one's door

Chapter 815 Lively

Chapter 815 Lively
Seeing that Fu Bing was waiting for news in Changming World, Zhang Yan was not completely sure whether Xue E of Dahongtian would be as "long in the future" as he thought.But from his previous understanding of the other party, Xue E is definitely a person who is very good at seizing opportunities and has great courage, otherwise he would not have reached a deal with Yuhao Great World Alliance without telling him.

Now that he just changed the price of the transaction, Zhang Yan felt that he could give it a go.Now he just waited, waiting for Bu Zhongxun who went to Dahongtian to come back with some news.Or bring someone back?
Sancheng Yuanshen has no way to practice, nor can he comprehend anything normally. He can only absorb the spiritual energy according to the body instinct of the talisman soldier, and then transform it into death energy bit by bit.

While Gong Jian's talisman soldier was waiting for news, Zhang Yan's other talisman soldier also started an adventure on the far side of the void.

The identity of feldspar is now well-known in the Chaos faction.Fighting against several Heavenly Immortals and dozens of Earth Immortals alone, the result was a complete victory.This kind of record can be called No.1 below Jinxian.In addition, in the battle before entering the ruins, the scene of feldspar holding a magic weapon to resist the storm of Jinxian rules will not be ignored.So now many people are already guessing the true cultivation level of feldspar.

Late stage of Wonderland?It looked a little too strong.

golden fairy?There is such a possibility.But if it's really a golden fairy, isn't this hiding method to cover up his cultivation too unnatural?

The reputation is not only the strength shown by this feldspar alone.It is also because of his act of collecting gold leaf, and the news that someone secretly plotted to manipulate him.

Although Minghua Rongzong's own strength is hovering at the second rate.But the relationship between people is definitely second to none in the Chaos faction.Under their tandem, it is absolutely impossible to hide the news.It's just that most people didn't know that they were saving games, thinking that it was a disaster brought about by coveting because of Changshi's eccentric behavior alone.Only a few people know that this game is actually Minghua Rongzong's greatest effort in it.

So when Zhang Yan manipulated the feldspar, the talisman soldier, to leave the Huangtian Territory and make a detour when he finally showed up, he immediately attracted a lot of attention.

Those who are curious, those who watch good shows, and those who play with malicious intentions.Clusters of gazes came over, making Zhang Yan feel like he was about to perform on stage.

After passing through the three big star nodes where Zhang Yan deliberately appeared, the closer to the agreed position with Mingyue Valley along the way, the more he could feel the "bad intentions" around him.But no one has brought this "bad intentions" directly to Zhang Yan.All kept a long distance.

restraint?Still watching?

At least in Zhang Yan's eyes, this is a sign of "not fully prepared".Otherwise, according to the normal logic, it is not necessary to wait for Zhang Yan to go all the way to the place agreed with Mingyue Valley before surrounding him. Finding a place halfway there for an ambush is the top priority.Not even simple direct probing.

Perhaps it was also in consideration of what Zhang Yan thought, when he resisted the nearest star node, he met two disciples from the Celestial Immortal Realm of Mingyue Valley, accompanied by Li Dianchuan, standing outside the node, and deliberately zoomed in on himself The breath is easy for people around to distinguish.Naturally, Zhang Yan found them all at once.

"Senior, the three of us have nothing to do, so we came here to welcome senior." Li Dianchuan said it very euphemistically, but in fact, he came to escort Zhang Yan.By the way, publicize the attitude of Mingyue Valley.

"En." Zhang Yan nodded, and then bowed his hands to the two disciples of Mingyue Valley in the late stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm who followed him to show his kindness.

After that, the four of them moved away from this star node together.

And just after the four of them left, many Earth Immortals and Human Immortals who had gathered far away from the star node also left one after another.It's just that they were going in the same direction as Zhang Yan and the others.

In less than two days, Zhang Yan and Li Dianchuan finally arrived at the final target location.To be honest, it is really difficult to find a nascent world in the void.What's more, in the Chaos Sect, this nascent world is even more precious.Only top powers like Mingyue Valley can find it if they want it.

"Hehe, it's been a long time since I've seen Fellow Daoist Changshi look so handsome!" Feng Yuhe walked out of her car with a smile.From a distance, he cupped his hands towards Zhang Yan.The attitude is completely like that of peers.The enthusiasm has not diminished before.

Seeing feldspar again, Feng Yuhe's most intuitive feeling is the change in the other's eyes.In the past, he was always lifeless or like a dead person, not to mention no mood swings, and even his eyes seemed to be unfocused.But this time, Feng Yuhe seemed to feel a faint sharpness in the eyes of the other party, like a thorn, and the discomfort at first seemed to disappear suddenly.

But at this moment, Feng Yuhe's mood facing the opponent was quite different from before.After several contacts, together with the new discoveries in the ruins of the Sword Tomb, and the new progress in the deduction of Tianjizhu, the word "stand-in" has become a label on the opponent's forehead.And what is involved behind it is the mysterious and unpredictable prehistoric world.Apart from lamenting that "people with great luck are really not simple", the rest will be observed later.

"I've met Elder Feng." Zhang Yan still maintained his usual state of reticence. He bowed his hands as a greeting, and bowed slightly as a sign of respect.

The two did not continue to exchange pleasantries.It wasn't that Feng Yuhe had nothing to say, but that two tyrannical auras came over from the side. Although there was no killing intent or provocative spiritual sweep, the perverse attitude was already obvious.You must know that Feng Yuhe was present, even if he is a Jinxian, he shouldn't be so arrogant even if he visits.

The visitor is not good.

"Elder Feng, this must be Changshi who walks alone? Don't you want to introduce us?"

"Hehe, that's right. This feldspar walked alone in the ruins of the sword tomb and killed many disciples of our two sects. He is about to get acquainted, so we can get close when we meet in the future!"

The two came together, and Yu Kong stopped more than ten feet away from Zhang Yan and Feng Yuhe to the left.The two of them, one fat and one thin, each had a jade tablet pinned to their waists, and the patterns on the jade tablets were different.But at a glance, their respective identities can be identified.

The fat ones belong to the Sanwen sect.The thin ones are from Linglong Immortal Realm.

Feng Yuhe squinted his eyes, and sneered at the two of them: "The two of you have worked so hard to come here just to get to know Daoist Changshi. It's considered deliberate. But Daoist Changshi didn't mean to get to know you. What's more What's more, the two of you came here with bad intentions, so please come back, lest you start fighting and the scene will be ugly."

The expressions of the two people from Sanwenzong and Linglong Immortal Realm changed slightly.They were not afraid of Feng Yuhe, let alone Zhang Yan beside him.But they really dare not do it.It is a matter of top forces, and it is necessary to balance before tearing apart.How can there be any reason to go all out?

However, there are still some temptations, which is also the purpose of their coming here.

(End of this chapter)

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