one's door

Chapter 820 Long absence

Chapter 820 Long absence
Just when Zhang Yan kept a low profile and seized the time to break through the mid-stage of the Immortal Realm, and at the same time speed up to nourish his sword soul, he still had a second "wandering" talisman soldier, see Gong.

It has been more than half a month since I stayed in Changming World.There is nothing else to do, not even walking around, and you need to pay attention to the people coming and going in the void outside the Changming World all the time.

The hard power of Fu Bing is in the early stage of Tianxian Realm.This strength can definitely suppress the entire audience in the Dahongtian League.Even Xue E, the leader of the Dahongtian Alliance and the number one expert, was still stuck in the late stage of the Earth Wonderland.If it's head-to-head, no one will be fooled by Zhang Yan manipulating the talisman soldiers.

The real concern is that Da Hongtian will continue to report the news, attracting people from the Yuhao Great World Alliance and even the Yanshan Alliance or Qingshan Wonderland.At that time, even if Zhang Yan could run, it would take a lot of effort.This has to be the premise that the other party will not send Jin Xian to come in person.Otherwise, this talisman soldier will be useless.

During this period, the other monks in Changming World never had any communication with Zhang Yan's talisman soldier.Even the head of the Heavenly Knife Sect here has never shown his face.Zhang Yan was in contact with his relatively familiar "old friend" Bu Zhongxun throughout the whole process.

Zhang Yan felt that this situation was understandable, knowing that this was Chang Ming Shijie's last retreat for him.If something goes wrong, handing over Zhang Yan and Bu Zhongxun as an apology, maybe other creatures in the Changming World can still have a chance.

Although it is not straightforward, it is understandable.

Of course, it seemed to Zhang Yan that if things were really going to the worst, it would be futile for Chang Ming Shijie to disentangle the relationship.

However, Bu Zhongxun's status in Tiandaomen was beyond Zhang Yan's expectation.It's hard to believe that a cultivator in the Profound Realm who only has a reputation but no strength and no potential for cultivation can dominate the power of a person in the fairyland to make a decision to risk his life.Is this too much faith in Bu Zhongxun's judgment?Or are the top executives of the whole world obsessed with gambling with huge profits?
After another ten days of waiting, Bu Zhongxun finally came back.And he brought another old acquaintance of Zhang Yan: Li Yan, the elder of Dahong Tianhao Xuemen.

As soon as Li Yan entered the world of Changming, she immediately sensed a wave of spirituality "greeting" to her, and then she led Bu Zhongxun all the way to a valley.The place is quiet, and there is an apparently newly built cabin on the edge of a small stream.There was a stone table and several stone benches outside the door, and a masked woman was sitting on one of the stone benches watching them come.

"Elder Li, that person is the messenger of Duanya Mountain. She calls herself "Gong Jian." Bu Zhongxun introduced Li Yan in front of him in mid-air.

"Huh? Mysterious Tong Xuan Realm cultivation?"

"Looks like it is."

Li Yan frowned slightly.Her perception is far more sensitive than Bu Zhongxun's.She sensed that although the masked man was only at the Xuantong Realm, similar to Bu Zhongxun, but there was a strange feeling that made her subconsciously vigilant.Very contradictory.But it also shows that the other party is definitely not just as simple as the Tong Xuan Realm.

"Your Excellency, you are being polite. I am Li Yan, the Seventh Elder of Haoxuemen."

"Elder Li, you are being polite. I have also heard about your name from the sect master in the mountains. The sect master said that Elder Li is a person who is well-versed in the world and is easy to get along with. Seeing Elder Li in person now, the business should pass Have you passed Master Xue's level?" Zhang Yan got up and moved to the stone bench next to him, motioning for the other party to sit down and talk.At the same time, with a wave of his hand, three cups of hot tea appeared on the stone table.

Li Yan glanced at the tea in the cup, the unique fragrance reminded her of the scene when she met with that door master Zhang, it was also the fragrance of tea.It's just that the door master Zhang is not easy to get along with.The envoy in front of him would not be easy to deal with.

"Your Excellency is quick to talk." Li Yan picked up the tea and took a sip. It still tasted like the one she drank in Dengyun Palace back then, which was very good.It also proved the origin of the other party, and it was indeed the cliff mountain.After all, you can't drink this kind of tea anywhere else.

After a pause, after putting down the teacup, Li Yan continued: "Business, as long as it is fair, our Master Xue will not refuse. So send me over to have a good chat with Your Excellency."

"Of course, what Sect Master Xue said is exactly the principle we have always adhered to in the cliff mountain. For business, it is a good business if both sides make money, otherwise how can it last?

Then I don't know what Sect Master Xue thinks about the business strategy I asked Elder Bu to bring over? "

When the two met, they started chatting about business, and Bu Zhongxun didn't want to stay at all. He just said that he was going to the side to get some air and turned around to leave. Yukong didn't know where he went.

Li Yan ignored Bu Zhongxun who wanted to avoid suspicion, looked at the pair of lifeless eyes peeking out from under the opposite mask and said, "We think it's not fair for you to ask Bu Zhongxun to hand over the strategy. At least it's not for us. unfair."

"Oh? I'd like to hear about it."

"The strategy proposed by your Excellency should be to want the gold leaf in the ruins of the sword mound, right? Only the kind of things that no one knows the use of are the easiest to obtain. Compared with it, those produced from the ruins of the sword mound The materials and magic weapons are the darlings of various forces, and it is as difficult as heaven to get them out.

Although I don't know what is the use of the gold leaf in your Cliff Mountain, but you must have calculated the benefits.And the benefits are definitely much greater than the world enlightenment we set at the beginning.Or much more.

Therefore, the exchange items on both sides have changed, and it is naturally unfair to use the previous price tag.There must be a new price tag to continue the negotiation. "

No problem haggling.As long as you don't block it out, just talk slowly.

"It seems that Haoxuemen has done enough work. You can even guess the matter of gold leaf. Then you might as well talk about your thoughts. What kind of new price should this business be?"

Zhang Yan wasn't too surprised. If the matter of gold leaf made a lot of noise in the Chaos faction, it would also spread widely in the Pastoral faction.Even though Hao Xuemen is not qualified to enter the Sword Tomb Ruins, it is not surprising to hear some rumors in their position.In addition, Zhang Yan almost mentioned the gold foil explicitly, so once the news from both sides is combined, it will be easy to guess.

Li Yan: "There is no need to change the number. We can exchange five pieces of gold leaf for a secret technique of the Great Desolate World according to what you said. But it can't be all the secret techniques of the human fairyland. There must be a fairyland of the earth! I want to come to Master Zhang now It shouldn't be hard to get it out, right?"

I have a big appetite!Zhang Yan thought to himself.He thought that the other party would compete in the number of secret techniques, but he didn't expect to directly increase the level of the secret techniques.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Yan said: "The secret method of the earth fairyland is more than five gold foils. Otherwise, it would not be fair to us."

Li Yan's eyes lit up, seeing that the other party didn't directly reject it, that means he had a chance, so he hurriedly said, "Six pieces of gold leaf are exchanged for a secret method, how about this?"

(End of this chapter)

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