one's door

Chapter 809

Chapter 809
"Senior, it's been a long time since I've seen you look better than before!"

Li Dianchuan's face changed from the previous depression, as if he had returned to the high-spirited state he had when he first came into contact with Zhang Yan.It can be seen that his situation in Mingyue Valley must have greatly improved.

The place where the two met was still a deserted corner of the void.There are no special void scenes here, and no existing worlds to go to.A pitch-black nothingness.

This is the best place to meet.After the two immortals restrained their aura, they were nowhere to be found.

"Hmm. Where's the stuff?"

"It's all here. A total of 85 yuan!" Li Dianchuan took out a storage bag from his arms.The bag contained the gold leaf he brought to Zhang Yan this time.

Before Zhang Yan came, he already had some understanding of the situation through the messages on Yujian.

85 pieces of gold leaf is not a small amount for Zhang Yan.But definitely not much.

Because this time is different from the time in the ruins of the sword mound.At that time, gold leaf was a "rare harvest product", and the output was less than that of ordinary fairy artifacts.But even so, Zhang Yan got nearly a hundred yuan from it.

And Li Dianchuan is now facing the void world, or in other words, collecting gold leaf from the Chaos faction.A lot of gold leaf must have been brought out from the harvest of opening the Sword Tomb ruins so many times, and after some research, it could not be used and accumulated.The number must be dozens of times what Zhang Yan collected from the ruins at one time.Put half and half on the Chaos faction's side, and the number will surely exceed a thousand.

Such a large volume is kept idle, and now there is a place where it can be exchanged for waste utilization, how can it be inactive?In addition, there is a top power in the Chaos faction like Mingyue Valley as a guarantee, so there is nothing to worry about in terms of reputation.How come there are only more than eighty yuan?

Zhang Yan didn't speak, just looked at Li Dianchuan.Coupled with the image and temperament of his Fu Bing at this time, Li Dianchuan clearly felt a questioning taste.

Li Dianchuan didn't panic, bowed and explained: "Senior, don't misunderstand. The collection of gold leaf has been going on all the time, and there hasn't been a moment's pause. Moreover, the Yanzhong Foreign Affairs Office has come forward to collect it. The amount of gold leaf received so far is no longer Less. It’s just that I didn’t bring it this time. The next time seniors go to receive the world’s harvest, they will be handed over to seniors.

The 85 yuan this time is our long-standing inventory in Mingyue Valley.The younger generation has some selfish intentions, and wants to help the sect get rid of these useless things in its hands before cashing in on the gifts sent by other forces.I also ask the seniors to be considerate. "

It was said to be selfish, but Zhang Yan put it in the clear without asking.It seems to be candid.It's just that it's hard to say how much water is in the words.

How many times have the top forces in the huge Chaos Sect entered and left the Sword Tomb Ruins?Only 85 pieces of gold leaf in hand?This amount is estimated to be half of the inventory of Mingyue Valley.

"Yes." Zhang Yan had no reason to refuse.After receiving the gold foil, he immediately took out the corresponding magic weapon and handed it to Li Dianchuan according to the previous payment conditions.

After Li Dianchuan got the magic weapon, he put it back into the storage bag.After a moment of hesitation on his face, he still said: "Senior, Master asked this junior to give you a sentence, that is, how much do you need for gold leaf? You can't gather it indefinitely like this?"

Zhang Yan still didn't speak, just looked at Li Dianchuan.There was no emotion in the cold eyes.

Li Dianchuan swallowed subconsciously. Although he was used to Senior Changshi's weird way of communicating like dealing with a dead body, he still couldn't make himself feel uneasy.So he quickly explained: "Actually, I am worried that the number of magic weapons in the hands of seniors is not enough.

After all, if senior doesn't collect too much in the future, then the magic weapon in senior's hand is definitely enough to deal with it.But if it is a senior, it is much more.The magic weapon in the hands of the senior is definitely not enough to collect all the gold leafs that have been kept in the Chaos Sect over the years.Need to think otherwise.Or find a new replacement for the magic weapon.

If senior needs help in this regard, Mingyue Valley will definitely not let senior down. "

Li Dianchuan's words made Zhang Yan slightly nodded.Replied: "Take it away for now, let's talk about the future."

"Okay, senior, don't be polite to us when the time comes." After a pause, Li Dianchuan smiled again: "Now you have a great reputation in our Mingyue Valley. The reputation of killing the Quartet in the ruins of the Sword Tomb has long been passed down. It’s over and over again. Master’s attitude is also more enthusiastic than before. Thanks to your support, the junior’s life is much easier now.”

"Is there any other news?" It's a rare meeting.And it was deliberately chosen before the delivery of the World Harvest one year later, just to ventilate in advance.Zhang Yan hoped to get some internal news about him from the Chaos Sect through Li Dianchuan, his own eyeliner in Mingyue Valley.At the same time, there is also an advance preparation for the actions against him in Mingyue Valley.

As for Li Dianchuan's thanks, Zhang Yan didn't care.What he was interested in was the things that Li Dianchuan mentioned in Jade Sword about him in Mingyue Valley and Chaos Sect.It seems that after the ruins of the sword mound, he immediately jumped onto the page of the major forces in the Chaos faction, and was scrutinized and spied on by various.

"There are seniors. There are two main things. The first thing is that I saw a judgment document from the great elder about your luck from the personal attendant under Master."

Zhang Yan listened carefully.This first event was not unexpected, or even expected.After all, the strength and actions he showed in the Sword Tomb Ruins are enough to make the previous matter about his "luck" in Mingyue Valley more certain.If Mingyuegu really wants to take advantage of his luck, he will definitely continue to place bets.Just like Li Dianchuan mentioned before, Feng Yuhe can help in collecting gold leaf by sending a message, which should be a kind of temptation to raise.

It was the second incident that made Zhang Yan frowned slightly.

"Senior, the second thing is that you have become the target of the Chaos faction's San Wenzong, Linglong Xianyu and dozens of first- and second-rate forces. And we have received news that apart from our Chaos faction, Mingyue Besides Gu and Yishizong, the remaining two other top forces are also being lobbied. It is likely that they will also stand on the side of Sanwenzong and Linglong Immortal Realm."

"Just because I killed their people in the ruins of the Sword Tomb?"

"Yes. This is one of them. There are two other reasons. One is that they covet your methods, senior, such as the use of gold leaf and the magic weapon in your hand. Their vast network of contacts quickly connected so many forces together."

"So I'm the target of public criticism now?"

"This senior speaks too seriously. With us Mingyue Valley standing with seniors, the situation is not so bad. Besides, Shishizong has clearly expressed its attitude towards Minghua Rongzong, and they will stand by our side this time."

(End of this chapter)

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