one's door

Chapter 800 Sword Formation

Chapter 800 Sword Formation
On the square on the top of the cliff mountain, in the middle is Wang Nian and the three of them back to back with solemn faces.Above their heads is a black mountain suspended that has not been completely released.Surrounding them are rain-like sword intents whizzing in and out like meteors.

However, Wang Nian and the other three were limited by the formation and couldn't "see" four long swords floating in the four corners, each with a different style.

But these four long swords are not magic weapons, or they are not cast like magic weapons.

Because these four long swords are all cut out of bamboo.

If the three of them could see it, they would say that these long swords came from the spiritual species "Qinggangzhu" in the back of the cliff mountain.This kind of bamboo has good flexibility and hardness.And it has excellent aura and conductivity of immortality.It is a spiritual species naturally evolved from the cliff mountain, and it can be used to make magic weapons and fairy weapons.It's just that this kind of bamboo grows very slowly, and ordinary disciples are not qualified to cut it down.It is necessary for the Danqitang to cut off three or two of them every ten or twenty years as planned.

Therefore, the Green Steel Bamboo is only available to Duanya Mountain itself, and it will not flow to the outside world at all.

Then it is self-evident who made the formation that trapped the three of Wang Nian.Behind him was Zhang Yan who was watching the operation of the formation with his hands behind his back, while manipulating it with means.

Wouldn't he feel guilty for cheating his apprentice so much?Zhang Yan doesn't know this at all.

Apprentice, it's just for calling.What's more, it also opened their eyes to understand what the sword formation in the world is all about.

In fact, apart from his three apprentices, Zhang Yan really has no one else to cheat.Because in the wild world, even if you are pitted by Zhang Yan, you still have to be qualified.If you're not even a fairyland, then you're not qualified.

Naturally, the intention was not that Zhang Yan came on a whim or was too busy to find something to do.Rather, Zhang Yan needed a strong enough target to test his achievements in sword formation and kendo over the years.

Originally, Zhang Yan was planning to find some sword formations from the Wanxiangzhuli Library Hall to practice.But when he had such an idea and began to cut bamboo according to the prototype of the four-handled killing swords floating in Dao Danli, the sword spirit in Dao Danli seemed to be touched by Zhang Yan's idea.

Zhang Yan also didn't know that the other party's existence in his Dao Dan was so synchronously informed of the thoughts in his consciousness.But the other party had no malice, or even good intentions.

A section of the sword array method that was clearly cut appeared directly from Zhang Yan's sea of ​​consciousness, so detailed that every detail was not missed, it can be used directly to arrange the sword array.

Zhang Yan understood that this was a quarter of the Zhuxian Sword Formation.Because this part has a name: Killing Immortal Sword Domain.

The four swords of Zhu Xian are Killing Xian, Jue Xian, Trapping Xian and Zhu Xian.

Killing Immortal Sword Domain must refer to Killing Immortal Sword.It is the only sword soul that Zhang Yan currently owns.

"Is this... all delivered to your door?"

Zhang Yan has always felt that any benefit is equal to what you pay.Such is the practice, such is the strength, and so is everything.But the series of events in front of him made him both pleasantly surprised and astonished.Even thinking about it sometimes, there is always a kind of inexplicable anxiety.

To put it bluntly, Zhang Yan felt that the benefits he got now were not equal to what he paid for it, and he took a huge advantage.

This is really what Li Dianchuan said about "people with great luck", can you pick up cheap wherever you go?

Or is the price hidden, and Zhang Yan can't see it for the time being?

But no matter what.Facing the actual Zhuxian sword formation, even if Zhang Yan is only a quarter of it, he will never be timid because of the price of timidity.There is no hesitation in this kind of thing, just take it.

But Zhang Yan found that he had no way to set up this sword array.It involves the methods of "Sword Dao" and "Way of Mind" that he guessed from the beginning, but Zhang Yan is very reluctant to get started in these two aspects.Especially in the "Doo of the Sword" he is completely a layman.

So in the next few years Zhang Yan still didn't show up in Duanya Mountain. What he did was to cultivate his understanding and comprehension of the "Doo of the Sword" from the most basic sword tactics, while continuing to dig deeper into the means of "The Way of Meaning".In the end, it can be simplified and used.

I also thought about using the sword soul in Dao Danli to participate in the practice of the Immortal Sword Domain.It didn't turn out too well.In the end, after trying many times, and the warming of the sword soul in Dao Dan gradually became effective, Zhang Yan was able to mobilize a small part of the "spirit" of the sword soul to use it in the killing of the four green steel and bamboo sword versions that he was tossing around. In the Immortal Sword Domain.

Today, Zhang Yan felt that his Immortal Killing Sword Domain was just completed, and he also wanted to find someone to be a test stone to see the strength.

Is there anyone in the Huangtian Territory who is more suitable as a test stone than Wang Nian and the three immortals?

In the end, although Zhang Yan didn't push the sword formation with all his strength, he still forced the three of Wang Nian to barely defend without breaking the formation.This is still counting the magic treasure mountain seal in Wang Nian's hand.Otherwise, facing Yuluo's sword intent in the sword array, the three of them would never survive half a stick of incense without any means to resist the conscious attack.

The sword intent is the reason why Zhang Yan insists on using the sword soul.Because his current level of "Way of Intent" and "Doo of Sword" is not enough to make a sharp enough sword attack.With the blessing of Sword Soul, it will be different.

In this way, compared to the torment and danger of Wang Nian and the others in the sword formation, Zhang Yan was outside the sword formation while teasing his apprentices, while checking which parts of the sword formation he set up needed to be strengthened, and which places appeared flaws.

When Zhang Yan left the sword formation, he smiled and looked at the apprentices who had suffered minor injuries and lost more than half of their celestial energy in their bodies, and thought to themselves that it had been a long time since they had seen each other, so it should be meaningful for them to say hello, right?
"This is the sword array that I have been studying for several years. How do you feel?"

Zhang Yan's appearance was so abrupt that his three apprentices jumped from the dangerous moment before to "surprise". Looking straight at it.

Zhang Yan didn't say anything either, he could imagine how his disciples felt at this moment, so he left time for them to relax.

After a few breaths, the three of Wang Nian came to their senses almost at the same time, dissipated the tense immortal aura and killing posture from their bodies, and at the same time knelt down on both knees and obediently kowtowed in salute.I haven't seen my master for many years, so etiquette is indispensable.

"Okay, there's no need to be too polite. I asked you just now, do you have an answer?"

The three of them looked at each other, and finally Wang Nian replied, "Back to Master. The sword array just now was sharp and weird. If it weren't for the mountain seal as a defense, it would be difficult for the three of us to survive those rain-like attacks." Come down. And that seems to be the sword intent mentioned in the Daoist book?
Master, are all the attacks in the Void World so sharp? "

(End of this chapter)

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