one's door

Chapter 819 Surprise

Chapter 819 Surprise
This time Zhang Yan went around several times, and finally even hid outside a turbulent void for a month, making sure that he was not followed before he formally set off to return to the Huangtianyu.

This time the location of the Desolate Sky Territory is different from before.After having Zhang Yan's idea, it started its own path of devouring again.Relying on its instinctive sense of the world, it can always find some incomplete worlds or fragments of knots after death, and it eats all of them in spite of life and death.

After returning, Zhang Yan quickly transferred the harvest this time to the deity.Not only the five primordial purple air, but also 210 nine pieces of gold leaf.

After Zhang Yan took back the [-]% Yuanshen on Fu Bing Changshi, he hurriedly contemplated. The entry of the five majestic purple qi directly made Zhang Yan go through the extreme of twenty-nine. The changes in his body set off another huge wave, and this time the changes Not only his cultivation, but also the surge of vitality in Dao Dan.

Witnessing that there was only one core particle in Daodanli, it swelled up to the size of a soybean, and began to emit a faint light, and scattered around the position of the first core particle seemed to reappear irregularly. Just like when the first granules appeared, there are as many as 36 tiny new granules!
"What are these things?"

Zhang Yan was immediately dumbfounded.He had thought that when he came back this time with the primordial purple energy, he would be able to break the [-]th limit, and there would be a big change, but he didn't expect that he guessed the beginning but didn't guess the result, the change was so big that he couldn't understand it at all.

Those newly added particles are also the same as the one in the center, only the faint vitality emerges, other than that, they are completely undetected by Zhang Yan's divine sense.

Although it is not clear what these particles are, Zhang Yan is sure that they will not pose a threat to him.At the beginning, his little life was picked up by the particles in the Dao Dan.He can only wait and see, maybe he will have a chance to understand the nature of these particles when there are more and more primordial purple energy.

Of course, it's not unnoticed at all, at least the changes brought about by the surge in vitality are still obvious.It's not only the acceleration gain for Zhang Yan's body, but also directly puts the sword soul attached to the Dao Dan into a warm and nourishing level.

The degree of warming and nourishing the soul of the sword is accelerating and deepening, which brings Zhang Yan the most intuitive benefit: he can more easily use the power of the soul of the sword to drive the prototype of the four killing swords to arrange the Immortal Killing Sword Domain.

The internal changes are far more than those in Zhang Yan's Dao Dan, as well as his immortal body.

The five primordial purple qi made Zhang Yantian's cultivation in the early stage of the fairyland show signs of loosening, especially after the gain of vitality on the fairy body accelerated the speed of condensing, it seemed that he had reached the critical point in the middle stage and it became difficult to move forward.

According to Zhang Yan's estimate, he doesn't need to wait for the next intake of Primordial Purple Qi. He only needs to practice seclusion for a period of time to steadily break through the barrier of the small realm and step into the middle stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm.

After smoothing out the situation in terms of his cultivation, the rest is the 210 Nine Fast Gold Leaf.

According to the previous method, the rubbing is first, and then the gold foil after the rubbing is handed over to the sword soul to melt, and finally merged into the prototype of the four killing swords in Daodanli.

The prototype of the four-handled killing sword has always been agile in "eating".It seems that there is a mold for a long time, and after the gold leaf is melted and poured in, new changes will appear immediately.

In this way, Zhang Yan witnessed the rapid "growth" of the four killing swords from the length of half a toothpick, to a size slightly longer than a normal toothpick in less than a cup of tea.Already somewhat similar to the scale of children's small toys.

With one palm, four prototypes of killing swords flew out from Dao Dan, hanging three feet in front of Zhang Yan, and then tried the layout of the Immortal Sword Domain.As a result, Zhang Yan was pleasantly surprised this time: the coverage area of ​​the sword domain was directly expanded again, and it was already able to cover all of Zhang Yan's five to six feet range.And the sword intent and killing power in the formation have also been significantly improved.

The most important thing is that as the bodies of the four killing swords are gradually being reshaped, their abilities as swords are also beginning to be more and more manifested.Intuitively, it shows that the stability of Jianyu has been greatly improved after it is built.Whether it is dealing with the squeeze bombardment from the outside or the struggle from the inside, it has become more comfortable.At least Zhang Yan is sure that he will never escape death if he is trapped in this sword domain. The difference lies in how long he can hold on.

But it is a pity that although the prototype of the Killing Sword has grown a lot now, the sword soul of the Killing Immortal Sword still cannot return to the sword body.It seems that the bearing capacity has not yet reached the threshold of carrying.I don't know how much gold leaf needs to be collected.

But even if the sword soul of the Killing Immortal Sword cannot return to the sword body for the time being, it does not prevent that the Killing Immortal Sword Domain is no longer a "gadget" in Zhang Yan's palm at this time, but has become a tool that can be used A tyrannical means of killing the enemy.

The range of five or six feet is really not that big, but at least it can be used when the enemy is close.

As long as there is a little more increase in the future, Zhang Yan's shortcomings on the offensive end can be directly made up for.

As for continuing to improve the body of the sword, Zhang Yan never thought about relying on the Chaos faction to collect the gold leaf.First of all, the magic weapon in his hand was not enough to support it.Secondly, his income is booming, and others may not exchange all their pockets.Especially big forces.A few or more magic weapons are not enough to make a qualitative change in their strength. It is better to wait and see first, and not rush to replace all the gold foils that seem rather strange now.Just like what Mingyue Valley did.

It is not impossible to gather the gold leaf even if it is against Zhang Yan in reverse.

That's why Zhang Yan used another talisman soldier to go to the Muge faction to find Da Hongtian to find a solution.As long as he can get through the pastoral faction's channel to collect gold leaf, then he can completely "disappear" and "secretly hide his position" for a long time.But for the time being, there is no clear news from Dahongtian, so we can only wait.

The last harvest is that the star maps rubbed on the gold foil finally have a part that can be spliced.

Because all the rubbings have been rubbed into the jade slips, all the fragments of the star map can be sorted out with divine thoughts.With the movement of the divine mind, it can be quickly discovered whether each star map can connect with other star maps.

In the past, the star maps in Zhang Yan's hands were all fragmented, and even if they were spliced ​​together, they were scattered in pieces, and it was impossible to form a large piece with orientation.

But this time, the newly filled 210 nine-block star map finally appeared the star map of the key nodes that Zhang Yan was looking forward to, and gathered the scattered fragments into a large piece at once, splicing more than 30 pieces together.A very recognizable area emerged.

In that area, there were actually five turbulent streams of void intertwined like horses.

(End of this chapter)

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