one's door

Chapter 801 Reality

Chapter 801 Reality
Regarding the fact that they were "tested" by their master, Wang Nian and the other three did not expect it in advance.

After all, under such a powerful sword array, so strong and unimaginably strong killing intent and evil spirit, Wang Nian and the three of them dealt with dangers from the very beginning. There are inexplicable gaps in the attack, which is obviously to let them breathe a sigh of relief.

And the master didn't show up after beating for so long.This is actually a very obvious sign.

The reason why he was stunned for a while when he finally saw Zhang Yan appearing was because he couldn't react to the last point of uncertainty and the sudden jump to the scene of "the reunion of master and apprentice after a long absence" from the fierce killing.

And that point of uncertainty is the terrifying sword intent in the sword array.

The three of Wang Nian were regarded as the ones who practiced with Master all the way here.Although I can't say I know everything about Master's methods, I still have a relatively complete impression.Whether it is refining tools and alchemy, talisman spells, and the power of the rules behind, these are the main contents of the practice that Duan Yashan has always inherited from his master.The three brothers and sisters Wang Nian are also practicing in this vein.

Since when has Master dabbled in "The Dao of Mind"?Or sword intent?Could it be that Master has become a sword fairy unknowingly?

These doubts are followed by a deep sense of powerlessness.

Although the three brothers and sisters Wang Nian can only rely on the protection of the mountain seal to survive under this sword formation.But they couldn't resist the sword intents, but they could feel that the energy contained in these sword intents was not much.It is definitely far from the point of crushing them hard.Its power lies in the "weirdness", which makes them do not know how to resist the weirdness.

Do all the immortals in the void world use such methods?The three of Wang Nian unconsciously thought of this in their hearts while kneeling down to worship their master.

Otherwise, why would the master, who has never tried it before, take the initiative to practice sword intent, a method that is dangerous all the way and has nothing to do with the word "stable" at all?
Zhang Yan didn't expect his apprentice to ask this.He didn't think it was any surprise that the three apprentices said the word "Sword Intent" in one breath.Sword intent has always been recorded in Taoist scriptures.It's normal to recognize it.But Wang Nian misunderstood the power structure of the void world, which should be corrected.Otherwise, the methods in the Void World that are too high will only cause Wang Nian and the others to have a misunderstanding.

"The strong in the void are like clouds. But their practice system is different from ours. Our practice system in the cliff mountain is passed down from the Taoist sect, and it is the inheritance system from the Great Desolate World. It is very complete from top to bottom. From this point In terms of people, our methods are much stronger than other forces in the void world. This is why we ran from the pastoral faction to the chaos faction in the first place.

Before we have enough self-protection ability, we will all become fat in the eyes of the strong in the void world because of the inheritance.

Just like the sword array I put up just now.You can recognize at a glance that the attack methods in the formation mainly come from the sword intent described many times in the Taoist scriptures, and you also know that the sword intent belongs to the category of "the way of intent".You just haven't come into contact with it personally before.Not everything is known.

But in the void world, sword intent is a method that even Da Luo Jinxian has never understood.Although they have been in contact for a long time, they have no foundation, and they don't know the context of "One Way of Intent".Can only look at the ocean and sigh.

So don't think that if you are a teacher, the immortals in the void will also know it.

We are not the same as the immortals in the void world."

Taking this opportunity, Zhang Yan told the three disciples about his trip to the Jianzhong Ruins.What it focuses on is actually the difference between the inheritance of the Great Desolate World and other great forces in the Void World, as well as their huge advantages.

"Master, this disciple thinks that it is time for all generations of disciples in the school to know about these situations. Now there are eight half-immortals in the mountain, and there are nearly a hundred disciples in the Dao realm. Such strength can be achieved in the void world." Supporting one side is stable. I can no longer keep my eyes on the outside world as before."

"Yes, this can also give the disciples a spur. If there is an external situation forcing the practice, there will be a sense of urgency, and the effect is much better than the teacher's forced supervision."

"It's even okay to sift out some of these things and put them outside the mountain. Although the cliff mountain has firmly grasped all the forces in the wild sky over the years, and has linked the chain of connection from its roots. But there is a After all, external threats are much better than relying solely on internal management to maintain control.”

Not only Liu Rui and Wang Nian, but even the taciturn Yang Rui naturally turned around what he heard from Zhang Yan and put it in the Huangtianyu, looking for ways to use both the cliff mountain and the Huangtianyu. .

To be honest, Zhang Yan never thought about letting all the forces in Huangtianyu directly know these news.His attention has long been turned from the inside of the Huangtian Territory to the outside.Now I look back and sigh with a smile, time flies, Huang Tianyu, which was originally enough to exist independently, is now at least similar to the general low-level forces, even if he is not counted.It is true that we can no longer live in ignorance.

We are not a part of the void world, but the fragrant buns in their eyes.There are forces everywhere that want to eat us alive.If you want to survive, you must continue to become stronger and become the strongest!
Zhang Yan was very satisfied with the performance of his three apprentices.They didn't see panic, panic, or bewilderment at all.While they were surprised, they had already started to think of countermeasures.Not only is he full of confidence, but he even puts this confidence directly on the entire Huangtian Territory.

"Just go down and discuss with the disciples below about the affairs of the sect. There are still some things to gain from going out this time, the three of you will pick first. After picking, the rest will be handed over to the Pill Artifact Hall. It will be prepared as a reward. How to delegate it specifically , you decide for yourself."

As Zhang Yan said, he waved his hand and raised the [-]% of the best immortal artifacts harvested from the ruins of the sword tomb, hovering in the air.And those captured storage bags.

"These, this."

The three of Wang Nian had never seen such a scene before.There are so many fairy artifacts hanging in front of them, including offensive, defensive, and auxiliary types, and there are even rare treasure-like fairy artifacts.The visual impact and shock I received in an instant is simply indescribable.

There are even some jade bottles of elixir.From these jade bottles and the surrounding fairy artifacts, it is definitely a fairy medicine.

In the cliff mountain, the disciples of Wang Nian's sect were the main force in the alchemy refining.It is not impossible to refine elixir and celestial artifacts, but Wang Nian is the only one who can refine them for the time being.And the difficulty of elixir and fairy artifacts is not to mention, the biggest problem is the cost of materials.

For refining elixir, it would be considered lucky if three or four furnaces can be made into one furnace.It is not uncommon to find nothing from refining waste five or six furnaces.How can there be so many elixir and medicinal materials in the wild world with unlimited supply?

Immortal refining is even more difficult.Many materials are simply not available in Desolate Sky Territory.What's the use of knowing how to practice?

Now that these things are in the hands of Duan Yashan, among other things, it is absolutely possible to at least increase the strength of the upper disciples in Duan Yashan by [-]%.

"There are still some spiritual plants here, which are recorded in Taoist scriptures. Liu Rui, you can find a place to plant them, and try not to raise them to death." Zhang Yan didn't wait for the three apprentices to recover from the shock, and threw out A "surprise" was handed to Liu Rui.A posture of not giving up until it shocks you to pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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