basics.

It is different from younger brothers and younger sisters.Wang Nian's Tao is closer to ordinary people in the market, and what he pursues is to understand the "infinity" of "reason" from the "limitation" of the world.

Today's Wang Nian, apart from the robes of the second-generation disciples to show his identity, has an aura like that of any passerby passing by on the street. You will not feel any abruptness or sideways glances at his appearance.He just passed by your side so often, seemingly participating in a certain moment of your life, but he was never known to you.

Especially when the refinement of "Mountain Seal" has reached the final stage.Wang Nian said that he needed to wander around the world of mortals to get inspiration for formation.The last hundred years return.The mountain seal brought back had a turbid aura that Wang Nian couldn't even explain.It was used to hit Yang Rui, and Yang Rui was forced out with only three hits, and he was slightly injured before the fourth hit.

I was asked what those turbid breaths were.Wang Nian thought for a while, and finally said, "It may be karma in the world, and I can't tell."

"I've seen Big Brother!"

When Yang Rui and Liu Rui saw Wang Nian standing next to the steps on the side of the main hall square, they bowed slightly and bowed together in salute.This is not just out of respect for senior brother Wang Nian's identity.It is out of respect for Wang Nian's strength.In the past, when there was no mountain seal, Wang Nian would have been stronger than Yang Rui and Liu Rui.Now that Shanyin is in hand, Yang Rui and Liu Rui can't beat him together, but the possibility of being grinded to death is even greater.

"Okay, okay, how can we be so polite between the three of us? After seeing the master later, if you have time, come to my place and sit down. I'll make two dishes and drink two glasses together."

"Hehe, senior brother, you can drink, but don't use the excuse of drinking to trick me and second senior brother over to feed your mountain seal!" Liu Rui giggled.

"Hahaha, no, no, no." Wang Nian waved his hand with a candid expression.But it seems that this trick doesn't work very well for Yang Rui and Liu Rui.

Yang Rui twitched the corner of his mouth twice but did not say a word.He decided to run away after seeing the master later, otherwise he would probably be punished if he was caught "drinking" by the elder brother.Eldest brother can't hold back his strength sometimes, especially the mountain seal, that thing is still being refined, so it's only my own bad luck that I can only blame myself for smashing it.

In fact, the three of them rarely meet each other.It is normal to see only once in several years or even ten years.After all, they no longer manage the affairs of the mountains in detail, but concentrate on practicing in their own mountains.If there is any major matter, it is also handled by someone on a rotating basis.And there are very few things that require their presence.

It is rare for the three of them to meet each other, let alone come to the top of the cliff.Although nothing has changed here, the three of them haven't set foot here for a long time.

"Eldest brother, do you know why Master is looking for us this time?"

"I don't know! Master has been in seclusion for many years, and this time out must be rewarding. I don't know if there is any advice for us?"

The three stepped into the square on the top of the mountain and walked towards the Dengyun Temple in front.But when they first reached the middle of the square, they all stopped in their tracks.

"Killing intent?"

"There is still evil spirit!? Someone broke into the mountain?"

In just an instant, the three of Wang Nian were interrupted by the sudden killing intent and evil spirit.While they were horrified, they were even more worried.This place is the most important place in the cliff mountain, and it is also the place where their master revered and cultivated.If someone breaks in and sets up an ambush here, then Master.
Could it be fake?Or test?

It's not like the three of them didn't have this idea in their hearts.But the killing intent and evil spirit that swarmed around him couldn't possibly be false.This must be someone who really wants to take their lives to have such a strong killing intent.Even this kind of evil spirit and killing intent are the only ones seen by the three of them since they practiced.It was as if the enemy had a nine-life blood feud with them, wishing to eat their killing intent raw.

Fortunately, all three are immortals.Although it is still in the early stage of Human Wonderland, the foundation is solid.Otherwise, if another half-immortal came over, under the impact of this kind of killing intent and evil spirit, I'm afraid that his hands and feet would be stiff and his neck would be stiff and he would be killed immediately.

"Be careful, this murderous intent and evil spirit are unusual, it's unbelievably strong, it should be caused by the formation!" Wang Nian alchemy refiner has been in contact with the formation all year round.He was the first among the three to react to the sudden change and perceive the clues.

According to common sense, such things as killing intent will naturally occur if there are too many killings.The more killing, the thicker it is, that's right.However, the targeted killing intent requires the support of "hate" in the heart, which is very different from the "natural killing intent" accumulated by killing.The three of them know each other in their hearts, and they also roughly know the experiences of their companions.It is impossible to have an enemy with such a strong killing intent towards them.

So Wang Nian quickly connected the strangeness to the magic circle.

"Is it the formation? Then senior brother, do you think it will be the master?" Senior brother Liu Ruixin judged.At the same time, another possibility immediately came to mind.

"It's hard to say. But do you dare to try it carelessly right now? If you are half careless in such a killing, you will die on the spot. Let's get through this battle first and then think about other things." Wang Nian warned his brothers and sisters with a serious face.A large formation is often not completely under the control of the formation.

"Understood, I won't be careless."

The three of them could only feel that the killing intent around them rose again, and the evil spirit slowly formed a thin layer of reddish mist around them as if it had substance.These fogs even showed signs of eroding the mind.This is a situation that the three have never encountered before.


A meteor-like sharpness came from nowhere, like rain.The speed and sharpness made Wang Nian and the three of them stand on their heads, and there was a vague sense of oppression coming from all directions, and they felt that their hands and feet were slightly sluggish due to the pressure.
(End of this chapter)

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