one's door

83 - Courtyard Wall

83 - Courtyard Wall
Zhang Yan immediately forgot about buying the ingredients in the house, and followed the three ghosts who were flying away against the wall with some excitement.

He didn't find any place where Yin Qi stagnated in the city for most of the day yesterday, so he was already curious, and even guessed whether there was some reason why there were no ghosts in Langyuan City.But now three ghosts ran in front of him at once, all of which showed that Langyuan City was not free of ghosts, but was hiding in a place that he hadn't searched yesterday.

Where is it?

It was not difficult for Zhang Yan to track the three ghosts.He only needs to follow the yin qi that is hanging, and he doesn't even need to see each other in the yin and yang vision.In his perception, Li Gui is like a crawling snail, leaving obvious traces of its path in a short time.

Following the three ghosts and leaving the Dongmen Bazaar, they walked all the way back to the street, probably also intentionally avoiding the crowds on the main street, and the ghosts felt uncomfortable under the surge of yang energy.

In the end, the Yin Qi left by the ghosts stayed within a tall courtyard wall.It disappeared after a while, and there was no sign of further movement.This means that the hiding place of the three ghosts must be here.

Zhang Yan actually came here yesterday, passed by this huge house, and even took a second look at the word "Wu Mansion" on the main gate of the house.The bright copper nails on the gate also showed that the owner of this house is unusual.

The mansion of Wu Yuan, the city magistrate of Langyuan City, is naturally not simple.

"Isn't this a narrow road to a good friend?" Zhang Yan was also very interested in this coincidence.

The magistrate's mansion hides the ghost's lair?Anyway, Zhang Yan felt a little weird.

The ghost's lair must be a place where Yin Qi accumulates, there is nothing to say about it.Generally speaking, the place where Yin Qi accumulates will not be locked and covered by a mere house.Moreover, there is no such thing as a magic circle in the Desolate Sky Territory. For Yin Qi, warriors here have no means to deal with ghosts.

Either there is some natural and peculiar terrain within the courtyard wall, or the place where the yin qi is stagnated has a special structure.Otherwise, it is impossible to block the spread of Yin Qi.

Given the natural terrain, this possibility is too small.After all, this is the city, and every inch of the land has been repaired. Even if it was originally there, it will disappear after the construction.Then there is only the latter possibility: special structure.

Zhang Yan had seen this before, otherwise he wouldn't have thought of it.Just like the dry well next to the ghost willow in the center of Luohua Lane in Xuanhua City.

The mouth of the well is small, so that the Yin Qi will not spread too far, and deep underground can also use the earth's tolerance of Yin Qi as a concealment.As long as the well is deep enough, it is indeed possible to hide a place where Yin Qi stagnates within the courtyard wall without being noticed by the outside.

But then again.Even if a deep well conceals the spread of Yin Qi in the place where Yin Qi stagnates, the ghost inside is a real existence, and that thing is a fatal threat to all ordinary people.How did the Wu family, who are Li Gui's neighbors, live a stable life?

Zhang Yan turned around and found the place where the three ghosts had entered through the wall last, took out a piece of talisman paper from his arms, and stuffed it concealedly into the gap of the stone foundation under the courtyard wall.After repeating this, Zhang Yan stuffed a total of six talisman papers, all of which were paper figurine talismans drawn in "Four Senses of True Sensibility".With these paper figurines, he could sense any ghosts haunting the courtyard walls of Wu Mansion.At that time, with advance detection, it will be logical to wait for the rabbit again.

It wasn't until Zhang Yan finished these things that he remembered that he was still empty-handed after going out for so long this time, and his family members might be worried.So he hurriedly trotted to Dongmen Market to buy some vegetables and fresh meat, and ran home again.

After lunch, I visited the door with the adjutant named Wang Bin as agreed.Then he took away two bone-strengthening pills from Zhang Yan's hand.He didn't say a single extra word, and when he was parting, he put another brocade box on the table, which contained money notes, which were a bit thicker than last time.

"Yan'er, is it appropriate for us to take so much money from Mr. Zhou?" Wang Lanping looked at the money in the brocade box, still a little worried.She didn't know what kind of bone-strengthening pill her second son gave her, but she felt a little guilty for getting so much money for two medicine balls.

Zhang Yan smiled and took out half of the bills from the brocade box, pushed the rest to Wang Lanping, and then said to her: "Mother, you can keep it at ease. Mr. Zhou is not a philanthropist. If the things are not He wouldn't be a fool for that price, right? Besides, it's still based on the friendship between Mr. Zhou and our family, otherwise the price of the two pills would have to be doubled."

"Ah? This..." Wang Lanping really didn't know how to respond to the words. She found that after her second son came back, everything seemed to be at her fingertips, and she really was a different person.

Unlike Wang Lanping, who was always full of worries, my younger sister, Zhang Huiyuan, didn't have so many thoughts. She simply thought that the more affluent her family was, the better.Thinking about how the family was struggling before, at this time she really felt that it was good to have a second brother at home.

"Hee hee, mother, do you think this money is enough to get my second brother a wife?"

"Yes! These words reminded me that the money is quite a lot. When the crops in the fields are harvested this year, I can make up some money. It will be enough to make your second brother a good wife." Wang Lanping smiled. meaning.

Zhang Yan shook his hand, he never thought that he would start a family so early!Is it because he can't move?Or is it that the sisters in the flower building are no longer fragrant?
"Mom, don't worry about me, how old am I? If you want to find a wife, don't you tell your elder brother first? Let's raise more money, and my elder brother will lose two legs, so we won't delay the marriage."

"Bah! Did you say such nonsense about your brother? Are you looking for a beating?" Wang Lanping covered her mouth and smiled, but her son's words really touched a heartache in her heart.

Zhang Yan ignored the elder brother Zhang Shun's "roaring in shame and anger" in the back room, and continued to say to his mother with a smile: "Mother, elder brother is the eldest son of our family, we have to get married as early as possible! The family was struggling before, but now it is affluent. Wait a while." When the matter on my side is settled, you can talk about a marriage with your eldest brother."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Yan secretly heaved a sigh of relief, but he turned his mother's attention to his elder brother.It is estimated that the old mother stopped paying attention to him before the marriage was settled for the elder brother.

After chatting for a while, the younger sister Zhang Huiyuan suddenly remembered, and said to Zhang Yan: "By the way, second brother, when I came back, I ran into Uncle Liu. He seems to have something to ask you for."

"Oh? Okay, I'll go over and see what's going on."

Uncle Liu, I am talking about Carpenter Liu who is opposite.Naturally, he could only find Zhang Yan in a wheelchair.Zhang Yan was also curious. It's only been a day. How far has Carpenter Liu made with wheelchairs?

(End of this chapter)

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