one's door

Chapter 814 Business

Chapter 814 Business
Bu Zhongxun's back disappeared at the entrance of the Haoxuemen Hall, leaving Xue E sitting in the hall behind him, as well as the Great Elder Fang Shiwen and the Seventh Elder Li Yan.

It has been a long time since these three people have been together in the hall.

"Is Bu Zhongxun trustworthy?" Xue E, as the Lord of the Great Hongtian and the leader of the alliance, seldom participated in the minutiae affairs outside of cultivation.This was the first time he saw Bu Zhongxun, so naturally he didn't know much about him.

Among the three present, Li Yan was also dealing with foreign affairs.Although she was about to finish her rotation this time, she didn't expect such a big incident to come up again.

"Return to the head of the sect. This Bu Zhongxun has always been the foreign affairs elder of Chang Ming World, and he has a good reputation. Chang Ming World can now have the result of going against the trend, which is largely due to his credit. In the past, Huang Tianyu When he was still there, it was this person who was connecting with the cliff mountain in Huangtianyu, and he was also the one who asked for the talisman business that was collected.

He came here suddenly this time, and the things he said were not trivial, and he definitely couldn't have made up them randomly.Therefore, my disciples feel that they should be treated with caution. "

Fang Shiwen also went on to say: "I also see it this way. It's about Huangtianyu, and Bu Zhongxun will never dare to talk nonsense. I'm just curious how he is so sure that we won't be caught by us and use it as a topic to kill Changming World." ?”

"Gamble." With sharp eyes on Xue E's cold face, he paused and continued: "Although he looked very calm when he came in, the fierceness that flashed in his eyes from time to time was not well hidden. He Naturally, there is no enmity with us, so the cruelty in his eyes is not for us but for himself. He is betting his life."

"But why did Tiandaomen take this bet?"

"Why else? It must be because Duan Yashan drugged them and forced them. Zhang Yan asked Bu Zhongxun to give me a message before, saying that the future will be long. I didn't understand what he meant at the time. Now it seems that he is appearing Before the crisis, I already knew my situation and had a plan of retreat. Even then I had a plan to come back.

Zhang Yan is a bit scary. "Xue E felt that he had never seen a person who could see ten steps with one step.

Fang Shiwen and Li Yan had never heard of Xue E's mention of leaving a message before.Now I am dumbfounded when I hear it, and I feel like a joke in my heart. Before I left the Pastoral School, I had already thought about how to come back in the future?And confident and left a message?

Simply incredible!
"But sect master, where did the Huangtian domain go in the end? How did it hide until now? Didn't it really go to the unknown domain?"

Xue E also considered this issue.He didn't have a definitive answer before, but now he has.I heard him say: "It's the territory of the Chaos faction."

"Oh? Why is the sect master so determined?"

"I heard a piece of news when I went to the grand ceremony of the Yuhao Great World Alliance. Not long ago, there was a joint battle between the pastoral faction and the Chaos faction at the border of the unknown domain in the northwest. The purpose was to appear near the border of the unknown domain The ruins of the Sword Tomb."

"The ruins of the sword mound? But what does this have to do with Huang Tianyu? Could it be that they went too?" Fang Shiwen was a little confused.

Xue E did not directly answer Fang Shiwen's curiosity, but continued to narrate: "The battle did not tell the winner, so the people who entered the Jianzhong ruins were half and half. After the ruins were closed, there was no more war, and each returned to its own territory. .

There is nothing to say about this in itself, the things in the ruins are still far away from us, and we are not qualified to participate.But there is one thing that is very interesting.That is, in the ruins, there is a lone immortal of the Chaos sect who is exchanging a large number of high-quality immortal artifacts obtained in the ruins for a kind of useless gold leaf.Change as much as you have. "

Having said that, both Fang Shiwen and Li Yan showed astonishment on their faces at the same time.

"Hehe, did you hear it? The "business" mentioned by Bu Zhongxun just now clearly states that "items similar to gold leaf with unknown uses and materials" are also included in the scope of transactions."

Li Yan and Fang Shiwen nodded together.They didn't have the opportunity to go to the Yuhao Great World Alliance to participate in the grand ceremony, and they were not qualified to chat with the well-informed alliance leaders.So little is known about the big events of the pastoral school or some rare things.When they heard Bu Zhongxun convey the general idea of ​​the "business" just now, they also murmured in their hearts "items similar to gold leaf with unknown uses and materials." What exactly is this?Now it suddenly dawned on me.

So they were waiting here?

"So Huang Tianyu really hid in the Chaos faction? But how did they open up the situation in the Chaos faction in such a short time? And how did they not be suspected by the Chaos faction? You must know that the monks of the Chaos faction It is fundamentally different from those monks in Huangtianyu, which cannot be hidden."

"You're right. If a world is scrutinized by the Chaos faction, it will definitely not be able to hide. For example, it will face the end of being attacked by a crowd. But if the world is hidden and haunted alone, the situation is different Yes. The news is about a lone immortal.

I think the so-called Lone Immortal should be Zhang Yan without a doubt.It's just that he didn't expect his cultivation to improve so quickly.Now it is estimated that it is at least the late stage of Wonderland, right? "

Although Xue E judged a lot of things.But after all, he is not a very important figure in the Yuhao Great World Alliance, and many news are also relayed by others, not exhaustive.So he could only guess Zhang Yan's cultivation level by himself.If you let him know that Zhang Yan is now in the fairyland, he will not know, but he will not be able to speak.

"The late stage of the Earth Wonderland? This is too fast, isn't it?!" Li Yan felt that it was incomprehensible like an Arabian Nights.When she first met Zhang Yan, he was just in the early stage of human immortality.How long has it been?The millennium has not yet passed, so is it in the late stage of Wonderland? !She actually didn't know that Xue E's guess was too conservative.

On the contrary, Fang Shiwen sighed: "The means of the Great Desolate World are indeed different, much better than ours. This time Bu Zhongxun said that "business as usual" should mean that Zhang Yan wants to continue to use various means of the Great Desolate World To exchange the gold leaf he wants with the secret technique? Is that what it means?"

Xue E nodded, leaned back in his chair, and asked, "What's your opinion? Should we take over this business or hand over Changming World together with Zhang Yan's messenger?"

Li Yan kept silent.This is not the time for her to speak.

Fang Shiwen frowned, and suddenly said in a gloomy tone: "The master of the sect should have made a decision after asking this question? Disciple, I dare to guess, your idea should be to continue this business, right?"

"Hahaha, that's right. I want to continue. Rather than being treated as a pig by the Yuhao Great World Alliance, it's better to fight. The Changming World dares to risk their lives, why don't we dare?"

(End of this chapter)

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