one's door

Chapter 808 Context

Chapter 808 Context
On the wide terrace behind Dengyun Hall, Zhang Yan sat cross-legged on the futon he was used to, and in front of him were the clouds that often appeared in the mountains.Most of these clouds and mists are formed by the gathering of rich spiritual energy in the mountains, which are very different from ordinary mountain water mists.

There were four long swords standing upright and hovering around Zhang Yan's body in the clouds and mist, and four colors of light overflowed from the swords, forming a small light curtain with a radius of more than ten feet.

The Killing Immortal Sword Domain has now been controlled by Zhang Yan.Especially when he didn't pursue the attack ability of the sword array and didn't let the sword soul join in, Zhang Yan felt that he could already run the sword array smoothly.Although it can't be said that he can use his arms and fingers, he is also familiar with the road.

This kind of rapid progress is not only the result of Zhang Yan's concentration on the sword formation, but also the result of his refinement in the "Doo of the Sword" and "The Way of Mind".

With a flip of the palm, four miniature long swords the size of half a toothpick appeared and hovered two inches above the palm.

"I'm alive a lot!" A rare smile appeared on Zhang Yan's face recently.

The four small long swords are the sword body of Zhu Xian's Four Swords.Lack of gold leaf as a material, so the size of the sword has not changed.But these four swords were gradually controlled by Zhang Yan.The reason for this is the nourishment and subtle influence of the vitality in Dao Dan on the Four Swords.

Now the four-sword sword weapon can not only be taken out from Zhang Yan's Dao Dan at any time, it is no longer as uncontrollable as it was at the beginning.Moreover, he could build an ultra-miniature sword array according to his ideas.The coverage area is only a small area half a foot above the palm of the hand.

Only Zhang Yan knew clearly that even if it was just a palm-sized area, the sword intent and murderous aura inside were definitely not comparable to the sword array he arranged with green steel bamboo outside, it was completely like two irrelevant things. same thing.

Although the power of the sword array is greatly affected by the cultivation base of the operator.But for the same person, the lethality of the bamboo sword and magic weapon in his hand must be very different.Now Zhang Yan is just a beginner in the way of swordsmanship, mastering the sharpest sword array in the world.Although he still can't display one hundred and one of its powers, it is absolutely not to be underestimated for him at this time.

"If you can completely reshape the four swords, even if you lack three sword souls, you can definitely walk sideways in the void world?" Zhang Yan's heart is inevitably hot.

Now the expectation of strength once again made him need to step up the road ahead.Because the evolution needs of Huang Tianyu have been placed on the bright side.The "coincidence" that is not controlled by anyone and has no clue at all is connected together, which is to push Zhang Yan to the "Six Paths Roulette" next step.

It seems that Zhang Yan is asking Zhang Yan to reproduce a new world that is exactly the same as the Great Desolate World.

Zhang Yan has almost no choice for this road now.Unless he is willing to leave everything behind and become a real "lone traveler", he still has to follow these "coincidences".It is his current "best choice".

The so-called person who knows the current affairs is a hero, Zhang Yan doesn't know whether he is a hero, but he knows that he and everything around him can be surrounded by "coincidences" to form a closed environment. Just thinking about it makes Zhang Yan feel chills down his back.

A thought even popped up in Zhang Yan's heart: I came here from the earth, is it also inseparable from these "coincidences" in the dark?Or is it part of the "coincidence"?

However, as Zhang Yan said to Huang Tianyu, although he was able to propose a solution to the troubles Huang Tianyu was facing, that is, "six paths of roulette".But he has no idea how to build the six-track roulette.

What Zhang Yan can refer to are the legends he knows.

In the legend, there is no common channel for the six realms, not even reincarnation itself.There was chaos among the six paths, and there were even many incidents of mutual attacks and killings.The emergence of the Six Paths was transformed by Houtu, one of the Four Imperials under the Sanqing.And the underworld is also established based on the six reincarnations.

What kind of fairy is Houtu Niangniang?It can be inferred from the status of the four royals.

Under the Sanqing are the Four Imperials.And the three Qings are all saints, and the four royals are most likely to be the Da Luo Jinxian, and they should be the four with the highest strength and special status among the Da Luo Jinxians.

That is to say, the emergence of the six-way roulette requires a top Da Luo Jinxian to sacrifice himself to succeed. This conclusion is like a fantasy in Zhang Yan's eyes.He asked himself that his ability was just an ant in front of Da Luo Jinxian, how could he kill him?Not to mention the top Da Luo Jinxian?I'm afraid it's hard to have such a scene in a dream.

But when he thought of the Zhuxian sword array, which had already seen its embryonic form in his hand, Zhang Yan remained silent again.

"Is this part of the coincidence again?"

Zhang Yan's feeling was that when he was worried about how to kill someone, he found a blunt knife and a whetstone in front of him.

"Is what I think are also "coincidences"? Or is my idea the only thing that is not restricted?" What Zhang Yan is thinking about now is the phased goal he has set, that is, to establish a prehistoric The world is similar to the world, and through this to find the answer to the disappearance of the Great Desolate World, and finally find a way to return to the earth.Now his goal seems to coincide with some kind of "coincidence".

Is it part of the "coincidence" or is it really just a coincidence?

Thinking of this, fortunately, there is still enough time.According to Huang Tianyu, it will take at least thousands or even thousands of years for the creatures in the three new spaces to evolve and mature, and it will take thousands or even thousands of years for these creatures to try to break out of their own space.What will Huang Tianyu and Zhang Yan look like by then?Did Zhang Yan really have the ability to kill Da Luo Jinxian?
Who can tell?

Zhang Yan put away the real body of the four swords in the palm of his hand.Also put away together are the four green steel and bamboo long swords that he arranged outside.

I don't know if it's been affected by the sword spirit for a long time, these four green steel bamboo long swords can already feel the obvious killing intent lingering on the swords.

Can the sword soul also affect the essence of the immortal weapon to promote its growth?

Thoughts closed.

A jade sword has been hovering outside the sword formation for a long time.Being caught by Zhang Yan's divine sense, waiting for the sword array to be withdrawn, he plunged into Zhang Yan's approach.

The jade sword is from Li Dianchuan.Belongs to reply.Previously, Zhang Yan took the initiative to ask Li Dianchuan.Let me ask when the remaining few world harvests can start.The second is to ask how the gold leaf is being gathered.After several months of going and going, Li Dianchuan's reply finally arrived.

After getting the jade sword, the content inside made Zhang Yan smile.

(End of this chapter)

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