one's door

Chapter 80

Chapter 80
Zhang Yan was not surprised that Zhou Cang moved so fast.

For warriors, especially high-cultivation warriors, the bone-strengthening pill definitely has a far more allure than the bones and muscles.It is a rare treasure in your hand, how can it be too little?
What's more, there is no basis for words, and Zhou Cang's side will be truly convinced after practicing again.So sooner rather than later, the adjutant delivered the needed medicinal materials so quickly.It is estimated that I went directly to Yuan Pharmacy before, bought the medicine and turned back.

Of course, what they brought back was not only medicinal materials, but also some money tickets and guarantees for the safety of the Zhang family's life.

Throughout the afternoon and evening, Zhang Yan never went out again. He also asked his little sister not to go out unless necessary recently, and to let go of female celebrity affairs as long as she can. The family only has a lot of income, and there is no shortage of her to do. The female red's family subsidy.

Zhang Huiyuan pouted and was not very willing, but she also understood the reason and had no resistance. She said that she took the things home and made them, and she didn't go out except to buy vegetables.

"It won't be like this for too long. After I arrange some things, I don't need to be so nervous." Zhang Yan didn't explain his plan in detail.

Perhaps only Zhang Shun vaguely guessed some of his second brother's worries.But the old mother Wang Lanping and the younger sister Zhang Huiyuan thought that Zhang Yan was worried about Xiao Chongwen and others coming to make trouble.After all, Ma Shan died before, and many people were spreading the absurd homicide that those bastards wanted to kill Zhang Yan but mistook him for Ma Shan.

After comforting his family members, Zhang Yan has been making alchemy in his own room.Not only bone-strengthening pills, but also Biqing pills.

The eleven main medicines of Biqingdan were sent by Zhou Cang, and the supplementary medicines were also included in the cheap medicinal materials that Zhang Yan had bought before, so everything was ready, and he didn't waste time .

The Bone Strengthening Pill is okay, after all, it has been refined so many times, practice makes perfect, techniques and experience are gradually accumulated, the number of times of refining is reduced, and the efficiency of success and pill formation has also increased significantly.

After refining five furnaces of bone-strengthening pills, three furnaces were produced, and two of the three successful furnaces produced three pills, and a total of eight bone-strengthening pills were obtained.In addition to the remaining seven before, Zhang Yan now has fifteen bone-strengthening pills in his hand, which is enough to deal with Zhou Cang for the time being, so he is not going to continue refining in a short time.

Compared with the Bone Strengthening Pill, the refining of the Biqing Pill was not so smooth.The three medicinal materials were all scrapped, and all of them were scrapped halfway through the refining process. Zhang Yan didn't even make full use of the refining technique, which was too far behind.It also made Zhang Yan understand that the refining of Biqing Pill is more than ten times more difficult than that of Bone Strengthening Pill.It also made him examine himself as a rookie at the lowest level in Dan Dao.

Fortunately, the main medicinal material of Biqing Dan was not bought by Zhang Yan himself, otherwise he would have a heartache.

Although Zhang Yan used only half of Biqing Dan's refining method to refine the whole furnace of Dan, but there are still a lot of gains, at least Zhang Yan felt a lot of mistakes and mistakes in the first half of the alchemy method alone. Deviations, and these are simply impossible to understand just by reading the text descriptions in the alchemy book.

And the third day after Zhang Yan returned to Langyuan City, also passed quietly in his self-summary about alchemy.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Yan changed into a set of clothes that his mother and younger sister made for him after washing. There were no fancy styles, and they were the most common common clothes in Langyuan City.

Making new clothes and putting them on for Zhang Yan today is also for Zhang Yan's family to win a good fortune. I hope that Zhang Yan can have a smooth new start from today.

Because today Zhang Yan is going to the local yamen of Langyuan City to go through the registration formalities.

It has been delayed for three days, which is beyond common sense.In addition to Zhou Cang's display of chariots and horses, Zhang Yan didn't think that the local government would dare to continue to delay him.

"Zhang Yan."

"Caomin has met Wang Guanren. I don't know if the Caomin can be registered this time?"

When seeing that Wang Guanren again, the smile on Zhang Yan's face was still the same, with a docile appearance, but the opposite Wang Guanren didn't have such a good-looking expression.It never occurred to him that this unremarkable guy could really live to be three days later.

Of course, Wang Guanren is not criticizing the city governor Wu Yuan for being useless, really not.He was just lamenting Zhang Yan's luck that he was able to escape the Wu family's tricks, not to mention gaining the friendship of the city guard Zhou Cang.

Yesterday Zhou Cang visited Zhang's house in Zhuzui Lane again, and called Zhang Yan "brother Zhang" when he left. This incident has gone crazy among the so-called upper class in Langyuan City.Naturally, the royal official had also heard about it.Seeing Zhang Yan again now, he always felt a little dazzling.

It's like a thorn, it's not pleasing to the eye, and it makes people feel very uncomfortable.

"Of course. I talked about it for three days before, and I can finish it for you today."

"Thank you, Mr. Wang."


The procedure is actually not complicated.To put it bluntly, it is to reactivate Zhang Yan's personal file that was sealed up for destruction after he was sentenced to death in Langyuan City, and add the "clear crime" yamen note.Finally, the household registration was placed on Zhang Yan's head again, and the household registration documents and household registration signs were issued.

It took less than a stick of incense before and after, so the procedures were completed.Zhang Yan also obtained his household registration and became an ordinary good citizen in Langyuan City again.

"Thank you, Mr. Wang, that grass-roots man will leave now." Zhang Yan bowed to the other party, then turned and left under the other party's gaze.

Zhang Yan knew very well that the fact that he obtained the household registration of Langyuan City was not the end, and the enmity between him and Wu Qingling and Wu Yuan, the father and son, had just begun.But he is in no hurry.Now he has just entered the Profound Vein Realm for less than half a year, and his cultivation will definitely become stronger and stronger as he goes on.Not to mention far away, with the nine bean soldiers in his hand, he felt that after a year or so of nurturing, he would be able to reach the strength of a warrior in the late stage of Body Tempering Realm.Not to mention raids, these people in the self-protection family should have the confidence, right?
Don't be in a hurry for revenge, especially when you are in a weak position, you have to take it slowly, and it is the best policy to kill with one blow when you are strong enough.

What Zhang Yan has to do now is to take advantage of the first wave of the Wu family's father and son being blocked by him, and at the same time, because of Zhou Cang's intervention, he has to temporarily hide in the time gap, and learn more about the inside story of his previous "arson and murder" .After figuring this out, he will have the handle of the Wu family and his son in his hands, and he will have the possibility to fight back.

Of course, if you can't find out, then the only way to go is head-to-head, but that also requires Zhang Yan to make full preparations as soon as possible.

Based on these two reasons, Zhang Yan was not in a hurry to go home after getting the household registration procedures, but wandered around the city.Following the memory of his predecessor, he wanted to visit all the corners of Langyuan City.If one day is not enough, just a few more days.He feels that such a big city can always find surprises for him
(End of this chapter)

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