one's door

Chapter 82 Soul Eater

Chapter 82 Soul Eater
What is "Looking for it Thousands of Baidu"?This is it.

Look carefully, the three phantoms are one big and two small.

The larger one looked like an adult, and appeared to be a young woman in fine clothes.The two little ones also showed that they were not dressed like ordinary family backgrounds, and they were estimated to be three or four years old, one male and one female.

The young female ghost was tall and graceful, holding a small one in each of her left and right hands.It seemed like a young woman holding her own son and daughter.

The three ghosts just stood in the gap of the wooden structure under the high platform, not in a hurry, even smiling, and looked up from time to time, as if they were waiting for something.

Just as the crowd around them didn't notice them at all, they also didn't notice Zhang Yan who suddenly looked back in the crowd.

Ghosts, or ordinary ghosts such as wild ghosts, have no ability to come to the city, unless it is possible in the middle of the night when the yang energy is thin.Such a crowded scene like this, the wild ghosts would have fled long ago, and the strong yang energy is not something they can bear.

So the three ghosts standing in the gap under the high platform are not wild ghosts, but ghosts with more yin energy than wild ghosts and more spiritual wisdom.

If a comparison is made, these three ghosts are much stronger than the three that Zhang Yan got rid of in Xuanhua City.If you compare the three in front of you, the two smaller ones are much more powerful than the big one.But looking at the appearance of the three ghosts, is it the big one leading the two small ones?

In addition, even if the ghosts can withstand such a strong yang energy around them, it will definitely not be a comfortable thing for them.It seems that people are not afraid of the sun, but it is also a very uncomfortable thing to actively expose to the sun, and even damage it.

This made it even more unusual for the appearance of the three ghosts in front of them to be unusual.

"Today's leader is the prisoner in the case of poisoning the Li family in the east of the city three months ago."

According to the practice of showing the head of the owl to the public, the crimes of the condemned prisoners will be announced to the public before the time is up, to show the strictness of the law and the end of nowhere to escape after breaking the law.The effects of deterrence and warning are direct and obvious.

After the crime is announced, there will be a general investigation process. Some simple investigation stages will be mentioned, and the names of several people will be highlighted, such as the arrester in charge of this case, and the "concern and urge" in the local government office. The officer in this case, my lord.It belongs to a kind of "show credit" for the people.It is also a means of "pleasing the people".

When these processes are completed, the time is basically almost the same.

The time for the owls in Huangtianyu to show their heads to the public is usually at Chenzheng.It's not that there is anything to say, it's just that when there are basically the most people gathered in the market at this time, the effect of the public display is the best.

"The executioner obeys the order, wash the knife! Raise the knife! Cut!"

The executioner was tall and middle-aged, with a murderous expression on his face, wearing an ordinary government robe, and the machete in his hand was not specially made, it was just an ordinary thick-backed machete.

Amid the yelling of the supervisor, the executioner raised and lowered the knife neatly, and saw the light of the knife flickering in front of his eyes, and the head fell into a large porcelain vat placed in front of him, where it could catch the broken neck and "pop" continuously. The gushing human blood.In this way, it will not be sprayed down and showered on the people watching below.

The cruel scene did not make the people around them horrified, but excitedly clapped their hands and applauded.Most people in this world have a very high tolerance for blood and blood, and they also feel that evil has evil consequences.

"This knife is beautiful! I have seen so many executioners, this knife can at least be ranked in the top ten! It is fast enough and accurate enough! It also suppresses the blood line so that it will not spray randomly."

The people below watched the excitement, Zhang Yan in the crowd frowned slightly, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

It is different from the people on the side.In Zhang Yan's yin and yang vision, the high platform is not just a performance of the executioner's knife skills, but also a tortured pantomime.

In fact, in the eyes of cultivators, death is not terrible, it is just a form of soul returning to heaven and earth.There is a beginning and an end, and most people in the world are constantly going back and forth between heaven and earth in different forms.

As for the real cruelty, in the eyes of cultivators, only the four words "soul flies away and soul is scattered" are enough.Either he was beaten out of his wits by some kind of magical means; or he was hated by the world and punished by the catastrophe; or he was divided and eaten, and became a Food is also out of mind.

He couldn't hear the sound, but the soul of the death row prisoner, let alone turned into a ghost, didn't even have time to get rid of the shackles of heaven and earth, and was pulled out by three ghosts running up through the high platform floor , and then attached to its upper mouth and claws, like a hyena gnawing on its prey, tearing off piece by piece of the soul body and swallowing it.

The pain caused by the damage of the soul body far exceeds the physical body, so even though the death row prisoner's soul can't make a sound at this moment, the pained expression makes people's scalp numb.But it disappeared quickly, because the soul form on his head was bitten and blurred in just a few breaths.

Zhang Yan did not interfere with their eating.Just watching carefully.What this scene reveals is not just horrifying, but has deeper signs.

It is not uncommon for ghosts to devour souls, they become stronger by devouring negative emotions and souls.But it is very rare for a ghost to eat a living soul.There are few records even in the classics on Longhu Mountain.

In addition, the three ghosts did not compete with each other.Two small ones biting; the big one stood by to help hold the "food" while also eating some loose parts.In general, the two small ones ate about [-]% each, and the remaining [-]% ​​went into the mouth of the big ghost.The division is very clear, there is no competition at all, it seems that it has been discussed long ago.

Thinking of this, a thought suddenly came to Zhang Yan's mind: the execution site in Langyuan City has become a dining hall for ghosts to feast on. Can it be considered that the execution grounds in other big cities are also like this?

This is the first time Zhang Yan has seen the execution ground in person since he came to Huangtianyu. He thought in his heart that the execution ground in Huangtianyu does not have the magic circle of exorcising ghosts from the era of earth legends, nor does it have the soaring evil spirit like the military fortress. The place where ghosts eat?

Such a crime of snatching souls from heaven and earth is indeed not small, no wonder supernatural beings will be rewarded with such great merit.So it makes sense.It's all because the ghosts in Desolate Heaven Territory are too rampant.

The execution is over.The mess started to be cleaned up on the stage, and the spectators in the audience also started to disperse, and the three ghosts also started to float away against the wall.

Zhang Yan smiled and said in his heart: Let's see where you are hiding!
(End of this chapter)

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