one's door

Chapter 821: Insect Path

Chapter 821: Insect Path
The "power" in the pastoral faction is actually the same as that in the chaotic faction, where the forces are divided into strong and weak to occupy territory. The larger the power, the more powerful it is to build and protect it.What kind of strong build what kind of power.

The Pastoral School just has an additional concept of "alliance" than the Chaos School. Individually, they are much different from the Chaos School, but they are much more numerous than the Chaos School.This is caused by too many people and too little porridge.The Chaos faction is that there are few people and thick porridge.So the situation on both sides is different, but they are always comparable.

Of course, it is not the weak's turn to participate in the big picture.Even Da Hongtian, who guards the fringes of the Pastoral Sect, just gritted his teeth and endured a lot for his own survival.

Going up is the Yuhao Great World Alliance.Facing this level, Da Hongtian was the one to be exploited.And it seems that "under the rule" is actually no different from "leek".This can be seen from the attitude towards Da Hongtian when the Qingshan Wonderland above was so suppressed to control the Huangtianyu.In order to keep it secret and prevent Da Hongtian from benefiting, the Yuhao Great World Alliance could even choose to let Da Hongtian's people recklessly attack the Chaos faction who wanted to fish in troubled waters at the time, causing the Da Hongtian Alliance to suffer heavy losses in that battle.

Going down, although all the worlds in the alliance are transfusing blood to Da Hongtian, Da Hongtian can't just ignore things like the Yuhao Great World Alliance above.There are so many things they need to balance and adjust.Sometimes it is even necessary to subsidize some worlds.Otherwise, the alliance will not be able to grow slowly as a whole, and it will not be possible to expand its power.

With such an up-and-down relationship, not to mention that ordinary people can't control it, even people who are proficient in tactics will often have headaches if they hold it in their hands.

Xue E's ability to slowly develop Dahongtian to the scale of more than a dozen worlds under his command is naturally by no means an ordinary person.The wrist and means can definitely be called "spicy".

And Xue E is very clear in his heart.If he wanted to lead Da Hongtian to climb up, he couldn't honestly wander around within the framework and rules of the Yuhao Great World Alliance.Because the rules of the Yuhao Great World Alliance are full of knives, they will be cut off as soon as they are turned around, and they will never make it to the top.The other party relies on this to maintain their own high resource possession and development.

But how easy is it to jump out?
So Xue E has been holding back a fire in his heart, a fire that even the extreme cold rules he practiced cannot extinguish.It was also this fire that made him choose to steal benefits from the Yuhao Great World Alliance above after he discovered that the Huangtian Territory was inherited from the Great Desolate World.Although it was later found fault by the Yuhao Great World Alliance and severely repaired, the fire is still the same, even more vigorous and more hidden.

Now the person helping the fire is back again, although he didn't come in person but sent a messenger, but the hope is still the same, even bigger and more attractive than last time.

As soon as Li Yan came back, he entered Xue E's hall.Not only Xue E was waiting for her in the hall, but the great elder Fang Shiwen was also there.

"See the sect master, I have met the great elder." Li Yan saluted quickly after entering the hall.Then, under Xue E's gesture, he sat down on the lower chair.

"How's it going?"

"If you go back to the sect master, the situation is not bad. The general direction is also the same as the sect master inferred." Li Yan began to talk about the before and after and the results of his secret trip to the Changming world.

"Five pieces of gold leaf can be exchanged for a person's fairyland secret method, but after changing three times, you can exchange 15 yuan of gold leaf for a family's fairyland secret method for the fourth time? There is a lot of thought hidden in this idea!" Fang Shiwen listened to Li Yan's narration Immediately afterwards, I understood the key point and the other party's hidden thoughts.His brows furrowed slightly.

Li Yan also knew what the conditions he brought back meant.But he still said helplessly: "I can't go on anymore. The messenger who called himself "Gong Jian" had a dead mouth, and he didn't let go of this hurdle. He also said that they had already found a part of the disguised reward from Chang Ming Shijie for us. , let's not get too greedy.

To be honest, that person is not easy to deal with.And it seems certain that we will not extrapolate this exchange. "

Both sides have reasons why this must happen.So no matter how you move around, you won't be able to jump out, and there won't be much room for bargaining.

"Okay." Xue E smiled without blaming Li Yan.

"In other words, if we collect enough gold leaf for 30 yuan, we can exchange it for three people's fairyland secrets and one earth's fairyland secret. Do you really think this deal is a loss?"

It seemed that Da Hongtian still hadn't grasped the initiative of this transaction, and was snatched back by the cliff mountain.But from Xue E's point of view, this is not the case.

In the beginning, Cliff Mountain was only willing to give out the secrets of the fairyland, at most it was to change the number.Now that I went directly to the fairyland, the situation is already different from before.As for the secret technique that was stated later to urge Da Hongtian to get more gold leaf in order to exchange for more fairyland, there are some small tricks in it.But that's not the point.

What Xue E wants is the secret technique of the fairyland.Compared with when the cliff mountain disappeared, he is much more advanced now.It was almost the last kick.He thought that if he could obtain one or two secret arts of the fairyland, combined with his previous experience in obtaining the secret arts of the fairyland from the other party, he would definitely fill in and correct many details since his fairyland.Perhaps that was the key to his breaking through the Earth Wonderland and stepping into the Heaven Wonderland.

Fang Shiwen also laughed, shook his head and said: "What the sect master said is correct. It is estimated that the gold leaf is extremely important to the cliff mountain. Otherwise, there is no way to exchange these secret arts. But the matter of gold leaf is not trivial. It is not only the Chaos faction. While staring, the pastoral faction is also discussing in secret. If we suddenly jumped out to collect such things, it would be easy to be discovered.

So there may not be many available. "

"That's not necessarily the case. The news is that "a dead and lonely Chaos faction is collecting gold leaf" but it has nothing to do with our pastoral faction. No one except us knows about the death of Cliff Mountain and the Chaos faction collecting gold leaf It has something to do with Qi alone. As long as it is done properly, many second-rate forces are still willing to take out the gold leaf in their hands and replace it. Even if they can't exchange magic weapons like the Chaos faction, there are many people who are willing to replace them with spirit stones or other resources.

It's just that the channels have to be chosen carefully. "

Xue E has already decided.Fang Shiwen and Li Yan also nodded with serious expressions.The next step is for them to come forward, use the connections that Xue E opened up before, contact second-rate forces from a range far away from the Yuhao Great World Alliance, and then exchange gold leaf from them.

The term used is "hoarding".Said that next time, he would find a way to get a chance to enter the ruins of the Sword Tomb, and then bring in the gold leaf he had received in advance, and then exchange magic weapons with the rumored Chaos faction's dead spirit lone walker. The reason sounds ridiculous, but it is not difficult Be accepted.Because it seems that it is really possible to work, but the time span is too long and there are too many uncertainties.

Secondly, is there any possibility for the low-level forces who are leeks in the pastoral school to understand gold leaf?impossible.

Furthermore, what Da Hongtian found here were all the close relationships that Xue E sifted out, and they were all willing to obtain the immediate benefits, instead of following the "greetings" from above honestly.Moreover, the price offered by Da Hongtian is very attractive, why not change it?
After a family averages more than ten yuan, and there are six or seven families, Da Hongtian's income will be guaranteed at the very least.In just over half a year, Li Yan secretly handed over the first sixty gold foils to be delivered to "Gongjian" in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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