one's door

Chapter 81 Strange

Chapter 81 Strange

Before Zhang Yan knew that Langyuan City was not just a "big city" because of its special geographical location, but also served as an important military stronghold.Therefore, the streets in the city are obviously different from the layout of other big cities.

In Langyuan City, you can hardly see winding paths, and there are few hidden narrow alleys.The straight intersection of the two main streets leads to the four gates, which also divides Langyuan City into four square areas.In these areas, there are also straight back streets that continue to divide different building locations.

Even Zhuzui Alley, which belongs to the slums, is straight and transparent, and the alley can at least be wide enough for three people to walk side by side with room for room.

The advantage of this arrangement is that no matter what the corner is, there is no dead corner for defense, and it can be reached quickly.Even during wartime, it is possible to ride horses on the streets, which is conducive to the mutual dependence of the four walls.

This makes shopping a very simple thing, because no matter how you go, the main road or the small road will not go into a dead end, and you will not get lost, but will eventually converge on the main street.

The memory of Zhang Yan's previous life is mainly around the main street of Langyuan City.After all, before the accident of the predecessor, it was considered a kind of family affair in Langyuan City, and there were very few back streets and alleys in the places he usually went to.

First turned around according to the memory of his predecessor, and then chose the alleys of the back street to randomly string together, seemingly aimless, but in fact Zhang Yan was deliberately looking for something he was interested in.

Naturally, what Zhang Yan is interested in is not only the snacks on the roadside, the unique street appearance here, but also deeper things that ordinary people cannot discover.In his opinion, the more densely populated the place, the more dark and imperceptible hidden corners there will be.Just like the Luohua Lane that I walked through in Xuanhua City before, hidden behind the bustling and extravagant, it is so dark that it falls in the dust, the contrast is astonishing.

But after walking around the city for two hours, he went around half of the corners and corners, but it turned out that Zhang Yan didn't find any place where the yin energy was lingering.Not to mention that it is full of vitality, but at least there is no trace of the dark wind.

"Why is that so?"

It's illogical.Because the monsters and warriors are rampant in the wild sky, let alone the monsters, warriors are two types of ghosts, and the means of existence and practice are almost the same, and it is difficult to detect the existence of ghosts.Even in Zhang Yan's view, the spiritual sense of a martial artist whose martial cultivation base is below the Tongqiao state cannot detect the ghosts in the soul body, and can only rely on his own strong blood to drive away the ghosts unconsciously.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible to talk about the elimination of ghosts.Then why in a large city like Langyuan City with a large population, it is impossible to encounter a place where Yin Qi is stagnant for four hours?
We must know that ghosts can exist in the world for a long time, and the theory is that there is no possibility of natural extinction.Long-term accumulation, not to mention that the city is full of ghosts and monsters, but at least there are a few hidden places?There should be some ghosts, right?
But the fact is not what Zhang Yan thought.Until he went home in the evening, during this half day, he almost went around the whole Langyuan City, but still didn't find any signs related to ghosts.

The only harvest is a bag of roast chicken and a jug of fruit wine in his hand.When I passed by the Dongmen market, I couldn’t bear the aroma of the roast chicken, so I cut up a whole chicken, and then I made another pot of fruit wine in the fruit wine shop next to the stall, ready to go back to the family Make a tooth sacrifice.

At night, while Zhang Yan practiced cross-legged, he still had doubts in his mind.

Zhang Yan returned to Langyuan City from Yubei Mountain, and walked so many big cities along the way. Although Zhang Yan did not visit as carefully as this time, he could more or less find places where Yin Qi was stagnant.

It is often said that "everything happens for a reason", and there may be some unknown reason why Langyuan City is so clean.This made Zhang Yan very curious.I even wondered, could it be that there is some kind of practice method that exists in the wild sky domain in Langyuan City that can specifically target ghosts?This place is so clean after frequent raids?

Or is it some other reason?
The next day, Zhang Yan held the little girl who was going out to buy vegetables at home, and went out with the basket by himself.In a world without refrigerators for storage, ingredients are basically bought every day.In the past, my younger sister Zhang Huiyuan was doing this.In order to be safe these days, Zhang Yan asked his family members to stay at home as much as possible and not go out, or just walk around Zhuzui Lane.There are garrison soldiers patrolling day and night, which is the security guarantee given by Zhou Cang.As for the East Gate Market, there are many people and miscellaneous, Zhang Yan is not very relieved that his family will come here for the time being.

Zhang Yan had been to the Dongmen Market yesterday when he was wandering around the city, but the scene was very different yesterday compared to today.Because today is the first day of the new year, twice a month, the surrounding farmers will bring more abundant agricultural products into the city for sale, attracting many people to come.

However, as soon as he entered the square gate of the Dongmen market, Zhang Yan saw people on the vacant high platform on the left side of the square gate, and there were yamen servants standing below to maintain order, surrounded by many people from Langyuan city. , as if watching the fun.

"This is." Seeing the posture on the high platform, Zhang Yan immediately realized what he was going to do.

The owl first showed the public.

Not everyone has the opportunity to be sent to the army like Zhang Yan was before, and they must meet the requirements of the army.It can't be that kind of heinous crime, you have to have a good body.

For example, the frail and gray-haired one kneeling on the high platform would not have the chance to go to the army.This kind of person can only go to this high platform to be shown to the public after being convicted.

These belonged to "rare excitement" in the memory of Zhang Yan's predecessor.Although many people can't see such a bloody scene, no one would be disgusted. The bad guys were killed. What's so disgusting about such a good thing?Even many people would gather around to watch the excitement with a smile on their faces, and some would comment on the executioner's methods with eloquence.

Zhang Yan is not interested in beheading. He has seen too much blood on Yubei Mountain, so he has long been indifferent. It is a waste of his time.

But just when Zhang Yan was about to cross the crowd and enter the market to buy something, he suddenly frowned slightly and stopped in his tracks.

After shaking his nose a few times, Zhang Yan smelled an unusual smell.It's a weird smell that normal people don't notice and can't tell the difference.It doesn't belong to living things, it only belongs to ghosts.

"There is a lot of yang energy here, and there will be ghosts haunting it?" Zhang Yan felt a little strange in his heart.But still with a thought, he activated his "Yin-Yang Pupil Technique", switched his field of vision to the state where both yin and yang are present, and then looked around.Finally, several illusory figures were found in the gap of the wooden structure under the high platform.

(End of this chapter)

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